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Post  tgII Fri 18 Jun 2010, 04:36

  • I've noticed you have been mentioning that a lot lately, TG. It does sound like the cat is out of the bag. Everywhere I turn, I have been reading about England being involved in all of this. Be it the Fabian society, The Royal Family, the Atonist (Egyptian) angle of it, as described by MTSAR, and of course freemasonry. Sounds like they are all one and the same. It seems like it never ends with these guys.

Huge complicated subject, Flames, I have turned completely
around in my thinking. The British Empire did not disappear, it
is still very much a huge player in what's happening today.

I don't believe he Catholic Church to be a big player in any of
this and have recently come to learn the Crown/City of London
dictates to the Vatican.

The Rothschild's are only there because that is the Jewish end of the
bargain and the Israelis are paying a huge price for this. There are
bloodline families extremely more influential and powerful than the

Always look at the economic catalyst for everything happening in
the world today, not the church, not the Jews, not the Catholics,
it always comes down to looking carefully at the economic/financial
interests. For example, why the hell would Robert Ross burn down
every building in Washington in the War of 1812 between Britain
and the United States except the U.S. Patent Office?

This would be a good start, why did he leave the patent
office standing?

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Join date : 2009-11-17

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