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Do you have pets?

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Do you have pets? Empty Re: Do you have pets?

Post  highnoon Sun 26 Feb 2012, 13:06

not dead. just conserving their body energy. lol

yeah cats dont have the greatest vision. I think they have something called dichromat vision, which is they see two colors. their vision i assume is worse in the daytime, and probably bad just after being born even at nighttime. and geez. all of them fell off. like lemmings or something. lol. horrible thing to open the garage door to when you expect to be fondling them.

well i do have a cat. he was part of my friends litter, his cat was strictly outdoors only in a busy urban area. we were asked to come down and find them. probably there were 5 or 6 of them. we found two. they kept all running in between fences and evading us. it was only cause two of them cornered themselves that we found those two. lol . because i spent 5 hours in the search. i got to keep one. those kittens werent allowed inside. so yeah. probably i guess rescued the cat from a feral fate.

i dont know what type of cat he is. but he looks 99% like this one Do you have pets? Turkish-Van-thumb-334xauto-3934-thumb-334x250-6504

so im assuming hes that type.

he took 6 years to fully domesticate to the point you can rub his belly. also not sure if that was just him being wirey when younger and then getting calmer as hes now 7 years of age. but yeah it was strange. i had no idea a cat could become different personality wise in the middle of his lifespan

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Do you have pets? Empty Re: Do you have pets?

Post  tgII Wed 29 Feb 2012, 07:30

Read off sott.net last week cats carry a virus/bacteria in their shit
that compromises the health and physical condition of human brains.

Never liked cats; hated the damn animals.

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Do you have pets? Empty Re: Do you have pets?

Post  seraphim Mon 05 Mar 2012, 04:36

Hi Flames, right now I have a dog. She is vicious and will bite at anything. But best of friends if she knows you. She is a chihuahua and her mother beat the heck out of her everyday, right when they are puppies, they do that to teach them how to fight, because they are so small and they know it and if they are not tough will be dead meat. Now because of that my dog is a fighting machine! Good thing she is tiny.

And believe it or not dogs are just like children with lots of responsibility. So for sure think long before getting one. As with all animals they will more likely to attack if you are scared of them. Sorry that you are nervous around dogs. They sense all your feelings so it would be a nice trial practice to be around a dog or if a friend has one and see how it goes. Good therapy or sure.

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Do you have pets? Empty Re: Do you have pets?

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 12 May 2012, 21:07

Best small dog I ever had...dachshund.
Very intelligent and loyal dog.

I had a miniature long-haired sable colored dachshund...very mellow.
Long-hairs are not as yappie and neurotic as shorthairs may get, particularly in their older age. For this reason, I avoid shorthair breeds.
I find it better to pick a non-alpha male type from a batch of pups...but a more gentle and mellow one.
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Here are the three types of dachshund. The wire-haired on the left is bred with some terrier in them. So they demonstrate the best of both breeds...cool dog.
Do you have pets? Dachsh10

Miniatures are a bit smaller than their full size counterparts, but tend to be less long overall in their proportions comparatively speaking...and subject to less back problems in their older age.

Dachshunds may take a few months longer to potty train than other breeds so you have to work a bit more on their training.
And they are hounds...so you have to mend holes and fortify your fence or they can dig and wander off by following their noses as they sniff along.

Wire hairs are a bit more willfull as they get that from the terrier.


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Do you have pets? Empty Re: Do you have pets?

Post  seraphim Sun 13 May 2012, 05:35

That terrier is adorable! That would be great! The most priceless and worthful thing you could do! Are you going to adopt one or get a puppy?

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Post  seraphim Thu 11 Oct 2012, 05:30

Look at what my little one did!!!
I was reading about all these places to volunteer or donate at animal shelters that are run by folks! I think I will look into that!

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Do you have pets? Empty Re: Do you have pets?

Post  tgII Wed 28 Nov 2012, 22:27

What does Buster do for a living?

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Post  seraphim Thu 29 Nov 2012, 04:35

You betcha Flames!
That's great you finally got one! They really like to have a small stuffed animal for comfort especially when you leave.
Also newspaper comes in handy for housetraining. I'm so happy for you, keep us updated on him! What made you decide on Buster?

TgII, mine is a scavenger, hunter, terrorizer, gardian, warrior! What a life! But most importantly my dog is one of my best friends!

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Post  seraphim Sat 08 Dec 2012, 18:27

Thanks for sharing Flames! So you are living through your dog huh!
My dad and all on his side are very mean and can go into murderous rages. I know it's in their blood now. So I can understand where the drill sargeants come from.

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 09 Dec 2012, 02:37

I know it's in their blood now
Maybe these malevolent forces of influence do actually reside in the bloodstream and can be passed on by generations as a seed which is only activated when the host allows the flow of the said influence , anger fury murder psychopath etc , after an allowed activation, the host becomes more influenced by this malevolent intruder that that generates hate and distrust and violence in its host
But also these malevolent forces can be defused or transformed into a positive by the hosts thought and conceptual talent
At a lower level , we know that chemicals / drugs can subdue and control as well

We are all walking potential maniacs and saints

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Post  seraphim Sun 09 Dec 2012, 06:20

I was thinking along the lines of a psychopath, maniac same thing.
If ghosts and whatnot can invade and take over a person anything is possible.

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