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Post  tgII Fri 10 Jun 2011, 00:09

Heads up!

False flag window of threat: June 11, 2011

Location: Chicago

Exercise Name: Red Dragon

Building: Willis Tower

Misc.: Same conditions; same scenario re 9/11 [Pakistan in the cross hairs]

Get out of Chicago.


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Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 11 Jun 2011, 23:08

All those Waco women and children sacrifices to her demon god sure does get a good pay-off in the end.

It's okay TG...Rahm is on the job...no worries.

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Post  highnoon Sun 12 Jun 2011, 00:46

Tracy Morgan should meet victims of anti-gay violence
By Jarrett Barrios, Special to CNN
June 11, 2011 4:15 p.m. EDT

* Jarrett Barrios says comedian Tracy Morgan is rightly being criticized for anti-gay remarks
* He says GLAAD condemned jokes too; they remind of all the people hurt in anti-gay attacks
* He says such talk gives comfort to those who harm, ostracize gay people; it's insensitive
* Barrios: Morgan apologized but should go further and meet with victims and victims' families

Editor's note: The author is the president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and a former Massachusetts state senator.

(CNN) -- Comic Tracy Morgan is taking intense public criticism for a recent standup routine in Nashville, Tennessee, where he viciously targeted gay and lesbian people in a remarkably unfunny way.

Among other offensive things, Morgan reportedly said that gay youth victims of bullying are simply "whining," that he would "pull out a knife and stab" his own son for being gay, that being gay is a choice, and that it is something that kids learn from the media.

Half true..

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Post  tgII Mon 13 Jun 2011, 09:44

That seems to be what this is all about isn't it? The recovery of
western assets, an accounting of finances ditched away by these
'corrupt' regimes like Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and now Syria; no
more or no less corrupt than Anglo-sphere countries, e.g.,
Canada, US and Britain.

Wonder if in fact these financial resources weren't perhaps slated
for Islamic banks? Now there's a thought to get excited about?

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Post  Sputnik Fri 17 Jun 2011, 01:46

At the moment it's impossible to watch DEUTSCH TV as one ludecrous talkshow after another shows a bunch of German "experts" who claim that if the greeks would be a bit more like the germans and start selling their tablesilver (goldbullion)...then they wouldn't have any problems.

The EU starts to remind me more and more of YUGOSLAVIA....
the only question is if it's still '1984' or if we are already marching towards total destruction aka 1990 ..

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 18 Jun 2011, 16:07

My sometimes faulty intuition tells me that this talk of World War III is really just a symptom of this "apocalyptic theater" we seem to be experiencing on some level. Maybe man fears love, peace, liberty, and union with his brothers and sisters around the world. Their skin is a different color, and their god isn't like our god, so with that logic they need to die.

The real conflict here is how stupid one can consciously allow themselves to become. Could it be possible that on some unconscious level, we collectively allow warfare to exist and continue? Probably, and probably not.

Most wars do seem to happen as the choice of a few in power , just look at the current wars in the middle east , iraq afghan , libya, how many agreed with them and yet they occur because the people of the warmongering governments really only have an illusion of free speech, as long as the speech agrees with their leaders policy , it is very free and broadcast, but show any resistance (beyond the sanctioned impotent type) to that policy and you are an outcast that runs the risk of arousing the very same resistance that has been conditionally capped in your own society , so that even people whom agree with your resistance are repelled by it, because the very thought of letting it out would require life changing actions , and thats a big request in a comfortable society , i should know because i have been comfortably numbed in certain areas myself that i have to attend to in an ongoing upgrade of the psyche

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Post  tgII Mon 20 Jun 2011, 02:53

In one sense, Flames and Kapis, it really is an apocalyptic theater when you start to realize what types of tools the elite have at their disposal to 'create' this world they have designed. It is a reflection of their egos and demented psychopathic view of the world in many respects.

I think most of what we're witnessing first hand here are unresolved issues related directly to a long unbroken chain of abused and the abuser going back a very long way. In Stanley Kubrick's movie The Shining (the social context and meaning in this movie are foreboding and quite damning), the character Jack Nicholson who plays Jack Torrence in the movie, goes maniacal and attempts butchering his own wife and son with an axe at the Overlooked Hotel (what have we overlooked in all this). These elite pedophile networks running this current system in meltdown is coming to an end; the brighter and more 'intelligent' of us have seen the programming script running the theater here and are diligently exposing it. The Overlook Hotel in Kubrick's marvelous film is society in general; in all of its ugly horror where seemingly rational controlled people (Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrence) go off the deep end because of external influences and start slaughtering people.

I sometimes wonder what vast pool of energy these elites tap into in their sadistic acts where they are completely inebriated with power for power's sake; the aphrodisiac of sheer irrational power is very terrifying. They will think nothing about marching 15,000 US combat soldiers into Pakistan and watch in contempt at them get slaughtered with all kinds of profoundly hideous weapons. What portals have they tapped into for this control? Where does this power derive itself from in this elite's altered-states that I myself am not qualified, or even want to attempt explaining.

This system of abuse creates and manufacturers psychopathic pedophiles among the weak; and psychopaths are 'weak' people actually, the even weaker ones will expose them. So maybe that's a good thing, no? Maybe they want us to expose them because we are their 'relief valve' to bring this carnage and brutality to an end.

And then throw this perversion of Talmudic Judaic hate into the psychological brew here and the world becomes a very brutish nasty place to live in. It is hard to comprehend the primitiveness of most minds. Like they are permanently locked into a bicameral mode of brutality and aggression to get their own way like little children who have never grown up.

It is certainly time to clear the misconceptions here and expose all this.


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Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 21 Jun 2011, 01:34

TG, i havent seen that film since about 92, i will look out for it when it on next
It is hard to comprehend the primitiveness of most minds. Like they are permanently locked into a bicameral mode of brutality and aggression to get their own way like little children who have never grown up.
I was watchin a uk talkshow on sunday morning where the subject of discussion was .....israel palestine conflict , they had a gayrights singin butt probing oxbridge clean cut sassenach suithead and a brainwashed nutcase scottish spoken guy talkin up the israel rights , and they had a couple of english speaking arabs talkin up the palestine rights
The only thing that came out of the discussion was that the people concerned wernt capable of having a reasonable discussion due to emotional overtures that they were not in control of, when in fact a certain control was necessary to actually put forth and then reflect and co-relate and expand the arguments of both sides
At the end of the program, a bearded arab lookin scottish speakin dude finally got a word in after having his hand up for most of the show and he made some real sense but then the show ended

It was a bbc program and ive seen this many times, its like a staged meltdown on air like barking dogs, to infuse the anger emotions of the audience at the expense of evolving reason and so nothing is learned, only confusion is transmitted and people just end up leaving these issues to the "experts"

Flames, yes , this whole process of Justified killings requires in depth study by the countries responsible and those at the sword end of it because it certainly isnt justified by any ethical or even lawful "Reason"


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Post  Sputnik Tue 21 Jun 2011, 08:38

False flag Nuclear Terror Attack: June 26, 2011

Location: Berlin

Exercise Name: (I don't know but there is one scheduled)

Building: Olympia Stadium

News: German attorney Torsten van Geest releases an English summary and a translation of his legal activities against Chancellor Merkel on the possible nuclear Terror Attack in Berlin Olympia stadium Women`s World Cup 2011 Soccer, June 26, 2011


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Post  Sputnik Thu 23 Jun 2011, 17:50

Seriously, I feel weird...
there's been the manufactured E Coli pandemic.....and I still feel a bit freaked out
because knowing that it was a manuctured drama makes it not a tiny bit more
comfortable to eat fresh and raw veggies..as any health-conscious individual would
like to...I am wondering if they try to use Germany as a reason to stir
up the tension or even justify another war somewhere in the Middle East, say...
Yemen or Pakistan...this false Flag threat seems to be real, and what better
opportunity than a terror attack during a major sports event in Berlin City.

I hope I don't get nuked Shocked

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Post  tgII Thu 23 Jun 2011, 23:30

Talk of a covert hot war going on, i.e., e-Coli bacteria in Germany, and now this...

Israeli contract hit. Mad

I am now beginning to think it is more than nuclear power the Iranians are after. Germany (covert e-Coli bacterial warfare; shuts down nuclear power plants), Israel (sabotage of Fukushima now highly suspect), Russia (top nuclear scientists just killed), Japan (Fukushima)...I think we are seeing the early formations of WWIII taking on well defined lines of power struggle here...

This is all becoming extremely stressful...

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Post  Sputnik Fri 24 Jun 2011, 12:41

OPERATION "FRUKUS", 20th June 2011 off the Coast of Virginia:

Ships from Russia, France and the United Kingdom arrived at Naval Station Norfolk
to participate in FRUKUS 2011 with the U.S. Navy off the coast of Virginia, June 20.

combine that with:

OPERATION "MAILED FIST", mid-June June off the Coast of Virginia:


The rumor: the US and EU have received “substantial” intelligence indicating that the detonation of a low-level nuclear device has been planned to occur in a major NATO nation within the next week that has been orchestrated by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Presidency (GIP)

(or a final false flag ... in order to place the capstone onto their One World Order)

For the US "the problem" are Saudi Arab Sunni Al CIA-da & Sunni Pakistani ISI (remember, Osama B. was a Saudi Arab)..and Pakistan is also Sunni ruled. I guess the conclusion is that the US' tactic was to drop their Sunni support for Shiite allegiance..initiated through Obama.

The Arab Spring revolution is lead mostly by the Shiite minority populations..

This of course does not need to be the reason for the americans to switch sides...

But it's a fact that Obama has already stationed almost 10,000 soldiers in South Iraq:


Ready to march into Saudi Arabia if need be ?

while the additional troops (from Afghanistan) could be relocated to a border close to Pakistan...

Obama's personal Pakistani Friends are Shiites:


Obama’s allies also blame the killing of Benazir Bhutto, (Shiite as well) before she could take power in Pakistan, on the Pakistani ISI.

Obama met the Bhutto clan back in 1981:


9/11 represented betrayal by two of America's allies, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (with assistance from rogue elements within the American military and intelligence communities):


It is a highly complex situation indeed....and in truth a century old rivalry between Sunnis and Shiites..which get's manipulated and exploited by the US and Europe whose interest is basically their NEED to have access to cheap oil...'by all means necessary'!

It is Iran that has benefited the most from all those recent war's in the region as the americans destroyed 2 of their most hated enemies: Sadam Hussein in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Their shiite allies are getting close to their dream: MECCA in Saudi Arabia...whoever controls Mecca controls the entire Muslim world...

Remember all this israeli-american rethoric about Iran? Well....Iran did get their "technology transfer" from the Russians...but the Russians have their own bi-lateral deals with the USA, and Israel was trying to stop them via Stuxnet...yet isn't it possible that Israel should fear their own ally USA more than anything else? What if the USA has decided to swap Israel for unlimmited access to all the Oil in the Middle East?...do you think they would not arrange themselfs with certain Shiite fractions instead? We are living in desperate (and dangerous) times were resources are getting scarce....Russia has a lot of it, can and will protect their own interests (maybe by lending the americans a helping hand in their struggle to maintain their necessary energy needs...which is much cheaper for them then to deal with the americans in Gerorgia, etc..)

an Iran that does not have nuclear weapons -- but that can build them -- will significantly damage Israel's ability to deter militant Palestinian and Lebanese organizations... Gone would be the days when Israel's military supremacy would enable it to dictate the parameters of peace and pursue unilateral peace plans."

The last attempted coup d'etat in Saudi Arabia failed...BUT....

“Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the kingdom's former ambassador to the United States, is reportedly under house arrest over a conspiracy against the monarch.

Saad al-Faqih, head of the opposition group Islamic Reform Movement, told Arab-language TV al-Alam that Prince Bandar has been disappeared and the media has published no word from the ex-diplomat's whereabouts since nearly three months ago.

According to al-Faqih, the prince first disappeared in Britain but he returned to the kingdom shortly afterwards.

He added that after Saudi officials discovered that he had provoked 200 agents working for the Saudi security service to stage a coup against King Abdullah, he was put under house arrest.”


This coup was most likely arranged by Obama allies.....

Iran questions $18.5B treasure transfer

What did they pay for? Or better...what did they order....

Ahmadineschad dismissed it as nonsense and ordered the end of further investigations:


Yet Ahmadinejad (Obama's best friend in the region) is currently accused by loyal forces of the Ayatollah to be involved in "Black Magic & Satanism" (I guess they mean his membership in international Freemasonry) and to be guilty of organizing secret meetings with foreign representatives (like Obama) which may cause his impeachment now:

Iranian President Linked to Black Magic:

Ahmadinejad faces impeachment threat:

I bet Obama's allies within Iran didn't see this comming:

Iran Reports Arrest of U.S. Spy Ring (June 22, 2011):

A Spy Ring that was most likely installed in 2008, thanks to Bush & Ahmadinejad:

Looks like the Ayatollah is trying to stop their Grand Middle East Coup...surely the Shiites WANT Mecca,
but I bet the Ayatollah doesn't want to be OWNED by the United States...and then be their lackey (just like the Shah was...)

The situation stays turbulent....I can hardly keep track of all the developments...


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Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 08 Jul 2011, 22:19

Murdoch closes down Britains Main sunday Tabloid , the News of the World , the scourge of mps, royals , celebs , sportspeople and generally embarrassing and exposing the famous and those in societal power etc.except for a few of his close buddies off course

But why close the paper ? commercial advertising had been removed due to the current phone hacking , political, police bribery scandal which has reawakened due to new evidence

Now the really entertaining part is that dave cameron the pm of the uk , had hired Andy Coulson , the previous editor of the news of the world as his personal and partys press officer from 2007 till this year when coulson resigned due to the scandal rerising and everyone knows that coulson must have dirty hands but the evidence not out yet

In 2007 coulson resigned as editor of notw because of this scandal with a couple of his employeees being jailed
Blairs government blocked and scuppered a proper investigation of the hacking incicdents because obviously murdoch had much juicy info also on these mps and coppers etc

But cameron in his naivety thought that because the case was sort of defused back then, that it was over and he employed coulson who is potentially guilty not only of phone hacking approvals but also bribing police officers

But what nobody has mentioned is that coulson is murdochs personal puppet and when cameron employed him in government , it allowed murdoch a hotline into exactly what camerons government were up to and planning etc

Today cameron was grilled about this coulson incident on live tv, and he looked increasingly uncomfortable with his evasive replys , if coulson is proven guilty this time then cameron may have to step down and let the euro puppet supreme ....clegg walk in as numero 1 , so its a no lose situation for corporate control , just moving some pawns around

Since the last 20 years or more, murdoch has been seen entering 10 downing st after a new pm has been elected , blair was up his ass as is cameron .

But once more , blair who i must call teflon-tony slips away clean again, because under his government so much illegality went on without him being done, its beyond laughable, he must be shafting some serious ass in coroporate clouds to get his out=clause on all possible charges to date


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Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 13 Jul 2011, 22:14

it seems to not even require asking the question ...are they doing it in the usa ? im sure they are doing it wherever it be possible , especially in america

Ive been following the uk drama but its beyond frustrating watching the complete inept organization, the obvious crafty media political tactics for evasion of responsibility , the false trails being eagerly trod down and just complete lack of real intention to do the true culprits in all of it which includes tony blair , senior police staff , dave cameron , clegg and the murdoch clan

But heres an excellent piece of factual info to illustrate that there is no such thing as free press even in an organization that claims that illusion
The murdoch Corporate empire owns 146 news papers around the world , and in regard to agreeing or disagreeing with the iraq war ......every single one of those papers was pro iraq war .
If you take 146 editors and ask them if they all agree on one single issue , what is the chance of them all saying yes ? probably no chance in a true free thinking reality , but all these papers had the same politics over the iraq war which factually displays that the murdoch media empire is a political weapon for elite corporate greed using its political pawns in uk and usa and many other areas of world , to make major political policys for the benefit of corporate people we never see that probably control murdoch himself , and they will use any form of dirty blackmail or bribery they need to , even frame someone, if required , its usually the sexual arena that seems to hold centre circle for the string pulling

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Post  seraphim Fri 15 Jul 2011, 04:31

I wonder if the NWO is looking for a world media and is doing away with the ones now. So now the moguls are fighting amongst themselves to stay in power. If the NWO only would think a little more sadistic than usual, they would create a new media where people would have to pay to watch the news (:laugh:, I mean programmed and brainwashed) and everyone would have to purchase a chip or like that. And even better why not tax them on it!!
But then again in order to get rid of the old, a drama and an excuse has to be created for the people by the moguls in charge, cause folks are not going to let go of their entertainment that easy.

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Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 16 Jul 2011, 00:24

if the internet information spread cant be completly controlled, then the guilty partys must use other means to hide their trails, like whats happening in this uk hacking joke, endless time consuming enquiries, false trails, misinformation , chosen scapegoats with particular timing , its an art in itself keeping the real culprits looking clean , an art that has kept tony blair in 5 star ongoing luxury ready to reinvent himself as the peoples saviour

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Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 18 Jul 2011, 19:00

2 of the top Scotland Yard metropolitan corrupt cops had to resign today, whining about injustices, but these imbeciles should be thrown in jail, but the hole gets deeper and blacker as a key witness that could have produced evidence about camerons friend coulson is found dead at his house and police say ....IT IS NOT SUSPICIOUS Mad
There just happens to be some more imbeciles due for public questioning tomorrow , and this death may alter their confessions or lack of them , the whole business stinks worse than a sewer of twisted money hungry selfish cops, journalists and politicians and corporate jerks going under the guise of ethical public servants

News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found deadDeath of Sean Hoare – who was first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson knew of hacking – not being treated as suspicious
Former News of the World reporter Sean Hoare has been found dead. Photograph: BBC
Sean Hoare, the former News of the World showbiz reporter who was the first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson was aware of phone hacking by his staff, has been found dead, the Guardian has learned.

Hoare, who worked on the Sun and the News of the World with Coulson before being dismissed for drink and drugs problems, is said to have been found dead at his Watford home.

Hertfordshire police would not confirm his identity, but the force said in a statement: "At 10.40am today [Monday 18 July] police were called to Langley Road, Watford, following the concerns for the welfare of a man who lives at an address on the street. Upon police and ambulance arrival at a property, the body of a man was found. The man was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after.

"The death is currently being treated as unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious. Police investigations into this incident are ongoing."

Hoare first made his claims in a New York Times investigation into the phone-hacking allegations at the News of the World.

He told the newspaper that not only did Coulson know of the phone hacking, but that he actively encouraged his staff to intercept the phone calls of celebrities in the pursuit of exclusives.

In a subsequent interview with the BBC he alleged that he was personally asked by his then-editor, Coulson, to tap into phones. In an interview with the PM programme he said Coulson's insistence that he didn't know about the practice was "a lie, it is simply a lie".

At the time a Downing Street spokeswoman said Coulson totally and utterly denied the allegations and said he had "never condoned the use of phone hacking and nor do I have any recollection of incidences where phone hacking took place".

Sean Hoare, a one-time close friend of Coulson's, told the New York Times the two men first worked together at the Sun, where, Hoare said, he played tape recordings of hacked messages for Coulson. At the News of the World, Hoare said he continued to inform Coulson of his activities. Coulson "actively encouraged me to do it", Hoare said.

In September last year, he was interviewed under caution by police over his claims that the former Tory communications chief asked him to hack into phones when he was editor of the paper, but declined to make any comment.

Hoare returned to the spotlight last week, after he told the New York Times that reporters at the News of the World were able to use police technology to locate people using their mobile phone signals in exchange for payments to police officers.

He said journalists were able to use a technique called "pinging" which measured the distance between mobile handsets and a number of phone masts to pinpoint its location.

Hoare gave further details about the use of "pinging" to the Guardian last week. He described how reporters would ask a news desk executive to obtain the location of a target: "Within 15 to 30 minutes someone on the news desk would come back and say 'right that's where they are.'"

He said: "You'd just go to the news desk and they'd just come back to you. You don't ask any questions. You'd consider it a job done. The chain of command is one of absolute discipline and that's why I never bought into it, like with Andy saying he wasn't aware of it and all that. That's bollocks."

He said he would stand by everything he had told the New York Times about "pinging". "I don't know how often it happened. That would be wrong of me. But if I had access as a humble reporter … "

He admitted he had had problems with drink and drugs and had been in rehab. "But that's irrelevant," he said. "There's more to come. This is not going to go away."

Hoare named a private investigator who he said had links with the News of the World, adding: "He may want to talk now because I think what you'll find now is a lot of people are going to want to cover their arse."

Speaking to another Guardian journalist last week, Hoare repeatedly expressed the hope that the hacking scandal would lead to journalism in general being cleaned up and said he had decided to blow the whistle on the activities of some of his former News of the World colleagues with that aim in mind.

He also said he had been injured the previous weekend while taking down a marquee erected for a children's party. He said he had broken his nose and badly injured his foot when a relative accidentally struck him with a heavy pole from the marquee.

Hoare also emphasised that he was not making any money from telling his story. Hoare, who has been treated for drug and alcohol problems, reminisced about partying with former pop stars and said he missed the days when he was able to go out on the town.

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