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For the Love of WRITING

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For the Love of WRITING Empty Re: For the Love of WRITING

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 11 Nov 2011, 02:50

Great idea Flames , most people could probably cut 2 hours of their computer time and just let the writing expression flow , could be surprised what comes out, even if only starting with something topical like reflections of encounters with humans during this day , that alone could lead to hours of writing once the imagination fired up and rolling into overdrive , the other thing that is impressive about writers of old, is the beautiful lettering format many would use , each letter almost an art in itself , in fact my mother was visiting a relative recently and was shown a letter that was sent to my fathers father back in early 1900s from his friend whom had just emigrated to canada , she described the lettering as beautiful and it was about 6 pages long , subject matter on many things but mostly on relationships between men and woman , commenting on trying to get off with a woman that was fancied , but my mother was also struck by the attention to detail that was in it in the descriptions of feelings and general commentary on others actions

i also believe that writing about feelings must be a form of self psycho-analysis in training , its all good in my view , expressing the self through the letters, very powerful medium for sure , drastically underestimated in these times

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Join date : 2009-11-16


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