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High five Haudenosaunee!
Rainyday everything you said was right on! We’ll go on the pow wow together! Not only have they tried to get rid of the farmers, they are saying that local fresh fruits and vegetables, that are pure by themselves, no round up soy pesticide involved, are bad for you, can you believe it and people just go right along and eat there tasteless, nutritionless GMO foods. That big e coli scare with the organic spinach was planned so people would be subliminaly messed with and not eat what’s good for them!
There are so many products out there and so many people and so many looking for a buck and yeah too much B.S. going on.
Flames, I always observe nature and go by that. Vitamin A occurs naturally with Vitamin D such as in cod liver oil for a reason, just as calcium and magnesium do as well in the bones and all the rest of the vitamins and minerals in the body working synergistically. What do you think of this statement:
Rainyday everything you said was right on! We’ll go on the pow wow together! Not only have they tried to get rid of the farmers, they are saying that local fresh fruits and vegetables, that are pure by themselves, no round up soy pesticide involved, are bad for you, can you believe it and people just go right along and eat there tasteless, nutritionless GMO foods. That big e coli scare with the organic spinach was planned so people would be subliminaly messed with and not eat what’s good for them!
There are so many products out there and so many people and so many looking for a buck and yeah too much B.S. going on.
Flames, I always observe nature and go by that. Vitamin A occurs naturally with Vitamin D such as in cod liver oil for a reason, just as calcium and magnesium do as well in the bones and all the rest of the vitamins and minerals in the body working synergistically. What do you think of this statement:
http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/Information-clo-update-dec08.pdfVITAMIN A AND VITAMIN D INTERACTIONS
The articles cited above show that vitamins A and D work synergistically, not antagonistically; if you take
large amounts of vitamin A without vitamin D, you are likely to develop symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
Likewise, if you take large amounts of vitamin D without vitamin A, you are likely to develop symptoms of
vitamin A deficiency.
The critics of cod liver oil seem to have very little understanding of how these vitamins work together. In
fairness, very little study has been done on the interaction of A and D, although there is enough to show
that A and D work synergistically. Recent research from Spain indicates that vitamin A is necessary
for both vitamin D binding and vitamin D release to receptor sites. We will be reporting on this work in an
upcoming article in Wise Traditions.
Once again, it is important to realize that traditional diets were rich in both A and D and that A and D have
a myriad of uses in the body. Traditional peoples always had plentiful amounts of both A and D in their
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
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Alright H. That raw milk seems to be the most important ingredient in the bodybuilders diet. I used to eat like that and get fresh eggs, poke a very small hole in it and just suck it all out....mmmmmm. Oh and from all the research and experiments people do, the food that gives people the most energy is liver.
I'm going to try the butter oil and the high vitamin cod liver oil together, haven't tried that yet.
I'm going to try the butter oil and the high vitamin cod liver oil together, haven't tried that yet.
http://www.westonaprice.org/On-the-Trail-of-the-Elusive-X-Factor-A-Sixty-Two-Year-Old-Mystery-Finally-Solved.htmlPrice found the highest concentrations of this nutrient in "the milk of several species, varying with the nutrition of the animal" and found the combination of cod liver oil and high-Activator X butter to be superior to that of cod liver oil alone. In the many butter samples he tested, Activator X was only present when the animals were eating rapidly growing green grass. In most regions, this occurred in the spring and early fall.
Using a chemical test, he determined that this compound—which he called Activator X—occurred in the butterfat, organs and fat of animals consuming rapidly growing green grass, and also in certain sea foods such as fish eggs.
Ironically, Price discovered the roles of vitamin K2 in calcium metabolism, the nervous system and the cardiovascular system more than sixty years before the vitamin K research community began elucidating these roles itself, while vitamin K researchers discovered the chemical structure of activator X several years before Price even proposed its existence. Had Price been aware that his chemical test had been used for decades outside of the English language scientific community to detect quinones, a class to which the K vitamins belong, the two independent discoveries of this one vitamin may have converged sooner.
Price showed Activator X to exhibit dramatic synergy with vitamins A and D. Chickens voluntarily consumed more butter and died more slowly on a deficiency diet when the butter was high in both vitamin A and Activator X than when it was high in vitamin A alone. Cod liver oil, which is high in both vitamins A and D, partially corrected growth retardation and weak legs in turkeys fed a deficiency diet, but the combination of cod liver oil and high-Activator X butter was twice as effective. Likewise, Price found that the combination of cod liver oil and a high-Activator X butter oil concentrate was more effective than cod liver oil alone in treating his patients for dental caries and other signs of physical degeneration.
Vitamin K2 is the substance that makes the vitamin A- and vitamin D-dependent proteins come to life. While vitamins A and D act as signaling molecules, telling cells to make certain proteins, vitamin K2 activates these proteins by conferring upon them the physical ability to bind calcium. In some cases these proteins directly coordinate the movement or organization of calcium themselves; in other cases the calcium acts as a glue to hold the protein in a certain shape.33 In all such cases, the proteins are only functional once they have been activated by vitamin K.
Osteocalcin, for example, is a protein responsible for organizing the deposition of calcium and phosphorus salts in bones and teeth. Cells only produce this protein in the presence of both vitamins A and D;34 it will only accumulate in the extracellular matrix and facilitate the deposition of calcium salts, however, once it has been activated by vitamin K2.35 Vitamins A and D regulate the expression of matrix Gla protein (MGP),36,37 which is responsible for mineralizing bone and protecting the arteries from calcification; like osteocalcin, however, MGP can only fulfill its function once it has been activated by vitamin K2.33 While vitamins A and D contribute to growth by stimulating growth factors and promoting the absorption of minerals, vitamin K2 makes its own essential contribution to growth by preventing the premature calcification of the cartilaginous growth zones of bones.38
Price supplied several anecdotes suggesting that Activator X plays an important role in the nervous system. Price administered a daily meal of nutrient-dense whole foods supplemented with high-vitamin cod liver oil and high-Activator X butter oil to the children of impoverished mill workers who suffered from rampant tooth decay. The treatment not only resolved the tooth decay without the need for oral surgery, but resolved chronic fatigue in one boy and by the report of their school teachers produced a marked increase in learning capacity in two others.
Price also administered the butter oil concentrate to a four-year-old who suffered from rampant tooth decay, a fractured leg and seizures. A dessert spoonful of the butter oil served over whole wheat gruel with whole milk once before bed and five times over the course of the following day immediately resolved his seizures. Rapid healing of his fracture and dental caries followed soon after. The fact that these three symptoms appeared together and resolved following the same treatment suggests a common cause for each of them. Sixty years later, modern research is now elucidating the essential role that vitamin K2 plays not only in the dental and skeletal systems, but in the nervous system as well. This strongly suggests it was the key unidentified factor in Price's protocol.
The brain contains one of the highest concentrations of vitamin K2 in the body; only the pancreas, salivary glands, and the cartilaginous tissue of the sternum contain more.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
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