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Pedophilia Empty Pedophilia

Post  Sputnik Fri 12 Aug 2011, 12:18

Pedophilia Ksjnf10

You couldn't make this shit up!

Corey Feldman say Pedophilia is the 'biggest problem' in Hollywood.


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 12 Aug 2011, 12:30

I remember that McDonald's commercial from when I was a kid.
Did not know it was Feldman.
Sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders from all of his trials and tribulations of the Jews.

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  tgII Fri 12 Aug 2011, 12:42

This topic would dovetail perfectly with my postings on the Kray
and elite control of corporate, military and political leaders.

Look around at the economy; it is Keynesian economics which Obama
has re-installed. John Maynard Keynes was a pedophile.

Pedophilia is the control mechanism of the elite going back
for thousands of years.

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 12 Aug 2011, 22:45

TG - The technology is here should you want any posts transferred into here, from other sections Cool just say which ones

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  Sputnik Tue 16 Aug 2011, 10:10

'If a small group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have their way at a conference this week, pedophiles themselves could play a role in removing pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Association’s bible of mental illnesses — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), set to undergo a significant revision by 2013. Critics warn that their success could lead to the decriminalization of pedophilia.

The August 17 Baltimore conference is sponsored by B4U-ACT, a group of pro-pedophile mental health professionals and sympathetic activists. According to the conference brochure, the event will examine “ways in which minor-attracted persons [pedophiles] can be involved in the DSM 5 revision process” and how the popular perceptions of pedophiles can be reframed to encourage tolerance.'



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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  Sputnik Tue 16 Aug 2011, 10:43

Pedophiles in Hollywood - Amoral. Disgusting.

How’s this for a deal: If you’re a director on a movie, and you’re directing a child as your star, and you molest the child-- you don’t get to direct another movie!

Not the case with Victor Salva, the Hollywood director who molested one of his child stars, yet continues to make movies with kids, thanks in part to his patron, Francis Ford Coppola, according to a sickening article that’s been on the LA Times' website for a couple of days before hitting today’s paper.

Read the article here:


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 16 Aug 2011, 20:50

I wonder if the powerful Hollywood personality that Cory Feldman would not name in the video interview was Spielberg.

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  Sputnik Tue 30 Aug 2011, 11:01

Pedophilia Franklin-scandal-nick-bryant-hardcover-cover-art

Book Exposes Pedophilia, Government Officials and Cover-up

A nationwide pedophile ring, run by a pair of Republican powerbrokers, had access to the highest levels of our government, connections to the CIA, and used venerable Boys Town orphanage as a pedophilic reservoir.


Nick Bryant´s writing has recurrently focused on the plight of disadvantaged children in the United States, and he´s been published in numerous national journals, including the Journal of Professional Ethics, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, and Journal of School Health.

See also: http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com/2008/09/robert-wadman-perjury-parade.html


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  tgII Sun 24 Jun 2012, 12:55

Jerry Sandusky's adopted son is accusing his 'father' of abusing him...

Like pre-mediatated pedophilia; adopting a little boy knowing at some point the adopted
child is going to be sodomized, I mean, what the fuck?

Sandusky & Co. were farming out little children from the Second Mile operation to an
elite pedophile ring...

American's past time: rape and sodomy of children, and then sports.

What I wouldn't give to get access to the kiddy porn list of pedophiles on Jerry's

Remember Michael Tsarion going to bat for the man in Ireland who lost his child
to one of these fucking pedophile rings?

Look at this, definitive account of how the State interacted with 196 young people who
died while in contact with protection services between 2000 and 2010.


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  seraphim Mon 25 Jun 2012, 02:09

I'm thinking that these invasions of other countries give the pedophiles their opportunities. As well as for sacrifices and killings for whomever is into that.
I recently talked to a soldier in the afghanistan war and he was telling me horror stories. The parents of the children over there get them all dressed up and take them to the pedophiles! And the kids come back in wheelchairs and bleeding. What culture would do that to there kids! They do it when they are in desperate need of survival, which means they don't have money or materials. And who could afford a child, of course not the locals, so that would be the pedophiles!!!
Not just the protection services either! I can only imagine how many children taken in war just for that, and they are never counted so no one even knows!
Even if the war was set up and these children, the pedophiles still got there way!

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 25 Jun 2012, 03:30

War is not only big business, its a perfect "legal' smokescreen for all sorts of human depravations to go on unnoticed

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 15 Jan 2013, 00:26

Jimmy Savile...victim accounts of rape and satanic ritual.


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  tgII Tue 15 Jan 2013, 03:03

re: child sexual abuse, sex rituals, Church of Scientology and Mr. Georges
Fenech, president of MIVILUDES

So, who is Georges Fenech? First, a little French satire from the French who seem
to have taken a poke at Georges Fenech.

Georges Fenech goes to Australia. Does Australia have a cult problem that the
Australians need to assistance of Georges Fenech? Or is it that only some cults
are allowed to exist and that MIVILUDES will decide what cults are accepted
and which cults are not accepted?

Georges Fenech's bio.

    Born to a Maltese father [probably is Catholic] and Italian mother in Sousse in Tunisia, in 1963 Fenech's family was repatriated in France, where they settled in Givors. After studying for a law degree, he started a career as a judge. One of his most high profile cases was the investigation on the assassination of the judge François Renaud (nicknamed "le shérif" by Lyon's underworld) in Lyon on July 3, 1975. Georges Fenech was president of the judges trade union [law involved in a trade union?] Association Professionnelle des Magistrats (APM) until 1998. He resigned following the publication of an article by Alain Terrail in the APM's journal. The article criticised the Jewish Procureur (District Attorney) of Toulon, Albert Lévy, using the phrase Tant va Lévy au four qu’à la fin il se brûle (Lévy went so often to the oven that he got burnt). In his role of publisher of the magazine, Fenech was found guilty of racist public insult against the Jewish magistrate.

    He started a political career with his 2002 election as a member of Assemblée Nationale (representing the Rhône as a member of Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) and was re-elected in 2007. He is a strong advocate of zero tolerance policy in criminal matters. He was the president of the parliamentary commission for the monitoring of cults. On 27 March 2008 the Conseil Constitutionnel canceled his re-election on the grounds of violation of campaign finance laws ("articles 52-8 et LO136-1 du code électoral") and made him ineligible for one year. Fenech has protested the decision and appealed to president Nicolas Sarkozy. [criminal who has had charges brought against him and apparently he went to Canada to avoid the controversy; Libya's Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi gave Nicolas Sarkozy 50 million Euros for his reelection in 2007 and then the French launched an attack on Libya under the auspices of NATO] On 23 September 2008 Fenech was appointed president of MIVILUDES, a body within the French executive in charge of monitoring cults. He is the authors on books zero tolerance policy and on cults.

Mr. Georges Fenech, president of MIVILUDES in visit to Australia

This is a very disturbing video documentary of the French organization MIVILUDES,
Georges Fenech and the dangerous cult of Scientology. What they have done is to
monitor cults around the world, and cults they deem to be a threat, but have not
investigated Scientology which is a synthesized scientific mind bending social
engineering program to destabilize or discredit any would be alternative type of
society, individual thinking or life style.

The human potential movement has been hijacked by Scientology and it seems as if
MIVILUDES is the organization that is responsible for dominating and controlling the
vectoring of all human potential movements.

Want to read something absolutely outrageous? There are reports coming out of Syria
that French and American clandestine military people are directing the terrorist FSA in
assaults on airports in Syria. It can't be confirmed yet but doesn't surprise many observers.

The MIVILUDES organization headed by Georges Fenech states that...

    Since it [MIVILUDES]was established, the Miviludes (Interministerial Mission to fight against sectarian abuses) has shown that it will do anything to justify its existence. There is no definition of a “sect”, even less of a “sectarian abuse”. The vagueness of these terms has been used by Miviludes to put under watch a broad array of groups they deem unconventional—whether supporting organic food, personal enhancement, well-being, therapeutics groups or spiritual and religious groups.

Has anyone ever read something so completely contrary to its stated objectives of
"fighting against sectarian abuses" when these sectarian differences between the
various Islamic groupings re: Sunnis, Shiites; Wahhabis, have been intentionally
agitated which is causing the incredibly horrific and shocking displays of torture and
killing in Syria between these same sectarian Islamic groups? And in many instances
it has been the French behind much of these social agitations?

At one point, Georges Fenech was convicted of defamation against a Catholic lay
group that supports traditional ideas about family, tradition and property.

What is going on in France that Georges Fenech (Scientology) through MIVILUDES
are bending the minds and will of people to conform to the uncompromising melding
of conformity of consciousness and thought? Why is France at the center of this
forceful intimidation through law to force and compel people into a homogenous
whole where no thought is to be considered sacred to the individual, and where no
group concerning itself with anything out of the accepted boundaries of what
MIVILUDES will accept as a cult will be tolerated?

As an example, George Fenech with members of MIVILUDES (a state institution) have
gone into Catholic communities, declared them as "sectarian movements" and have
used journalists to tilt public opinion against these Catholic groups. And they've done
through slander and not objective investigation of targeted groups.

Now, go back to that video and review it so see the child sexual abuse and
psychological warfare going on for people's minds including networks in France that
MIVILUDES hasn't not investigated allowing to go completely undetected?

There is plenty of anecdotal information in the way of blogs and web sites available
discussing the French organization MIVILUDES and scientology to extend this post
well beyond its outline presented here. Is Georges Fenech connected to the Jesuits in
any capacity? I wonder?

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 15 Jan 2013, 03:18

My reply is really aimed at uk speel hounds sparked by your link qsc
On Savile, the only evidence i have seen first hand is some confessions from old women talking about years ago when savile "exploited " them sexually using persuasion , his money, fame and power position in tv and society , lots of other people have done this and gone un-noticed

I would be enlightened to see conclusive evidence of anything beyond that

Also the underage girl thing , lots of other people are guilty of a similar thing especially in the 60s 70s eras
Why has paul macartney not been questioned in public for under 16 girl sex during his early beatle days when teenybops through themselves at him .. he certainly still prefers the younger chicks in his older days Very Happy
Why has elton john not been questioned about potential under 16 boys when he was younger
Why has pete townsend of the who and his skeleton remained locked in the non-publicity cupboard
Why was the jersey island child abuse not given the full treatment it deserved
Why is the current accussations with evidence against senior establishment figures by the aberdeen based child abuse victim holly aird been given no coverage at all in national newspapers
Why did jimmy savile live such an untarnished by the law life until he died and now that he is dead , he is being made a scapegoat with a level of witch-hunt almost unheard of since the witchfinder general days of old

Although im in a small minority , something is just wrong with the savile level of coverage and accusations and this one of the devil ritual in a hospital takes my biscuit away , wow imagine if it was true im completly out of touch with the depravity level of humans , but i do know how completly demented british newspaper reporting can get when a witchhunt gets a head of steam, just ask piers morgan as jones mentioned recently

Its almost as if a situation is created where if enough energy gets dumped on the savile case over child abuse , devil worship etc, it eventually completly satiates and over-orgasms the publics appetite for this subject and then the spotlight fades as does conscious attention of it and the real villains can get on with their real abuses without any publicity and other things like legal illegal wars which tear limbs apart daily without so much as a whisper of protest from these daily speelbags

An inquiry called operation yew tree cant be by accident either

Their iraq inquiry allowed tony blair and his henchmen to walk away free and go on earning millions from his world tours in payback for his policy making for corporate houndogs, in addition to that, they gave blair special protection 24/7 , special luxurys 24/7 around the world, and made special laws so that none of his financial affairs can be investigated by anyone

Forgive me if i am very cynical about any uk inquiry and its hunt dog dubious findings

Was posting this while yours went up tg so never read it before post


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  tgII Wed 16 Jan 2013, 05:12

Good points raised, Kapitan, perhaps it was because of Savile's death that the
networks he was involved with could have been investigated and looked at?

The ancillary evidence against Savile keeps surfacing doesn't it? There are
continuous reports being released by people who were familiar with Savile's

Did anyone else catch this? Apparently there was a lot of criticism and The
took this down on the Church of Scientology re: my post above.


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 19 Jan 2013, 00:14

Interesting group this MIviludes, so they ban anything that may lead human consciousness away from its undercover puppet masters whilst letting anything that promotes this slip through

Is Scientology simply another CIA section , programming citizens all over the world under a religious "Tax Exempt" protection , train the espionage agents in their own countrys

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  tgII Fri 25 Jan 2013, 08:18

re: meet the women pedophiles


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 05 Aug 2013, 01:50


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 12 Dec 2013, 01:08

As a comment says below the report, this is the david cameron party thats intent on banning porn on uk citizens computers


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 04 Jun 2014, 10:38

More outings of authoratarian cover ups in rochdale, uk to do with child abuse in societal institutions, be interesting to see how they cover up the investigation into this cover up , probably all the criminals are either dead or abroad i safe haven millionaire pads


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 04 Oct 2014, 16:16


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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 18 Jan 2015, 16:35

Jimmy Saville...wearing the "holy" robes...

...what is that he is doing with his hands...hmmmm?

Pedophilia JIMMY-SAVILE-1351923-1

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 20 Jan 2015, 22:36

Looks like he generates a lot of heat (energy)  from his secret centre of invoked intention (internal sun) =  right hand and gown ,  and has harnessed the ability to focus all this magick energy …persuasion and manipulation of sub and present consciousnesses, eyes staring at pointed cigar in left hand , exactly where he wants it to effect a means to his desires on any socialised level of other consciousness he encountered, a super-man indeed , if perverted somewhat

Pedophilia Ojjoyg

I've never seen a brood with what looks like a  natural relaxed  smile - a savil anecdote ?….Give me the keys to all your prince trust dudettes so i can fix them , and let u watch ? bring andy too

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Pedophilia Empty Re: Pedophilia

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 08 Aug 2015, 14:14


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