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Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims

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Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims Empty Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims

Post  highnoon Thu 14 Apr 2011, 11:21

Ive also noticed his site is mentioning livery companies more in general. he has redone summaries for certain section like his
The Knights of the Virgin Mary IHS (Revived Templars) section
These Knights originate from Spain who were once known as the Los Alumbrados. These are the revived Knights Templar of old who've reclaimed their powers and extended them over their enemy the Vatican and once fellow Crusaders. The Knights of Malta fell to their power in 1798 and the Vatican between 1814-1870. I suggest you study their origins in the Kingdom of Aragon controlled by the Borgia family. Please note their founder under the name of the Society of Jesus and he was Francis Borgia tied to the Grandmaster of the Order of Montesa. The Pope did not kill off all the Knights Templar. A small band of these were allowed to stay in Aragon but under a different name. The Society of Jesus as they're now called were the first religious order to be allowed to deal commercially since the Knights Templar of old. May I remind everyone that Loyola was a Gentile from Spain and not a crypto-Judiac. He lived in the castle Casa-Solar in the Biscayan Provinces. The Order's old war rooms were in Villa Caprarola in Lazio, Italy! The Order now rules from the Curia Generalizia in the sovereign, Borgo Santo Spirito next door to the Vatican. Their control is via the spiritual power of the sovereign Vatican City, the military power of the sovereign Washington D.C. and finally the financial power of the Sovereign City of London home of The Crown and its Crown Agents and Livery power of the old British Empire controlled since 1215 by the Knights Templar and since the 14th Century by the Knights of Malta.


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Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims Empty Re: Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims

Post  tgII Sat 16 Apr 2011, 09:20

  • Ive also noticed his site is mentioning livery companies more in general.

...wonder why? scratch

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Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims Empty Re: Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 16 Apr 2011, 09:27

And would you, Timothy, agree with Oxley's assertions in bold?
Or is the whole thing too twisted and convoluted to really know?

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Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims Empty Re: Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims

Post  highnoon Sat 16 Apr 2011, 11:27

The main reason this is interesting to me is because around the time of wikileaks, Dec 10th to be exact I posted under my alias on his site "choppa" this msg in the Knights of Malta World Commerce System

"London has 108 livery companies. (pentagramic number as the obtuse angle between the pentagrams points are 108 degrees)

I was wondering if Craig or someone could elaborate a bit on what they know. History, current purpose, ties etc

If this is the wrong forum just put it in the correct one "

(I thought that this was a satanic number clue when in its probably not because of the recent livery companies in the last decade around 9/11)

Responses? Zero....

then around march of this year he expands and revamps his site a bit. adding i think 7-8 new sections.

Heres a post from today on HSBC in the new "Knights of Malta Intelligence network dope trade" Section


It seems after a little research that I've come across a very powerful Scottish family called the House of Keswick who're a controller of HSBC. Therefore they're not only drug dealers but pedophile and snuff movie blackmailers and extortionists at the highest levels. We all know about the background of the British East India Company and the Opium trade but check out a company called Jardine Matheson Holdings and check out its connection to the British East India Company and how its based in Honk Kong but run by the Keswick's. You should note the connection of David Cameron to the Keswick's, Rothschild's and Astor's. Hope this aids you along in your research folks and it all goes back to The Worshipful Company of International Bankers along with The Worshipful Company of Apothecaries and of course The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers. Check out the connection of ownership over Rothschild's Continuation Holdings by Jardine Matheson Holdings. If you remember I spoke about how David Cameron comes from the Crooked Nose Clan of Scotland. Can we see the Scottish Templar connection? Take a look at the logo for Jardines and you'll see its the Scottish Thistle in good old Blue and Red. Reminds me of the Conservative and Labour parties of England! These Knights of Malta must be exposed.

Ya...If i see anybody else name dropping this stuff en mass after years of not, i'll post it here.

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Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims Empty Re: Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims

Post  tgII Sat 16 Apr 2011, 13:12

...people really need to understand that people's lives are on the line here....

...what I detect here is sabotage/dilution of some very serious investigation and research where some real progress and impact has been made...people are getting sent sideways into "Jesuitland"...at the 'previous' board I advised people of this and now its found its way here....

...what we want to know is who are these alleged Italian papal families (fondi) behind the veil...this is what we are interested in learning more about...Oxley, Phelps, Troy, these people have proved nothing...

...it is obvious where Oxley is bleeding his information off from after reading that quote...

...I am not in the least interested in being distracted by esoterica, symbols or numerology...this is a huge distraction...what interests me is money; how it flows; extortion; pedophilia; death; murder; mayhem caused by this elite...anything else is a waste of valuable time...they use networks, technology and patents to commit crime...

...is the City of London the 'Queen?'

    Vatican City

    Much has been fancifully written by various authors alleging that it is really the "Vatican" in Rome that controls the world. Such allegations were undoubtedly very true prior to the Protestant Reformation but now, in the 21st century, this has little basis in fact. Now the real arch enemy of mankind is a most unlikely candidate - a foul brood of apostate Protestant, Marxist/Fabian-Socialist/Masonic pirates based in London - who have infiltrated the Holy Office to use it as their "vehicle" to bring in a One World Church and Government.

    Vatican City is the capital and all that remains of the former Papal States, which at one time covered 16,000 square miles in Italy. It is an area of 108.7 acres (similar to the City of London Corporation - about 1 sq. mile) in Rome around St. Peter's. The Pope has full sovereignty over the city including power to issue coins and stamps and to send diplomatic representatives abroad. The Papal States were seized in 1870 by Italy [Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi as British-Venetian-oligarchy-funded Masonic agents; along with support for Garibaldi from British naval forces], and the temporal sovereignty of the Holy See was not again recognized until the signing of the Lateran Treaty and Concordat between the Pope and the Italian government under Mussolini in 1929.

    The Vatican has a population of about 1000 and is the control center of about 700 million Roman Catholics scattered around the world. The Lateran Treaty, signed in 1929, was the official seal to the ending of the temporal possessions of the Roman Catholic Church, which she renounced once and for all - this is, the gift that Pepin had handed back to her in the 8th century, known as the Papal States. Fascist Italy paid the Catholic Church 750 million lire and Italian 5% bonds to the nominal value of 1000 million lire in settlement. The sum she received, although a large one, was microscopic compared to the thousands of square miles she had to surrender. The vast territories that the Church had formally misappropriated, confiscated and misruled over a whole millennium were reduced to a grain of sand in the transaction.

    While it is true that the Vatican is still a powerful ecclesiastical organization controlling about 10% of the world's population, and it is true the millions she got as compensation seeded the billions of dollars she is worth today - the real truth is that from the time of the Lateran treaty, the Vatican has been infiltrated and controlled by City of London Corporation Marxist Jewish bankers and their agents headed by the British sovereign. In other words, the Vatican has had a 'mergers and acquisitions' corporate raid done on her.

    As the whole world is being 'privatized,' and through the City of London banking 'mergers and acquisitions' policies it is being turned into one Giant Global Corporation (which includes even the Roman Catholic Church), it is clear that whoever will ultimately head the City Corporation in the future will physically, personally own the entire world. At present the British Sovereign heads the Corporation.

...the concept of corporation is from the Catholic church...all words are defined by Catholic dogma...

...and behind door #1...


...and behind door #2


..here's home...

  • Palazzo Malta, which is sometimes referred to as Palazzo di Malta or Palazzo dell'Ordine di Malta, is the more important of the two headquarters of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (the other being Villa Malta), an order of chivalry. It is located in Via dei Condotti 68 in Rome, Italy, a few minutes' walk from the Spanish Steps, and has been granted extraterritoriality by the Italian Government and is now the property of the Order.

...almost all the lord mayors of the City of London Corporation have come out the 'oligarchical' Livery Companies who made there money later on rents through very valuable land they own in London and through shares they bought in the various joint stock companies (ie. British East India Company, Virginia Company) hundreds of years ago. Looting the colonies is more like how the money was made later on...the looting is still going on...

Keswick HsBc Bank Cumbria


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Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims Empty Re: Craig oxley mentioning worshipful company of fuelers in bold claims

Post  Sputnik Tue 26 Apr 2011, 04:07

Did you hear about this TG?


The Queen is the decorated "head of state" and the City of London is not subjected to the rule under "Great Britain"..It's those "Anglo-Venetian Merchants" who keep her as a pet to please the Plebs.

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