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MSM - Organic Healer

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MSM  - Organic Healer Empty MSM - Organic Healer

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 30 Mar 2011, 10:59

An aquaintance brought this product to my attention , something similar gave a miracle cure to the actor James Coburn whom sufered from a big hit of rheumatoid arthritis...whatever that may be

But this product seems to offer many other healing and beneficial influences to the human body

The MSM Miracle

The official website of the
MSM - Medical Information Foundation
A non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of information about MSM

CLICK HERE for a free PDF (printable) version of this MSM brochure.

CLICK HERE to learn how MSM is made and what OptiMSM is.

To Purchase Pure MSM, we recommend the following on-line web sites: In N. America In Australia In Japan


MSM is an abbreviation of methylsulfonylmethane, an organic form of sulfur. The chemical formula of MSM®️ is CH3SO2CH3. It is the form in which sulfur appears in nature in all living organisms, and in which it is biologically active. MSM is an odorless, white, crystalline powder that is highly soluble in hot water and in a wide range of organic solvents (1). Biologically active sulfur has unbelievable preventive and therapeutic properties. The medicinal activities of biological sulfur are so all-encompassing, and are based on such obvious principles, that its discovery is generally considered one of the biggest advances in orthomolecular medicine in the second half of this century.


About forty years ago, Dr. Stanley Jacob and Dr. Robert Herschler, chemists with the pulp and paper plant Crown Zellerbach Corporation, were asked to find a use for lignin, one of the primary waste products of the plant. Oxidation of lignin in a reactor was shown to result in the formation of DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide), a natural, organic form of sulfur. This water soluble compound has a strong and bitter taste, and is absorbed rapidly through the skin. Workers coming in contact with the DMSO-containing wastewater, noticed their perspiration began smelling like DMSO, and they tasted its bitterness in their mouths. Moreover, the water appeared to have special medicinal qualities. Many stories about miraculous recoveries and benefits still go around, but they can not be authenticated. Certain is, however, that cuts, scrapes, burns and sprains recovered more quickly when dipped in this water. Several workers also noticed that conditions caused by arthritis and asthma improved when they came in contact with the DMSO-containing water (George Bergstrom, personal information).

Following its original discovery, several thousand articles and publications have appeared in the United States discussing the medicinal properties of DMSO. Because of its bitter taste and penetrating odor, DMSO never became very popular with the general public. Another problem with DMSO was that it sometimes caused skin irritation when applied topically. For these reasons researchers began looking for a more user-friendly derivative of DMSO. Oxidation of DMSO was found to produce MSM, a much more stable, organic sulfur compound with medicinal properties at least equal to DMSO, but without the odor and skin irritation complications (4, 8, 9).


MSM is the natural form in which sulfur is found in the earth's sulfur cycle (3). Algae and several forms of plankton in oceans are capable of absorbing massive amounts of inorganic sulfur from seawater, and to convert this into a simple, organically-bound form. When these algae and planktonic organisms die, enzymatic processes result in the breakdown of the organic molecules into DMS, or Dimethylsulfide. This compound is volatile and poorly soluble in water. It collects in the stratosphere, where it is oxidized under the influence of ultraviolet light into DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide), and further converted into MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane). DMSO and MSM are highly soluble in water, and therefore concentrate easily in atmospheric water vapor, returning to earth in the form of rain. Plant roots rapidly collect and concentrate these sulfur sources. Laboratory research has shown, that a one ppm mixture of radioactive labeled DMSO and MSM, can concentrate hundred fold in plant roots within hours (4).

Rainwater in particular therefore contains a lot of MSM. It is also abundantly found in fresh fruit and vegetables in amounts generally ranging from 1 to 4 mg/kg (3). Raw milk from cows which graze in pastures contains 2 to 5 mg/kg MSM. Due to the volatile nature of MSM, it is rapidly lost due to heating during the preparation of food. It is also lost when vegetables and fruit are left for a period of time, heated or not. Pasturized milk therefore contains less than 0.25 mg/kg MSM, roughly the same amount as found in milk from cows fed dried, artificial food (3). Due to our present day's dietary patterns, it is unavoidable that modern man suffers from a chronic shortage of MSM.


The natural level of MSM in the circulatory system of an adult human male is about 0.2 mg/kg. Normal adults excrete 4 to 11 mg MSM per day in their urine. Several studies suggest, that the systemic concentration of MSM drops in mammals with increasing age, possibly as a result of changing diet or body metabolism. Some research suggests, that there is a minimum concentration of MSM that must be maintained in the body to preserve the normal function and structure (8, 9). Low concentrations of MSM in our bodies have been linked with unspecified complaints of fatigue, depression, high sensitivity to physical and psychological stress, and with a large number of degenerative diseases (5, 6). MSM is an important source of sulfur, but also has unique properties related to its chemical structure and biological activities. To understand the preventive and therapeutic properties of MSM, a distinction needs to be made between "why humans need sulfur" vs. "why humans need MSM".


Following calcium and phosphorus, sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the body. A grown person contains approximately 140 grams of sulfur (6). Nearly half of all sulfur is contained in muscular tissue, skin and bones (5).

Protein Structure

When plants absorb MSM from rain water, they convert it into the sulfur containing amino acids methionine and cysteine. Taurine and cystine, the other two known sulfur amino acids, are synthesized from cysteine. The body manufactures about 80% of the amino acids it needs, and these are classified as nonessential. The remaining 20%, called essential amino acids, must be obtained from food. Methionine and cysteine are considered two of them. There are approximately 28 known amino acids. Each type of protein is made up of a unique collection of amino acids in a specific combination. Two molecules cysteine can oxidize and bond together through sulfur (-S-S-) bonds (5). These sulfur bonds are the key factors that hold proteins in shape, and determine the form properties and biological activity of proteins.

Connective Tissue

Nails and hair primary consist of a tough protein with a high sulfur content, called keratin. Flexible tissues like connective tissue and cartilage, contain proteins with flexible sulfur bonds. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, and a major component of all connective tissue. In skin, collagen works with fibers of another protein called elastin, to give skin its elasticity. In cartilage, the sulfur containing proteoglycans glucosamine and chondroitin form with collagen a fibrous protein substance that give cartilage its structure and flexibility (5, 6).

The importance of the connective tissue for the body goes beyond simply keeping cells together. The first biophysical regulatory model was developed by Prof. Dr. Pischinger which he termed the "Vegetative Building Structure." This theory was further developed by Prof. Dr. Heine who described proteoglycans and glycosamines, and by Dr. Popp, a biophysicist, who showed the importance of electromagnetic fields in bio-information. Their research has demonstrated that the soft, connective tissue, the extracellular matrix which surrounds cells, serves more purposes that structural and connective. It also is important in the transport of nutrients, electrolytes, signal compounds and atomic and subatomic particles. Thus, the soft connective tissue forms an essential communication network within the body through the transfer of fine matter bio-information (13 -16).

As many people notice later in life, the flexible tissues lose their elastic properties. A shortage of sulfur is the likely cause of this problem. The consequences are stiffening of muscles and joints, rippling of the skin, and decreased elasticity of lung tissues and arterial blood vessels. Without a doubt, the transfer of bio-information through soft connective tissue deceases also, and the occurrences of diseases at advanced age may well be caused by a decrease in communication between cells and body tissues.

Cell Membrane Permeability

All cells (and all organelles within cells) are surrounded by membranes. A membrane consists of two layers of molecules situated opposite of one another and consisting of an essential fatty acid on one end, and a sulfur containing amino acid on the other end. The amino acids are interconnected in such a manner that they form a surface into which the proteins and other membrane constituents are inserted and secured. These proteins are necessary for the transport through the cell membrane of many types of nutrients and waste materials.

Sulfur bridges form flexible connections between the cells and the surrounding connective tissues. This allows the cells to retain their elasticity. When sulfur is in short supply, the cell wall hardens, and the cells lose their elasticity. The transport proteins of the membrane become locked, and the membranes become less permeable. This results in a reduced transport of oxygen and nutrients into, and excretion of waste products from the cells. This causes a shortage of oxygen and nutrients, and an accumulation of toxic metabolic waste products inside the cells. Reduced vitality and eventually degenerative diseases are the result.

Recent insight in free radical pathology has shown that the thiol (-SH) groups of sulfur containing amino acids can protect cell membrane protein chains from oxidation. But that is not all. Studies by Dr. Johanna Budwig have demonstrated that sulfur containing amino acids in cell membranes resonate with the double connections of the fatty acids, resulting in the release of electrons. Electron clouds are formed, which can move along the fatty acid chains. In this manner, electrical currents evolve which form the basis of all electrical energy in the body. This energy can be measured in heartbeat, nerve stimulations, muscle contractions, in short, in all chemical and electrical reactions which make life possible.


Enzymes are proteins which control all-important life functions. For example, they regulated all metabolic processes in our bodies. Sulfur bridges are responsible for the spatial structure of enzymes. Without sulfur bridges, enzymes would lack biological activity due to deviations in their spatial structure. Shortages in sulfur cause reduced production of biologically active enzymes, which result in a reduction of many metabolic processes. Sulfur is important for the cellular energy production in which glucose is metabolized under the release of energy.

Most important, sulfur plays a role in the electron transport system, as part of iron/sulfur proteins in mitochondria, the energy factories of the cell. Furthermore, sulfur participates in the vitamin-B Thiamine (B1) en Biotin. These vitamins are essential for converting carbohydrates into energy, by burning glucose. Insulin is a hormone excreted by the pancreas which mainly functions to regulate the blood sugar level. Insulin therefore plays an important role in the carbohydrate metabolism. Each insulin molecule consists of two amino acid chains, connected to one another by sulfur bridges (Figure 4). These sulfur bridges are very important for the proper functioning of insulin. Without these bridges, the hormone loses its biological activity.


Preferred Dietary Source of Sulfur

It is generally believed that in humans, the sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cysteine are the most important sources of sulfur. However, since the discovery of the earth's sulfur cycle, this theory is increasingly brought into question (3). Several hundred million years ago, algae in the oceans started producing simple organic sulfur compounds, which led to the formation of MSM. This biologically active sulfur was probably the most important source of sulfur for all subsequently developing life forms. This gives food for thought that the higher forms of life most likely are genetically preprogrammed to use MSM as source of sulfur. This theory is further enhanced by the discovery that MSM can be ingested by all organisms investigated so far in almost unlimited quantities without causing any toxic effects. The same cannot be said about the sulfur containing amino acids methionine en cysteine, which can be consumed in small quantities, but at larger doses cause undesired toxic symptoms (3).
Experiments using MSM containing radiolabeled sulfur (35S) have shown, that following ingestion, MSM releases its sulfur to form collagen and keratin, basic ingredients of hair and nails, as well as the essential amino acids methionine and cysteine, and serum proteins (8, 11). It appears abundantly clear that the importance of MSM as source of sulfur has been grossly underestimated. The reason for this underestimation is most easily explained by the way food is processed in our western society, which causes the loss of the majority of the naturally present MSM. It is therefore for good reason that MSM is referred to as "The Forgotten Nutrient" (6).

Protection of the Mucosa

Additional experiments with MSM containing radiolabeled sulfur demonstrated that after ingestion, MSM is bound to the mucosa. Apparently, MSM is binding to receptor sites at the mucous membrane surface in the intestinal and urogenital tracts and the respiratory system. By doing so, it presents a blocking interface between host and environment (4). There are many health-benefitting implications to such natural interactions. Allergens and parasites cannot bind to the mucosa, toxins are oxidized and free radicals are eliminated.


Deficiencies in biological sulfur can result in less optimal functioning of each cell, tissue and organ in the body. Inorganic sulfur is poorly assimilated. Organic, biologically active sulfur is therefore extremely important for the health of every living organism. MSM is the natural source of biological sulfur. Use of MSM has the following benefits:

Chronic Pain

Perhaps the most remarkable discovery regarding MSM is, that MSM is an effective pain killer which works with many types of chronic pain. In March 1999 a remarkable book was published: “The Miracle of MSM: The Natural Solution for Pain”. This book is based on the experience of two medical doctors who have worked with MSM. The authors are: Stanley W. Jacob, M.D., Head of the DMSO Pain Clinic in Portland, OR, and Professor at the Oregon Health Sciences University; and Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., Founder of the International Association for the Study of Pain, and the American Association for the Study of Headaches. Both doctors discuss their extensive experience with MSM in this book. Combined, they have over 20 years of experience with fighting pain with MSM. They conclude that of more than 18,000 patients that suffer from chronic pain, about 70% have experienced benefits from the use of MSM, i.e., the pain either diminished or disappeared altogether.

The types of pain which has been treated successfully with MSM include:
Personal injury due to accidents, burns, etc.
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
Lower back pains
Headaches, migraines
Muscle aches
Tennis elbows and other local sprots injuries
Carpal Syndrome
RSI (Repititive Strain Injury);
Scars due to burns, operations, accidents, etc.
The way MSM impacts pain is currently explained by the following mechanisms:
MSM is a natural analgetic: it blocks the transfer of pain impulses through nerve fibers (C-fibers).
MSM blocks inflammations and inflammatory processes. MSM enhances the activity of cortisol, a natural anti-inflammatory hormone produced by the body.
MSM improves the permeability of cell membranes. This improves the uptake of nutrients and many vitamins and the elimination of waste products and excess cellular fluids.
MSM dilates bloood vessels, enhancing the blood circulation. This, too, helps to eliminate waste products from the body, which speeds up healing.
MSM is a muscle relaxant. This is an important and often overlooked benefit of MSM. Many chronic pains are aggrevated by chronic muscle tension in the body.
MSM aids the natural defense mechanisms in the body by regulating the prostaglandin metabolism, and regulates the formation of anitbodies and immune complexes.

MSM slows down and restores crosslinking in collagen. Crosslinking in collagen is a natural process in scar formation, causing hard and often painful scar tissues. Particularly in the case of burn scars, in which large surface areas may be affected, this may lead to chronic pain. MSM heals scar tissue which makes the skin more flexible. Dramatic examples are known of people who have treated burn scars with a MSM ointment and have seen their scars almost disappear and have eliminated associated pains.

Synergetic Effect

MSM is considered a potentiator of most vitamins and other nutrients, such as vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10, all B- vitamins, vitamin A, D en E, amino acids, selenium, calcium, magnesium en many others. MSM improves the cellular uptake of these nutrients, and prolongs their lives (5, 6, Cool. The body can better utilize the nutrients, and taking dietary supplements is more efficient. Additionally, fewer dietary supplements need to be taken.


MSM is a strong antioxidant, capable of binding and inactivating free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules and atoms with unpaired electrons, which, by force of nature, attract electrons from their surrounding environment. Free radicals are not all harmful. Actually, life without free radicals is impossible. They are needed for te cellular energy production. The liver produces free radicals during the breakdown of harmful substances. And the body's immune system uses free radicals to kill viruses and bacteria. The body houses antioxidants which bind and deactivate free radicals. The normal productions of free radicals in a healthy human therefore are harmless. However, the overproduction of free radicals can be very harmful. They can begin a chain reaction which eventually can cause great harm to cell membranes and chromosomes. Overproduction of free radicals is caused by physical and mental stress, malnutrition, air pollution, heavy metals and organic contaminants in drinking water and food, radiation and cigarette smoke. In such cases the body needs extra antioxidants from our food. MSM is such an antioxidant.

As a major sulfur donor, MSM is essential for the proper functioning of the body's anti oxidation system. When neutralizing free radicals, the body uses a variety of antioxidant enzymes that contain sulfur amino acids, and derive their structure and biological activity from sulfur bonds (S-S). Besides, MSM provides the sulfur for the amino sulfur acids methionine, cysteine and taurine, that are considered powerful antioxidants. When split off, the thiol (-SH) groups of these amino acids are capable of neutralizing free radicals (17). Sulfur is also necessary for the formation of what is considered the most powerful nutritional antioxidant, glutathion (5). And as stated before, MSM potentiates the effect of well known nutritional antioxidants as the vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10, selenium etc. (5, 7). MSM itself also appears to act as an antioxidant (7). The mucosa contains a carbon-sulfur bond cleaving enzyme, termed C-S lyase. Studies suggest that when bound to the mucosa, cleavage of MSM provides an electron deficient group CH3SO2 which can neutralize free radicals (4).


MSM is known to dissolve in many organic and inorganic compounds (1). Bound to the mucosa and split into an electron deficient group CH3SO2. , MSM reacts with toxins, affects inactivation and speeds excretion (4). Furthermore, MSM enhances the permeability of cell membranes, making it easier for nutrients to be taken up by the cells, and waste products to be eliminated. Practically speaking, MSM drastically increases the ability of cells to excrete toxic waste products. Many health practitioners working with MSM will state, that it is the most powerful detoxifying nutraceutical or pharmaceutical agent they have ever worked with.

A recent example shows the dramatic detoxification action of MSM. A young artist sought help in a psychiatric institution for severe mental complaints. Anti-depressives worsened his complaints to such degree that he decided to look for alternative care. Microscopic examination of his blood using the Life Blood / HLB test showed undeniably that the man suffered from several heavy metal and solvent poisoning caused by the paints which he used in his art work. This person subsequently sought the help of various traditional and alternative medical professionals who prescribed various pharmaceutical drugs, homeopathic and orthomolecular detoxifier as well as bioresonance therapy. After one and one half years of detoxification the blood picture had somewhat improved, but he still exhibited severe toxicity symptoms (Figure a).

Figure a Figure b

One and one half years later, his blood had improved somewhat but his basic complaints had remained unchanged. On the advice of the author, this man stopped taking the medications received so far, and was put on high dosages of MSM (15 grams/day), supported by weekly Ayurvedic sweat baths to stimulated waste discharge. Two months later his a microscopic examination showed that his blood had returned to normal (Figure b), and he indicated that, for the first time since seeking treatment, he had noticed a significant improvement in his condition.

Neurological Diseases

The brain is extremely sensitive to the effects of toxic materials such as heavy metals and organic compounds. Many of these compounds tend to accumulate in nerve cells where they can cause severe oxidative damage. Neurological disturbances such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, may be the result. MSM is one of the few antioxidants which can easily pass the blood-brain barrier. It prevents and repairs oxidative damage and restores cell membrane elasticity and permeability. This allows the nerve cells to start excreting waste products.

The powerful action of MSM is illustrated in the following example. An older woman suffered from poisoning caused by exposure to aluminum. This heavy metal had accumulated in her brains and caused severe neurological damage. The woman had been confined to her bed for six years, unable to communicate with her surroundings. All this time she had not spoken a word. Medical doctors could no longer help her and had given up on her. She was completely dependent on her husband who took complete care of her needs. A natural health care practitioner advised two teaspoons of MSM (about 15 grams) daily. The MSM passed the blood brain barrier, and restored the permeability of the brain cell membranes, following which her brain cells were allowed to purge the heavy metal poisons. Two weeks later, the orthomolecular physician prescribed a warm bath to her in which special substances had been added to help her eliminate the released poisons through the skin. After twenty minutes in this bath, the woman suddenly smiled and said "Gee, I feel much better now." These were the first words she had spoken in years. Several months later, the woman was capable of leading a normal life again (7).


MSM alleviates the symptoms of a large number of allergies including food allergies, contact allergies, inhalation allergies, etc. The major anti-allergic property of MSM is probably caused by its ability to bind to the mucosa and present a natural blocking interface between hosts and allergens. Besides, MSM alleviates allergies through detoxification and elimination of free radicals, and improvement of cell permeability. A direct correlation between concentration of MSM used and resistance to allergens has been established. Several authors have noted that MSM works as a histamine inhibitor at least as well as the traditional antihistamines, without the negative side effects (5, 6, 7).

Autoimmune Diseases

MSM very effectively fights inflammations resulting from autoimmune reactions (in which the body's immune system turns onto itself). For example, people who suffer from arthritis often benefit greatly from MSM. Several studies have shown, that supplementation of MSM, significantly reduced joint degeneration and inflammation. In one study, 24 people with symptomatic osteoarthritis were treated with either a regular (NSAID) drug, or with 3 grams of MSM daily. After one month, both groups noted equal improvements in pain and stiffness( 6). In another experiment, a special strain of mice was studied that is prone to the spontaneous development of rheumatoid arthritis-like joint lesions.

Researchers have found that two-month old mice who were given water containing a 3% solution of MSM for a period of three months suffered no degeneration of articular cartilage. In the control group of mice receiving only tap water, 50% of the animals were found to have focal degeneration of articular cartilage. Nearly all (95%) control animals had inflammatory reaction in the synovial tissues, compared to less severe inflammatory reaction in 50% of the MSM group (8, 10). The beneficial effect of MSM is due in part to its ability to improve cell permeability, allowing harmful substances (lactic acid, toxins) to flow out while permitting nutrients to flow in, thereby preventing a pressure buildup in cells that causes inflammation in the joints (5).

Mice prone to the development of Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Disease (ALD) were fed a diet that included a 3% solution of MSM as drinking water from the age of one month. The mean life span of the control group was 5.5 months, whereas the mean life span of the MSM group was extended to more than 10 months of age. The MSM group showed decreased anti-nuclear antibody responses and significant diminution of lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly and anemia development, thus suggesting that MSM provided significant protection against the development of the autoimmune disease ALD (12). Other experiments were conducted on mice bred for their propensity to acquire the autoimmune disease Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).

These experiments showed MSM to have a protective effect both before and after the onset of the disease. Mice which are maintained on a diet including 3% MSM in their drinking water from age one month, suffered lower death rates and liver damage than control groups drinking only tap water. After seven months 30% of the control group had died, while all the MSM mice were still alive. Also, when mice seven months old and already showing signs of advanced lupus were fed the MSM diet, 62% of the animals were still alive after nine months compared to 14% for the control group that received only tap water (Cool.


Several experiments have shown, that oral administration of MSM can protect rats against the onset of cancer. In one study, rats specially bred to be susceptible to breast cancer when given certain carcinogenic compounds, were fed a diet containing MSM for a period of eight days. The control group did not receive MSM. Following this preliminary period, all rats were given oral doses of cancer-causing agents. There was no statistical difference in the number of tumors developing in the two groups. However, the MSM diet rats developed their first tumors some 100 days later than the control rats, and these tumors became cancerous some 130 days later than those in the control group. Considering a two-year average life expectancy of rats, 100 days are the equivalent of about ten years in human life (Cool.

In another research, rats received MSM as 1% solution in their drinking water throughout the time of the experiment. The control group received only tap water. One week after the start of the dietary regimen, all rats were injected with dimethylhydrazine, a chemical that induces colon cancer. Over the nine months that the experiment was conducted, the number of bowel tumors occurring in the rats was statistically the same for the two groups. However, the time of appearance of the first bowel tumors was considerably longer in the MSM treated rats. The researchers concluded, that MSM significantly lengthens the time of tumor onset compared to the controls (Cool.


One of the most amazing discoveries on MSM is its anti-parasitic action against Giardia, Trichomonas, roundworms, nematodes, Enterobius and other intestinal worms (5). Animal studies include laboratory mice, determined to have pin worms (Enterobius) by fecal cast examination. They were given commercial food and drinking water, both containing 2% MSM by weight. After 17 days, fecal examination indicated the feces were free of worms and eggs. The blood level of MSM in one animal examined exceeded 30 ppm or mg/kg (3). Human studies include a man with confirmed Giardia lamblia, apparently contacted from contaminated water in a primitive area. He was given 500 mg MSM three times a day for 14 days. By the eighth day he was free of symptoms, and two stool specimens collected one week later were free of the organism (3). In another study, Trichomonas vaginalis was successfully treated by oral dosage of 1 gram MSM a day, and a daily topical application of 5% aqueous MSM for one week (3).

The major antiparasitic property of MSM is probably caused by its ability to bind to the mucosa and present a natural blocking interface between hosts and parasites. It's as though MSM puts down a coating on the mucosa, which parasites find impenetrable and can't cling to. Unable to stick, the parasites are simply flushed out of the body (5, 9). In vitro research has shown the antiparasitic, antifungal and antibacterial action of MSM concentrations. MSM concentrations of 1 mg/mL and less demonstrated no significant inhibition of Giardia lamblia. However, at 20 mg/mL concentrations it was strongly inhibitory, and concentrations above 40 mg/mL promptly killed the organism. According to Dr. Herschler, one can safely administer up to 1-2 gram MSM per kg body weight on a daily basis. One therefore builds a safely tolerated blood level up to 4000 ppm (mg/kg), which level is highly toxic to many infective organisms yet is harmless to the host (3).

A growing number of natural physicians are expressing concerns about parasites. It is becoming increasingly clear that they can be a continuous source of poisoning which can spread throughout the body and affect the immune system. It is an intriguing thought that MSM maybe nature's original means of protecting us against parasites.


The sulfur-containing B vitamin biotin is a critical part of glucokinase, the enzyme involved in the utilization of the sugar glucose. Sulfur is also a component of insulin, the protein hormone secreted by the pancreas that is essential to carbohydrate metabolism. Lack of nutritional sulfur in the diet can result in low production of biological active insulin. Studies indicate, that MSM improves cellular glucose uptake by improving cell permeability, thus balancing blood sugar level and returning the pancreas to normal functioning (5).

Muscle Soreness and Cramps

Especially in combination with vitamin C, MSM has demonstrated remarkable ability to reduce or eliminate the incidence of muscle soreness, leg and back cramps. MSM is particularly successful with geriatric patients who have such cramps during the night or after long periods of inactivity. Many people with stiff muscles and joints have reported a marked improvement after using MSM for some time. Several cases have been reported of people who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, who have been cured by using MSM. An elderly woman was slated to have an operation performed on both wrists. On the advice of the author she started using MSM. A month later her symptoms had all but disappeared, and the operation was no longer necessary.

Athletes who compete vigorously can learn from trainers of million-dollar racehorses. For many years and with great success, trainers administer MSM to their prize horses before a race to prevent muscle soreness, and afterwards to lessen the risk of cramping and improve physical recovery (4). The physical fatigue syndrome following intense athletic activity in competitive sports, which usually persist for 8-10 days in athletes, was gone in 2-3 days in individuals who had ingested 1-2 gram MSM per day for the preceding six months (3)

Constipation and Stomach Acidity

One study reveals, that at least 75% of individuals taking one or more antacids or H2 histamine receptor antagonists against stomach acidity, were able to sharply reduce or eliminate such medication within a week of initiating MSM as a dietary supplement. In another study, twenty-one subjects with a history of constipation were given 500 mg daily doses of MSM together with 1 gram of ascorbic acid. All subjects with abnormal colon function returned to normal and remained normal while MSM was part of their diet (5). These studies point out, that MSM often gives more relief from stomach acidity and constipation, than commonly prescribed medication. Many people have experienced, that one of the most exciting and rewarding benefits for those who begin taking MSM, has been the prompt and continuing relief from stomach acidity and constipation problems (7).

Lung Dysfunction

MSM allows the body to more effectively take up oxygen. In the first place, it improves the elasticity of the lung cells and the permeability of long cell membranes, allowing more air to be breathed and oxygen to pass through the membranes into the blood stream. Secondly, MSM prevents and corrects the clotting of red blood cells, allowing the blood to absorb more oxygen. Moreover, by improving the cell membrane permeability, cells throughout the body can take up more oxygen from the blood, and hence produce more energy. People suffering from lung dysfunctions may benefit greatly from treatment with MSM. In one study, seven human subjects with respiratory deficiency were given MSM in amounts ranging from 250 - 1.500 mg/day. Five had emphysema, and two had lung tumors with additional function impairment due to pleural fluid accumulation. Both were on radiation chemotherapy prior to including MSM in their diet, but without apparent benefit. Before and during the test period, the five subjects with emphysema were required to walk a measured distance compatible with their physical capabilities. Within four weeks of beginning the ingestion of MSM, all emphysema sufferers had at least doubled their 'comfortable' walking distance. The two subjects with lung tumors were assessed by attending physicians and nurses as more alert and with a better attitude than before the test. Most strikingly however, the lung fluid had disappeared during the first months of the test period (3).


Many people using MSM have reported to feel better and stronger, with increased endurance. During a test with 14 persons using MSM for periods from seven months to over one year, none of them became ill (3). One stress study involved two groups of 25 goldfish, which were removed from a large aquarium and placed in two identical, small aquariums. One group was fed ordinary goldfish food, and the other group received the same food with 2% by weight of MSM added. Movement confinement, temperature changes and marginal oxygenation stressed the fish in both aquariums equally. After five days, only one fish of the MSM group had died, against 11 (almost 50%) of the control group (3).

It is common practice in intensive cattle breeding to add antibiotics to animal feed to promote growth and prevent the outbreak of stress-related diseases. Animal products such as meat, milk and eggs contain residues of antibiotics, which are readily consumed. The abundant usage of antibiotics is largely responsible for the creation of resistent bacteria strains. Well known examples are the "hospital bacterium" MRSA (meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and the VRE's (vancomycin-resistant enterococci). Today, increasing resistance of bacteria is considered one of the major threats of human health. It is an intriguing thought that adding MSM to animal feed might reduce stress and improve animal health to a level where the usage of antibiotics can be strongly reduced.


Sulfur is called nature's "beauty mineral," because it keeps the skin smooth and youthful, and the hair glossy. Sulfur is necessary for production of collagen and keratin, protein necessary for health and maintenance of skin, nails and hair (6). Several experiments have shown, that all kinds of dermatological disorders which are often allergy-related, respond favorably to a diet supplemented by MSM. Oral dosages of MSM have shown to be effective against acne, Rosaceae and dry, scaly or itching skin(3). When used topically in the form of an ointment or lotion, MSM is helpful in treating skin disorders including acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, dandruff, scabies, diaper rash and certain fungal infections (1, 6). Scars resulting from operations and from burns also respond well to topical application. New scars can heal so perfectly, that they are almost invisible. Old scars, too, can improve markedly.


MSM is intended for everyone who appreciates good health and intends to keep this as long as possible. Sport enthusiasts and athletes can use it to improve their performance and sped up recovery. People with degenerative diseases can use it to drastically improve their health.

MSM is no cure-all solving each and every health problem. It is a food supplement which people in ancient times probably received in sufficient degree. In our present time, this is demonstrably not the case. MSM assists the body to better cure itself and maintain its vitality. MSM cannot do this by itself. The basis for good health is maintaining healthy living conditions, in which one feels happy and takes good care of one's health. Such living conditions include:
Healthy food which, at a minimum, includes MSM, vitamin C and trace minerals and elements, as these are food ingredients which nearly everyone obtains insufficiently;
Loving relationships;
Sufficient sleep;
Sufficient sunlight and fresh air;
Periodic meditation or prayer;
Attainable life goals which fit one's essence;


The optimal dosage depends on the nature and intensity of the complaints. In most cases, it is sufficient to take an initial dose of three 1-gram tablets twice daily (children ten and under take a tablet twice daily, older than ten, take two tablets twice daily). After several months this dosage can be reduced to two tablets twice daily. People with serious ailments have been shown to benefit from higher dosages, up to four 1-gram tablets three times daily. Such a high dosage may be advised to fight parasital infections. Case studies have been reported in which patients did not show noticeable improvement until they received a daily dosage of 30 grams (6). Such extreme dosage is not generally recommended for most people, although no negative effects were reported (3,6).

It is recommended to gradually increase the dosage from two tablets twice daily, and not to increase the dose as long as detoxification symptoms persist. Although uncommon, these symptoms may include nausea and headaches (see below). MSM is best taken with a glass of water one half hour prior to taking a meal. As it tends to stimulate one's energy level, it is generally advisable not to take it prior to retiring for the night.


MSM is considered to be one of the least toxic substances in biology, similar in toxicity to water. When MSM was administered to human volunteers, no toxic effects were observed at intake levels of 1 gram per kg of body weight per day for 30 days. Intravenous injections of 0.5 grams per kg body weight daily for five days a week produced no measurable toxicity in human subjects. The lethal dose (LD50) of MSM for mice is more than 20 g/kg body weight. MSM has been widely tested as a food ingredient without any reports of allergic reactions. An unpublished Oregon Health Sciences University study of the long-term toxicity of MSM over a period of six months, showed no toxic effects. More than 12,000 patients were treated with MSM at levels above two grams daily, without toxicity (Cool.


In practice, most people who use MSM notice very little at the onset, or may experience slight detoxification symptoms. These symptoms may include mild forms of diarrhea, skin rash, headache and fatigue. After one week, these symptoms usually disappear. Fewer than 20% of users of MSM may feel moderately sick in the first few days of using MSM. It may be small consolation to know, that the stronger the symptoms are, the more toxicants had been stored in the body and the more MSM was needed for its purification. If more moderate symptoms of detoxification are experienced, it may be advisable to reduce the dosage of MSM, and to gradually rebuild it once the symptoms disappear.


Herschler, R.J.: Methylsulfonylmethane and Methods of Use. United States Patent 4,296,130: 1981.

Herschler, R.J.: Methylsulfonylmethane in Dietary Products. United States Patent 4,616,039: 1986.

Herschler, R.J.: Dietary Products and Uses Comprising Methylsulfonylmethane. United States Patent 4,863,748: 1989.

Herschler, R.J.: MSM: a Nutrient for the Horse. Eq. Vet. Data, 1986.

Mindell, E.L.: The MSM Miracle. Enhance Your Health with Organic Sulfur. Good Health Guides, Keats Publishing, Inc, Connecticut, USA: 1997.

Ley, B.M.: The Forgotten Nutrient MSM: on Our Way Back to Health with Sulfur. Health Learning Handbooks, BL Publications, California: 1998.

Owen, B.: Ask Dr. Bob?? Why MSM?? Health Hope Publishing House, California, 1997

Jacob, S.W: The Current Status of MSM in Medicine. Am. Acad. Med. Prev., 1983.

Jacob, S.W. and Herschler, R.J.: Introductory Remarks: Dimethylsulfoxide after Twenty Years. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.: 1983.

Moore, R.D. and Morton, J.I.: Diminished Inflamatory Joint Disease in Mice Ingesting Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). Fed. of Am. Soc. for Exp. Biol., Proceedings 69th Ann. Meeting 1985: 692.

Richmond, V.L.: Incorporation of Methylsulfonylmethane into Guinea Pig Serum Proteins. Life Sciences 1986, vol. 39, pp 263-268.

Morton, J.I. and Siegel, B.V.: Effects of Oral Dimethylsufoxide (DMSO) and Dimethylsulfone (MSM) on Murine Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Disease. Proc. Of the Soc. for Exper. Bio. and Med. 1986, vol. 183, pp. 227-230.

Munck-Khoe, L.K. de: Vitaminen, Hardware of Software? Deel 1. Ortho 14(5), 1996: 204-211.

Munck-Khoe, L.K. de: Vitaminen, Hardware of Software? Deel 2. Ortho 14(6), 1996: 252-261.

Vos, R. de: De Magie Van Het Leven Zit in De Chemie. Folia Orthica 1998 (1): 7-10.

Lamers, H.J.: Ferdinand Huneke, Ontdekker en Grondlegger van de Neuraaltherapie. Tijdschr. Voor Integr. Geneesk. 1996; 12(1): 18-22.

Nieuwenhuis, R.A.: Anti-oxidanten, De Effectieve Beschermers van Onze Gezondheid. Orthos Media, Den Haag, 1993

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MSM  - Organic Healer Empty Re: MSM - Organic Healer

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 30 Mar 2011, 20:05

Last I read about thirty percent of people who try some type of sulphur for joint health get some benefit and some of that is not necessarily long-term.

But if you are truly lacking in something and then you supplement it...you should get results.

I don't touch DMSO...but that is an individual choice based on my own research. Some tell me they benefit from its use to help other substances absorb better into the skin. Others highly don't recommend taking it internally. Do your own research and make up your own mind on that one.

Best thing for joint health is water consumption and absorption, good fats and oils in the diet, broths and soups made from boiling animal bones covered with cartilages (chicken stock, beef stock, fish stock) for the gelatins and colloids, and movement-exercise. Avoid things that cause inflammatory reactions in the body related to diet and stress. Avoid crap in the diet, particularly anything of an acid-forming pH. Get some good deep tissue massage and do lots of hatha yoga with good technique. Re-evaluate after six months of making these changes.

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MSM  - Organic Healer Empty Re: MSM - Organic Healer

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 31 Mar 2011, 22:50


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MSM  - Organic Healer Empty Re: MSM - Organic Healer

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 01 Apr 2011, 21:27

Ok thx for locating that one qsc

On the MSM , my aquaintance had been administered a "poison" called CIPRO whilst getting some emergency attention in a hospital , it was unknown to him at the time what exactly was this cipro

He has been taking MSM to try to reduce pain in head and back from fluoroquinolone
He has given me this link to warn people about it, especially anyone in america

i found some data on DMSO here, but there is much more on it and MSM on the net

DMSO: Many Uses, Much Controversy
Maya Muir


Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a by-product of the wood industry, has been in use as a commercial solvent since 1953. It is also one of the most studied but least understood pharmaceutical agents of our time--at least in the United States. According to Stanley Jacob, MD, a former head of the organ transplant program at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, more than 40,000 articles on its chemistry have appeared in scientific journals, which, in conjunction with thousands of laboratory studies, provide strong evidence of a wide variety of properties. (See Major Properties Attributed to DMSO) Worldwide, some 11,000 articles have been written on its medical and clinical implications, and in 125 countries throughout the world, including Canada, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan, doctors prescribe it for a variety of ailments, including pain, inflammation, scleroderma, interstitial cystitis, and arthritis elevated intercranial pressure.

Yet in the United States, DMSO has Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval only for use as a preservative of organs for transplant and for interstitial cystitis, a bladder disease. It has fallen out of the limelight and out of the mainstream of medical discourse, leading some to believe that it was discredited. The truth is more complicated.

DMSO: A History of Controversy

The history of DMSO as a pharmaceutical began in 1961, when Dr. Jacob was head of the organ transplant program at Oregon Health Sciences University. It all started when he first picked up a bottle of the colorless liquid. While investigating its potential as a preservative for organs, he quickly discovered that it penetrated the skin quickly and deeply without damaging it. He was intrigued. Thus began his lifelong investigation of the drug.

The news media soon got word of his discovery, and it was not long before reporters, the pharmaceutical industry, and patients with a variety of medical complaints jumped on the news. Because it was available for industrial uses, patients could dose themselves. This early public interest interfered with the ability of Dr. Jacob--or, later, the FDA--to see that experimentation and use were safe and controlled and may have contributed to the souring of the mainstream medical community on it.

Why, if DMSO possesses half the capabilities claimed by Dr. Jacob and others, is it still on the sidelines of medicine in the United States today?

"It's a square peg being pushed into a round hole," says Dr. Jacob. "It doesn't follow the rifle approach of one agent against one disease entity. It's the aspirin of our era. If aspirin were to come along today, it would have the same problem. If someone gave you a little white pill and said take this and your headache will go away, your body temperature will go down, it will help prevent strokes and major heart problems--what would you think?"

Others cite DMSO's principal side effect: an odd odor, akin to that of garlic, that emanates from the mouth shortly after use, even if use is through the skin. Certainly, this odor has made double-blinded studies difficult. Such studies are based on the premise that no one, neither doctor nor patient, knows which patient receives the drug and which the placebo, but this drug announces its presence within minutes.

Others, such as Terry Bristol, a Ph.D. candidate from the University of London and president of the Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy in Portland, Oregon, who assisted Dr. Jacob with his research in the 1960s and 1970s, believe that the smell of DMSO may also have put off the drug companies, that feared it would be hard to market. Worse, however, for the pharmaceutical companies was the fact that no company could acquire an exclusive patent for DMSO, a major consideration when the clinical testing required to win FDA approval for a drug routinely runs into millions of dollars. In addition, says Mr. Bristol, DMSO, with its wide range of attributes, would compete with many drugs these companies already have on the market or in development.

The FDA and DMSO

In the first flush of enthusiasm over the drug, six pharmaceutical companies embarked on clinical studies. Then, in November 1965, a woman in Ireland died of an allergic reaction after taking DMSO and several other drugs. Although the precise cause of the woman's death was never determined, the press reported it to be DMSO. Two months later, the FDA closed down clinical trials in the United States, citing the woman's death and changes in the lenses of certain laboratory animals that had been given doses of the drug many times higher than would be given humans.

Some 20 years and hundreds of laboratory and human studies later, no other deaths have been reported, nor have changes in the eyes of humans been documented or claimed. Since then, however, the FDA has refused seven applications to conduct clinical studies, and approved only 1, for intersititial cystitis, which subsequently was approved for prescriptive use in 1978.

Dr. Jacob believes the FDA "blackballed" DMSO, actively trying to kill interest in a drug that could end much suffering. Jack de la Torre, MD, Ph.D., professor of neurosurgery and physiology at the University of New Mexico Medical School in Albuquerque, a pioneer in the use of DMSO and closed head injury, says, "Years ago the FDA had a sort of chip on its shoulder because it thought DMSO was some kind of snake oil medicine. There were people there who were openly biased against the compound even though they knew very little about it. With the new administration at that agency, it has changed a bit." The FDA recently granted permission to conduct clinical trials in Dr. de la Torre's field of closed head injury.

DMSO Penetrates Membranes and Eases Pain

The first quality that struck Dr. Jacob about the drug was its ability to pass through membranes, an ability that has been verified by numerous subsequent researchers.1 DMSO's ability to do this varies proportionally with its strength--up to a 90 percent solution. From 70 percent to 90 percent has been found to be the most effective strength across the skin, and, oddly, performance drops with concentrations higher than 90 percent. Lower concentrations are sufficient to cross other membranes. Thus, 15 percent DMSO will easily penetrate the bladder.2

In addition, DMSO can carry other drugs with it across membranes. It is more successful ferrying some drugs, such as morphine sulfate, penicillin, steroids, and cortisone, than others, such as insulin. What it will carry depends on the molecular weight, shape, and electrochemistry of the molecules. This property would enable DMSO to act as a new drug delivery system that would lower the risk of infection occurring whenever skin is penetrated.

DMSO perhaps has been used most widely as a topical analgesic, in a 70 percent DMSO, 30 percent water solution. Laboratory studies suggest that DMSO cuts pain by blocking peripheral nerve C fibers.3 Several clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness,4,5 although in one trial, no benefit was found.6 Burns, cuts, and sprains have been treated with DMSO. Relief is reported to be almost immediate, lasting up to 6 hours. A number of sports teams and Olympic athletes have used DMSO, although some have since moved on to other treatment modalities. When administration ceases, so do the effects of the drug.

Dr. Jacob said at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Health in 1980, "DMSO is one of the few agents in which effectiveness can be demonstrated before the eyes of the observers....If we have patients appear before the Committee with edematous sprained ankles, the application of DMSO would be followed by objective diminution of swelling within an hour. No other therapeutic modality will do this."

Chronic pain patients often have to apply the substance for 6 weeks before a change occurs, but many report relief to a degree they had not been able to obtain from any other source.

DMSO and Inflammation

DMSO reduces inflammation by several mechanisms. It is an antioxidant, a scavenger of the free radicals that gather at the site of injury. This capability has been observed in experiments with laboratory animals7 and in 150 ulcerative colitis patients in a double-blinded randomized study in Baghdad, Iraq.8 DMSO also stabilizes membranes and slows or stops leakage from injured cells.

At the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1978, 213 patients with inflammatory genitourinary disorders were studied. Researchers concluded that DMSO brought significant relief to the majority of patients. They recommended the drug for all inflammatory conditions not caused by infection or tumor in which symptoms were severe or patients failed to respond to conventional therapy.9

Stephen Edelson, MD, F.A.A.F.P., F.A.A.E.M., who practices medicine at the Environmental and Preventive Health Center of Atlanta, has used DMSO extensively for 4 years. "We use it intravenously as well as locally," he says. "We use it for all sorts of inflammatory conditions, from people with rheumatoid arthritis to people with chronic low back inflammatory-type symptoms, silicon immune toxicity syndromes, any kind of autoimmune process.

"DMSO is not a cure," he continues. "It is a symptomatic approach used while you try to figure out why the individual has the process going on. When patients come in with rheumatoid arthritis, we put them on IV DMSO, maybe three times a week, while we are evaluating the causes of the disease, and it is amazing how free they get. It really is a dramatic treatment."

As for side effects, Dr. Edelson says: "Occasionally, a patient will develop a headache from it, when used intravenously--and it is dose related." He continues: "If you give a large dose, [the patient] will get a headache. And we use large doses. I have used as much as 30ÝmlÝIV over a couple of hours. The odor is a problem. Some men have to move out of the room [shared] with their wives and into separate bedrooms. That is basically the only problem."

DMSO was the first nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory discovered since aspirin. Mr. Bristol believes that it was that discovery that spurred pharmaceutical companies on to the development on other varieties of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. "Pharmaceutical companies were saying that if DMSO can do this, so can other compounds," says Mr. Bristol. "The shame is that DMSO is less toxic and has less int he way of side effects than any of them."

Collagen and Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a rare, disabling, and sometimes fatal disease, resulting form an abnormal buildup of collagen in the body. The body swells, the skin--particularly on hands and face--becomes dense and leathery, and calcium deposits in joints cause difficulty of movement. Fatigue and difficulty in breathing may ensue. Amputation of affected digits may be necessary. The cause of scleroderma is unknown, and, until DMSO arrived, there was no known effective treatment.

Arthur Scherbel, MD, of the department of rheumatic diseases and pathology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, conducted a study using DMSO with 42 scleroderma patients who had already exhausted all other possible therapies without relief. Dr. Scherbel and his coworkers concluded 26 of the 42 showed good or excellent improvement. Histotoxic changes were observed together with healing of ischemic ulcers on fingertips, relief from pain and stiffness, and an increase in strength. The investigators noted, "It should be emphasized that these have never been observed with any other mode of therapy."10 Researchers in other studies have since come to similar conclusions.11

Does DMSO Help Arthritis?

It was inevitable that DMSO, with its pain-relieving, collagen-softening, and anti-inflammatory characteristics, would be employed against arthritis, and its use has been linked to arthritis as much as to any condition. Yet the FDA has never given approval for this indication and has, in fact, turned down three Investigational New Drug (IND) applications to conduct extensive clinical trials.

Moreover, its use for arthritis remains controversial. Robert Bennett, MD, F.R.C.P., F.A.C.R., F.A.C.P., professor of medicine and chief, division of arthritis and rheumatic disease at Oregon Health Sciences University (Dr. Jacob's university), says other drugs work better. Dava Sobel and Arthur Klein conducted their own informal study of 47 arthritis patients using DMSO in preparation for writing their book, Arthritis: What Works, and came to the same conclusion.12

Yet laboratory studies have indicated that DMSO's capacity as a free-radical scavenger suggests an important role for it in arthritis.13 The Committee of Clinical Drug Trials of the Japanese Rheumatism Association conducted a trial with 318 patients at several clinics using 90 percent DMSO and concluded that DMSO relieved joint pain and increased range of joint motion and grip strength, although performing better in more recent cases of the disease.14 It is employed widely in the former Soviet Union for all the different types of arthritis, as it is in other countries around the world.

Dr. Jacob remains convinced that it can play a significant role in the treatment of arthritis. "You talk to veterinarians associated with any race track, and you'll find there's hardly an animal there that hasn't been treated with DMSO. No veterinarian is going to give his patient something that does not work. There's no placebo effect on a horse."

DMSO and Central Nervous System Trauma

Since 1971, Dr. de la Torre, then at the University of Chicago, has experimented using DMSO with injury to the central nervous system. Working with laboratory animals, he discovered that DMSO lowered intracranial pressure faster and more effectively than any other drug. DMSO also stabilized blood pressure, improved respiration, and increased urine output by five times and increased blood flow through the spinal cord to areas of injury.15-17 Since then, DMSO has been employed with human patients suffering severe head trauma, initially those whose intracranial pressure remained high despite the administration of mannitol, steroids, and barbiturates. In humans, as well as animals, it has proven the first drug to significantly lower intracranial pressure, the number one problem with severe head trauma.

"We believe that DMSO may be a very good product for stroke," says Dr. de la Torre, "and that is a devastating illness which affects many more people than head injury. We have done some preliminary clinical trials, and there's a lot of animal data showing that it is a very good agent in dissolving clots."

Other Possible Applications for DMSO

Many other uses for DMSO have been hypothesized from its known qualities hand have been tested in the laboratory or in small clinical trials. Mr. Bristol speaks with frustration about important findings that have never been followed up on because of the difficulty in finding funding and because "to have on your resume these days that you've worked on DMSO is the kiss of death." It is simply too controversial. A sampling of some other possible applications for this drug follows.

DMSO as long been used to promote healing. People who have it on hand often use it for minor cuts and burns and report that recovery is speedy. Several studies have documented DMSO use with soft tissue damage, local tissue death, skin ulcers, and burns.18-21

In relation to cancer, several properties of DMSO have gained attention. In one study with rats, DMSO was found to delay the spread of one cancer and prolong survival rates with another.22 In other studies, it has been found to protect noncancer cells while potentiating the chemotherapeutic agent.

Much has been written recently about the worldwide crisis in antibiotic resistance among bacteria (see Alternative & Complementary Therapies, Volume 2, Number 3, 1996, pages 140-144) Here, too, DMSO may be able to play a role. Researcher as early as 1975 discovered that it could break down the resistance certain bacteria have developed.23

In addition to its ability to lower intracranial pressure following closed head injury, Dr. de la Torre's work suggests that the drug may actually have the ability to prevent paralysis, given its ability to speedily clean out cellular debris and stop the inflammation that prevents blood from reaching muscle, leading to the death of muscle tissue.

With its great antioxidant powers, DMSO could be used to mitigate some of the effects of aging, but little work has been done to investigate this possibility. Toxic shock, radiation sickness, and septicemia have all been postulated as responsive to DMSO, as have other conditions too numerous to mention here.

DMSO in the Future

Will DMSO ever sit on the shelves of pharmacies in this country as a legal prescriptive for many of the conditions it may be able to address? Will the studies we need to discover when this drug is most appropriate ever be done? Given the difficulties the drug has run into so far and the recent development of new drugs that perform some of the same functions, Mr. Bristol is doubtful. Others, however, such as Dr. Jacob and Dr. de la Torre, see the FDA approval of DMSO for interstitial cystitis and the more recent FDA go-ahead for DMSO trials with closed head injury as new indications of hope. The cystitis approval means that physicians may use it at their discretion for other uses, giving DMSO a new legitimacy.

Dr. Jacob continues to believe that DMSO should not even be called a drug but is more correctly a new therapeutic principle, with an effect on medicine that will be profound in many areas. Whether that is true cannot be known without extensive a publicly reported trials, which are dependent on the willingness of researchers to undertake rigorous studies in this still-unfashionable tack and of pharmaceutical companies and other investors to back them up. That this is a live issue is proved by the difficulty the investigators with approval to test DMSO for closed head injury clinically are having finding funds to conduct the trials.

In 1980, testifying before the Select Committee on Agin of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Scherbel said, "The controversy that exists over the clinical effectiveness of DMSO is not well-founded--clinical effectiveness may be variable in different patients. If toxicity is consistently minimal, the drug should not be restricted from practice. The clinical effectiveness of DMSO can be decided with complete satisfaction if the drug is made available to the practicing physician. The number of patient complaints about pain and the number of phone calls to the doctor's office will decide quickly whether or not the drug is effective."

It may be premature to call for the full rehabilitation of DMSO, but it is time to call for a full investigation of its true range of capabilities.


1.Kolb, K.H., Jaenicke, G., Kramer, M., Schulze, P.E. Absorption, distribution, and elimination of labeled dimethyl sulfoxide in man and animals. Ann NY Acad Sci 141:85-95, 1967. 2.Herschler, R., Jacob, S.W. The case of dimethyl sulfoxide. In: Lasagna, L. (Ed.), Controversies in Therapeutics. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1980. 3.Evans, M.S., Reid, K.H., Sharp, J.B. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) blocks conduction in peripheral nerve C fibers: A possible mechanism of analgesia. Neurosci Lett 150:145-148, 1993. 4.Demos, C.H., Beckloff, G.L., Donin, M.N., Oliver, P.M. Dimethyl sulfoxide in musculoskeletal disorders. Ann NY Acad Sci 141:517-523, 1967. 5.Lockie, L.M., Norcross, B. A clinical study on the effects of dimethyl sulfoxide in 103 patients with acute and chronic musculoskeletal injures and inflammation. Ann NY Acad Sci 141:599-602, 1967. 6.Percy, E.C., Carson, J.D. The use of DMSO in tennis elbow and rotator cuff tendinitis: A double-blind study. Med Sci Sports Exercise 13:215-219, 1981. 7.Itoh, M., Guth, P. Role of oxygen-derived free radicals in hemorrhagic shock-induced gastric lesions in the rat. Gastroenterology 88:1126-1167, 1985. 8.Salim, A.S., Role of oxygen-derived free radical scavengers in the management of recurrent attacks of ulcerative colitis: A new approach. J. Lab Clin Med 119:740-747, 1992. 9.Shirley, S.W., Stewart, B.H., Mirelman, S. Dimethyl sulfoxide in treatment of inflammatory genitourinary disorders. Urology 11:215-220, 1978. 10.Scherbel, A.L., McCormack, L.J., Layle, J.K. Further observations on the effect of dimethyl sulfoxide in patients with generalized scleroderma (progressive systemic sclerosis). Ann NY Acad Sci 141:613-629, 1967. 11.Engel, M.F., Dimethyl sulfoxide in the treatment of scleroderma. South Med J 65:71, 1972. 12.Sobel, D., Klein, A.C. Arthritis: What Works. New York: St. Martins Press, 1989. 13.Santos, L., Tipping, P.G. Attenuation of adjuvant arthritis in rats by treatment with oxygen radical scavengers. Immunol Cell Biol 72:406-414, 1994. 14.Matsumoto, J. Clinical trials of dimethyl sulfoxide in rheumatoid arthritis patients in Japan. Ann NY Acad Sci 141:560-568, 1967. 15.de la Torre, J.C., et al. Modifications of experimental spinal cord injuries using dimethyl sulfoxide. Trans Am Neurol Assoc 97:230, 1971. 16.de la Torre, J.C., et al. Dimethyl sulfoxide in the treatment of experimental brain compression. J Neurosurg 38:343, 1972. 17.de la Torre, J.C., et al. Dimethyl sulfoxide in the central nervous system trauma. Ann NY Acad Sci 243:362, 1975. 18.Lawrence, H.H., Goodnight, S.H. Dimethyl sulfoxide and extravasion of anthracycline agents. Ann Inter Med 98:1025, 1983. 19.Lubredo, L., Barrie, M.S., Woltering, E.A. DMSO protects against adriamycin-induced skin necrosis. J. Surg Res 53:62-65, 1992. 20.Alberts, D.S., Dorr, R.T. Case report: Topical DMSO for mitomycin-C-induced skin ulceration. Oncol Nurs Forum 18:693-695, 1991. 21.Cruse, C.W., Daniels, S. Minor burns: Treatment using a new drug deliver system with silver sulfadiazine. South Med J 82:1135-1137, 1989. 22.Miller, L., Hansbrough, J., Slater, H., et al. Sildimac: A new deliver system for silver sulfadiazine in the treatment of full-thickness burn injuries. J Burn Care Rehab 11:35-41, 1990 23.Salim, A. Removing oxygen-derived free radicals delays hepatic metastases and prolongs survival in colonic cancer. Oncology 49:58-62, 1992. 24.Feldman, W.E., Punch, J.D., Holden, P. In vivo and in vitro effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on streptomycin-sensitive and resistant Escherichia coli. Ann Acad Sci 141:231, 1967.
Source: Alternative & Complementary Therapies, July/August 1996, pages 230-235. DMSO Organization would like to thank the publisher for permission to place this fine article on the World Wide Web. The Publisher retains all copyright. To order reprints of this article, write to or call: Karen Ballen, Alternative & Complementary Therapies, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2 Madison Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538, (914) 834-3100.


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MSM  - Organic Healer Empty Re: MSM - Organic Healer

Post  seraphim Sat 09 Apr 2011, 05:27

Thanks for that Kapis. I've heard of that antibiotic. I believe it is one of them that shuts down the body (rhuematoid arthritis may be a symptom of that) especially if combined with other prescriptions. I know of a person who died within one year of taking one of those antibiotics with one of the cholesterol meds, lipitor I believe.
I just read that cipro kills bacteria by interfering with the enzymes that cause DNA to rewind after being copied, which stops synthesis of DNA and of protein.

I talked to someone who took very high doses of MSM and said it did a load on their kidneys. So take extra care of them. Don't intake too much potassium because it can cause renal failure sometimes in those cases. If I see them again I will ask more about what it did for them and all that okay.

For you tgII......

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MSM  - Organic Healer Empty Re: MSM - Organic Healer

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 09 Apr 2011, 12:05

I just read that cipro kills bacteria by interfering with the enzymes that cause DNA to rewind after being copied, which stops synthesis of DNA and of protein.

interesting black magic, is there a link for that info

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Post  seraphim Tue 12 Apr 2011, 08:43


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