The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
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The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
I am really starting to enjoy this 'Conspiracy or Fact' area
on the board. Hey, you guys want to get freaked out? Here's
what I've been working on: the China Thread.
Time to depart from the Anglo sphere for awhile.
First, a background essay showing Deng Xiaoping and Zhou
Enlai were in France; may not be very interesting but it will
be in a moment, or two:
Anna Louise Strong, 'advertised' as Maurice Strong's cousin; but
I am starting to think she was Maurice Strong's mother.
This is Anna Louse Strong's background:
Anna Louise Strong was a friend of Zhou Enlai who was in the
same Paris cell as Deng Xiaping when the French arrested them;
she traveled to China in the late 1920s and Maurice Strong was
born in 1929. Zhou Enlai was in Berlin in 1922, i.e., the Weimar
Republic with hyperinflation orchestrated by the City of London's
City Livery Companies and its bankers.
In the late 1920s, Anna Louise Strong traveled in China and
other parts of Asia. She became friends with Soong Ching-ling
and Zhou Enlai. As always her travels led to books: China's
Millions (1928), Red Star in Samarkand (1929).
Strong's background which is quite revealing. He is in China
now apparently avoiding arrest.
Like father like son? Deng Xiaoping and Maurice Strong:
It was through Maurice Strong, a genocidal psychopath that
kicked off the one child per family policy in China.
"Dad, can we have some chow mein and dog steak for dinner
tonight?" --Maurice Strong
on the board. Hey, you guys want to get freaked out? Here's
what I've been working on: the China Thread.
Time to depart from the Anglo sphere for awhile.
First, a background essay showing Deng Xiaoping and Zhou
Enlai were in France; may not be very interesting but it will
be in a moment, or two:
- Deng Xiaping and Zhou Enlai in France in the 1920's
Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai lived in this French town’s Chinese community in the 1920s: Montargis
Deng Xiaoping (22 August 1904 – 19 February 1997)
Long before he reshaped world history by setting communist China on a capitalist course, Deng Xiaoping made shoes as a teenage worker at a rubber plant in Montargis in picturesque provincial France.
It was during his formative French years that the Chinese leader, who died in 1997, first dabbled in revolution and developed a taste for croissants.
More than 80 years on, Montargis – one of Deng’s many stops as he meandered from job to job and town to town, growing into a Communist radical along the way – is working to capitalize on its unique place in his and China’s colorful history by luring Chinese tourists looking for a French experience beyond Paris, onion soup and the Eiffel Tower.
Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai lived the town’s Chinese community in the 1920s.
Zhou Enlai (5 March 1898 – 8 January 1976)
Montargis is a commune of the Loiret département in France. The town is located about 110 km south of Paris and 70km east of Orléans at the heart of a region known as the Gâtinais.
Montargis is the second largest city in the Loiret, after Orléans. It is near a large forest, and contains light industry and farming, including saffron. Due to its numerous canals and bridges, Montargis sometimes bills itself as the “Venice of the Gâtinais.” Though quite modern, it retains a medieval charm in its downtown area.
Anna Louise Strong, 'advertised' as Maurice Strong's cousin; but
I am starting to think she was Maurice Strong's mother.
Anna Louise Strong (November 24, 1885 – March 29, 1970)
This is Anna Louse Strong's background:
- Anna Louise Strong; was a twentieth-century American journalist and activist, best known for her reporting on and support for communist movements in the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China.
Anna Louise Strong was a friend of Zhou Enlai who was in the
same Paris cell as Deng Xiaping when the French arrested them;
she traveled to China in the late 1920s and Maurice Strong was
born in 1929. Zhou Enlai was in Berlin in 1922, i.e., the Weimar
Republic with hyperinflation orchestrated by the City of London's
City Livery Companies and its bankers.
Deng Xiaoping
In the late 1920s, Anna Louise Strong traveled in China and
other parts of Asia. She became friends with Soong Ching-ling
and Zhou Enlai. As always her travels led to books: China's
Millions (1928), Red Star in Samarkand (1929).
Maurice Strong (born April 29, 1929)
Strong's background which is quite revealing. He is in China
now apparently avoiding arrest.
- Maurice F. Strong, is Canadian. He is an entrepreneur and a former under-secretary general of the United Nations. He is an active honorary professor at Peking University and Honorary Chairman of its Environmental Foundation.
Like father like son? Deng Xiaoping and Maurice Strong:
It was through Maurice Strong, a genocidal psychopath that
kicked off the one child per family policy in China.
"Dad, can we have some chow mein and dog steak for dinner
tonight?" --Maurice Strong
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
"By their works ye shall know them." -- Bible quote, I think.
Maurice Strong, through Crown Agents sets the Chinese one child
policy? Genocide and de-population have always been their ultimate
goal. If they can't get it through war there are other means available
to these psychopathic plutocrats.
It was Maurice Strong who was in Kenya with Barry Soetoro's
grandfather in the late sixties with the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA) 1966-1970 checking out the Mau Mau
tribes blood oath taking ceremonies. Maurice Strong 'documented'
his findings and they are archived at Harvard. You can do a search
for them and you will be able to read about these oath taking
ceremonies that were absolutely horrific.
I wonder what happened to these little boys after Maurice took
their picture?
Of course, Maurice Strong is now camped out in China; I wonder if
he speaks Chinese?
It is alleged Maurice Strong took these Mau Mau blood oath taking
ceremonies and used them years later for the Crown to compel the
west into falling in line with 'global warming', which is a de-population
mechanism. There is ample proof with the more recent:
"Sir Maurice Strong?"
If anyone has read David Icke's book the Biggest Secret,
there are several paragraphs about the Crown Agents in Chapter
Eighteen, here is some good adjunct material to ponder the next
time you go to the drugstore to buy a box of Trojans:
Crown Agents procuring condoms? One wonders what came
first, Crown Agents procurement of condoms or China's one child
Maurice Strong, through Crown Agents sets the Chinese one child
policy? Genocide and de-population have always been their ultimate
goal. If they can't get it through war there are other means available
to these psychopathic plutocrats.
It was Maurice Strong who was in Kenya with Barry Soetoro's
grandfather in the late sixties with the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA) 1966-1970 checking out the Mau Mau
tribes blood oath taking ceremonies. Maurice Strong 'documented'
his findings and they are archived at Harvard. You can do a search
for them and you will be able to read about these oath taking
ceremonies that were absolutely horrific.
I wonder what happened to these little boys after Maurice took
their picture?
Of course, Maurice Strong is now camped out in China; I wonder if
he speaks Chinese?
It is alleged Maurice Strong took these Mau Mau blood oath taking
ceremonies and used them years later for the Crown to compel the
west into falling in line with 'global warming', which is a de-population
mechanism. There is ample proof with the more recent:
BREAKING NEWS! The abdication of the West — the sting at Cancun ( Global Warming?????)
JoNova ^ | December 9th, 2010 | joanne
How did this monstrous transfer of power from once-proud, once-sovereign, once-democratic nations to the corrupt, unelected Secretariat come about? The story begins with Sir Maurice Strong, an immensely wealthy UN bureaucrat from Canada who, a quarter of a century ago, established the IPCC as an intergovernmental, political body rather than as a scientific body precisely so that it could be maneuvered into assisting in the UN’s long-term aim, reiterated at a summit of senior UN officials this May by Ban Ki-Moon himself, of extinguishing national sovereignty and establishing a world government.
The Process began in earnest in 1988, when the IPCC was established. Shortly thereafter, on a June day in Washington DC deliberately chosen by Al Gore because it was unusually hot, his political ally and financial benefactor James Hansen appeared before a Congressional committee and put before it a wildly-exaggerated graph predicting global warming over the coming 20 or 30 years. Yet June 2008, the 20th anniversary of his testimony, was cooler globally than June 1988, and world wide warming has happened at less than half the rate he predicted.
"Sir Maurice Strong?"
If anyone has read David Icke's book the Biggest Secret,
there are several paragraphs about the Crown Agents in Chapter
Eighteen, here is some good adjunct material to ponder the next
time you go to the drugstore to buy a box of Trojans:
- All of Crown Agents’ health procurement is managed by our specialist Health Services unit of trained and experienced professionals, who also supervise the procurement services that we provide within our clients’ countries. We manage the entire procurement process - scheduling requirements, pre-qualifying suppliers, developing specifications, bringing transparency and accountability to the tender process, drafting and managing contracts, inspecting and testing products, and paying suppliers.
We deliver value for money through competitive prices and timely supply of products, working in international and local supply markets, and creating and sustaining dialogues with suppliers. We constantly monitor prices, often challenging and driving down those offered against our clients’ requirements. Nowhere is product quality more important than in health.
Crown Agents has provided quality assurance, inspection and testing services for over a century, ensuring that goods and equipment ordered meet specified levels of quality, reliability and safety. Our professional inspectors quality assure a range of health products but are most often called upon to validate deliveries of condoms and bednets. We are one of the most experienced international organisations in the sampling, inspection and testing of male condoms, operating long standing contracts for agencies such as UNFPA and Britain’s DFID. Since 1995 Crown Agents has quality assured over three billion condoms [wonder if they gave Assange the dud that burst].
Health procurement is different from general procurement. Mistakes may disrupt healthcare services and can be life-threatening.
Crown Agents procuring condoms? One wonders what came
first, Crown Agents procurement of condoms or China's one child
- Paradise Lost: The Bitter Pill of Global Feminism
Pajamas Media ^ | December 15, 2010 | Carey Roberts
Posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 5:32:18 AM by Kaslin
Pushing an agenda that includes the avowed destruction of marriage and the family.
Most persons are aware of China’s one-child policy. But few fully understand the indelible mark this human rights travesty has left on the soul of the Chinese people.
Recently professor Jing-Bao Nie of New Zealand published a remarkably candid appraisal of this policy, which represents the most ambitious demographic experiment ever conducted in human history.
China’s Birth Control Program through Feminist Lenses catalogs in chilling detail how the Chinese population-control agenda coerced hundreds of millions of women to use birth control, compelled over one-quarter of the adult female population to obtain an abortion, and ensured the forced sterilization of 37% of all married women.
The current toll is 200 million unborn babies, and counting. This moral calamity is compounded by sex-selective abortion, a widespread practice that has created a deficit of 40 million baby girls, giving rise to an impending demographic time-bomb [here is the basis for Crown Agents' WWIII].
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
Former members of the anti-secrecy organization are staging a virtual revolt against Julian Assange, launching a spinoff site called OpenLeaks.
"We felt WikiLeaks is developing in the wrong direction. There's too much personal entanglement," Daniel Domscheit-Berg, a former top WikiLeaks member and one of the founders of OpenLeaks, told the BBC in an interview today.
I was wondering about the genetics behind behavior. The Chinese, Asians in particular, men and women are highly emotional, right right brained and not that bright in math. They learn by repeating or copying. That makes them great in other areas like music, they love karaoke and such and were always into the arts and that is wonderful, I admire how close they are to spirit.
It's quite amazing how the crown infiltrates. They took over Hong Kong and gave it back to China didn't they. And what they did was turn it into a great British empire, greater than New York.
Of course they gave it back, but the damage has been done, it's too late and it doesn't even matter now, the Chinese in Hong Kong have already turned into exactly what the British want them to be, superficial, technology, McDonald's, brainwashed etc....They also did that with one of the Indian countries too, which they gave back. But once they have their hooks in all the people want to be materialistic and do exactly what the people of America and Europe do. Alot of folks in America think that Hong Kong is communist China and still all peasants, but it's greater metropolis than New York or any city in America. By the way, all town in America are turning into ghost towns and the cities next I suppose.
seraphim- Posts : 1180
Join date : 2009-11-18
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
The Jew World Order and China...
An excellent compilation on this blog...had to read it twice.
An excellent compilation on this blog...had to read it twice.
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
re: Strong
I see that zog site captured some of our initial insights into Strong.
Nice. Means people are paying attention.
They are reading our blog...heeheeheehee...
I see that zog site captured some of our initial insights into Strong.
Nice. Means people are paying attention.
They are reading our blog...heeheeheehee...
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
Yes great thread TG,
...but the conclusion they have drawn from all your info is crappy. They think like brick heads.
China already haz swallowed up all that 'jewish' and other western 'bankster influence'..
China OWNS them 10 times over already..and they are about to smoke the black nobility in a pipe and burp them out as dust particles if they don't pay .. and stop trying to steal from them ..see Africa, middle east, south east asia
Simply put: the Black Nobility [Rothschild et al. ] won't get Chinese or Russian immigration Visa
They are actually blackmailing the world with total destruction because they can't pay their DEBT to Asia!!
Hence the zog "conclusion" is totally misleading imo..
...but the conclusion they have drawn from all your info is crappy. They think like brick heads.
China already haz swallowed up all that 'jewish' and other western 'bankster influence'..
China OWNS them 10 times over already..and they are about to smoke the black nobility in a pipe and burp them out as dust particles if they don't pay .. and stop trying to steal from them ..see Africa, middle east, south east asia
Simply put: the Black Nobility [Rothschild et al. ] won't get Chinese or Russian immigration Visa
They are actually blackmailing the world with total destruction because they can't pay their DEBT to Asia!!
Hence the zog "conclusion" is totally misleading imo..
Sputnik- Posts : 1039
Join date : 2009-11-18
Location : Isaiah 14:11-15
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
ohh, and when Wolfensohn speaks to American students about power shifting to China it's rather an admition that they fukked up completely, than that they "control" China ROFL.
They might have tried to play that game of Chess with China, but they totally underestimened their skills as China is the motherland of THREE-DIMESIONAL chess called MaJong.
China isn't in need of World War III, it's the West...and only in the Sampson option variation as they rather not see anyone take over even if it means ones own and the worlds total civilisatory destruction..
Fuck those idiots,...nobody will miss their retarded dialectics.
They might have tried to play that game of Chess with China, but they totally underestimened their skills as China is the motherland of THREE-DIMESIONAL chess called MaJong.
China isn't in need of World War III, it's the West...and only in the Sampson option variation as they rather not see anyone take over even if it means ones own and the worlds total civilisatory destruction..
Fuck those idiots,...nobody will miss their retarded dialectics.
Sputnik- Posts : 1039
Join date : 2009-11-18
Location : Isaiah 14:11-15
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
Usa , UK, Probably also following in line, italy,spain, france, germany national asset management and national net worth has been progressively syphoned out of each country through corporate political blackmail and bribery and individual greed into private globetrotter individual groups of people with no national loyaltyohh, and when Wolfensohn speaks to American students about power shifting to China
Each western country held in a state of perpetual debt which ensures no or little room for political correction
The only solution , which is gradually happening now, is for the people of ech country to become wise of this and take non violent actions to expose and out these public service criminals and bring them to justice
An example of this , is anyone that highlights corruption where it seen or exposed, and even george galloways upcoming film on the blair demon which will rattle a massive nest of worms and just watch them scramble trying to cover their asses and assets when it released
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
KapitanScarlet wrote:Usa , UK, Probably also following in line, italy,spain, france, germany national asset management and national net worth has been progressively syphoned out of each country through corporate political blackmail and bribery and individual greed into private globetrotter individual groups of people with no national loyaltyohh, and when Wolfensohn speaks to American students about power shifting to China
That's how the myth goes..
Queen Elizabeth II's shareholdings remain hidden behind Bank of England Nominee accounts. A nominee company called the Bank of England Nominees. It has been available for decades to the entire World's current heads of state to allow them anonymity when buying shares. Therefore, when a company publishes a share register and the Bank of England Nominees is listed, it is not possible to gauge whether the Queen, President Bush or even Saddam Hussein is the true shareholder. By this method, the CITY OF LONDON and it's the trillionaire masters of the universe Rothschilds et al. remain hidden... but no worries - the G15 are going to kick them off planet were they can go in search for another race to molest
Each western country held in a state of perpetual debt which ensures no or little room for political correction
Can be corrected in less then a year, just re-introduce Glass Steagal and close down Wallstreet and City of London, they are damn useless and produce nothing but fraud, instead of them we need government controlled issue of money and loans...nothing new actually needed to return to sanity..
The only solution , which is gradually happening now, is for the people of each country to become wise of this and take non violent actions to expose and out these public service criminals and bring them to justice
Totally agree, I believe we are actually already witnessing a historic moment! People in all countries are oppsed to the cabal's plan to destroy Syria, their NLP conditioning is failing, Cameron and Obama not only look like total fools, they are politically FINISHED!
An example of this , is anyone that highlights corruption where it seen or exposed, and even george galloways upcoming film on the blair demon which will rattle a massive nest of worms and just watch them scramble trying to cover their asses and assets when it released
As tired as I am - I am actually quite opptimistic..puh!
Sputnik- Posts : 1039
Join date : 2009-11-18
Location : Isaiah 14:11-15
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
wasnt aware of the bank of england nominee accounts - cheers sputnik , must know info
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
The elite Jews starting making their moves toward imbedding their parasitic mandibles into China beginning in the early nineties when NAFTA was passed and corporations began sending manufacturing and jobs overseas, thus weakening the US for the coming new communist Jew World Order.
Now that the US has been weakened since the early nineties, the Chinese are now coming to the US to buy it up.
Elite Jews will begin to interbreed with the part of the infecting and replication of the Jew DNA virus.
Soros and the facebook jew are already shooting their sperm up their Chinese women.
Would not surprise me if Hollywood Jew mafia apex sociopath predator Harvey Weinstein quickly follows suit.
Look for more Jew and Chinese unions to be announced in the media in the future.
The Jew would normally never marry anyone other than another Jew. But tradition will now be broken and exceptions will now be made to insert the Jew virus DNA into the Chink.
Also notice it is the Jew males going for the Chinese women and having children, but not Jew women with Chinese males. So therefore the matriarchal establishment of being a true Jew is absent from these offspring.
Once freemasonry is reintroduced to China and masonic temples re-established, then China will be immersing itself into the Rothschild Jew Banking Talmudic-Kaballistic matrix of Luciferian-Satanic power and then be under their control. Mao rid China of masonry and freed itself from this masonic Jew matrix, but that is about to change.
From there the Jew will then be financing both the west and east for the next major world conflict in which they will profit by playing both sides as usual.
Now that the US has been weakened since the early nineties, the Chinese are now coming to the US to buy it up.
Elite Jews will begin to interbreed with the part of the infecting and replication of the Jew DNA virus.
Soros and the facebook jew are already shooting their sperm up their Chinese women.
Would not surprise me if Hollywood Jew mafia apex sociopath predator Harvey Weinstein quickly follows suit.
Look for more Jew and Chinese unions to be announced in the media in the future.
The Jew would normally never marry anyone other than another Jew. But tradition will now be broken and exceptions will now be made to insert the Jew virus DNA into the Chink.
Also notice it is the Jew males going for the Chinese women and having children, but not Jew women with Chinese males. So therefore the matriarchal establishment of being a true Jew is absent from these offspring.
Once freemasonry is reintroduced to China and masonic temples re-established, then China will be immersing itself into the Rothschild Jew Banking Talmudic-Kaballistic matrix of Luciferian-Satanic power and then be under their control. Mao rid China of masonry and freed itself from this masonic Jew matrix, but that is about to change.
From there the Jew will then be financing both the west and east for the next major world conflict in which they will profit by playing both sides as usual.
BEIJING – The Chinese are coming — to your local movie theater. With the fanfare from Superman, and toasts of red wine, representatives of Chinese company Wanda signed a deal in Beijing Monday morning to buy AMC, the second-largest theater chain in the USA.
By Ng Han Guan, AP
If approved by U.S. and Chinese regulators, the $2.6 billion acquisition will create the world's largest theater group, the companies said. The move, China's biggest corporate takeover to date in the USA, highlights the rising financial strength of its top firms.
Both partners stressed they plan no changes to the AMC brand, management and day-to-day operations. For the U.S. movie-goer, the AMC experience will change "not at all," insisted Gerry Lopez, CEO and President of AMC, except for an increase in renovations to upgrade some theaters.
"We have no plan whatsoever to promote Chinese movies in the U.S. market," said Wang Jianlin, Chairman and President of Wanda. A Communist Party member who sits on the nation's top advisory council — and one of the richest people in China — Wang admitted that poor content was a major reason for the lack of Chinese movie success overseas.
"If China has (a movie like) Avatar, it may really 'go abroad,' right?" he said.
A string of Hollywood blockbusters in recent months has lifted AMC back into profit this year, said Lopez. From humble roots in Kansas City, where it remains headquartered, AMC has over 18,000 employees, he said. "We like to say, 'we make smiles happen'," said Lopez. "Today, here in Beijing, so far from home, we like to think we have made some smiles happen."
He was definitely not in Kansas anymore, the city or state. China's movie market, the second largest after the USA, is growing fast through expansion of theater chains such as Wanda's, often located in the upscale mall and hotel properties it owns, including the ritzy location of Monday's signing in Beijing's central business district.
But the movie business here also reflects the central contradictions of modern China, where the movie world's standard glamor and deal-making must accommodate a ruling Communist Party that tightly controls what its citizens can watch on screen.
Among those giving congratulatory speeches Monday was a deputy minister of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. SARFT forms a key part of the machinery of state cultural control that limits the number of Hollywood films imported each year, and censors all film scripts before movies are shot within China.
Beijing is investing heavily in projecting its "soft power," or cultural influence, by boosting Chinese state media's presence abroad, including the USA, where the Chinese government has also run advertisements in New York's Times Square.
Without reforms that give directors and other artists more freedom over content, that "soft power" push will face difficulties, say some commentators. The Communist movie epic Building a Party, a massive hit here thanks partly to state-funded tickets and bussed-in audiences, met "a mediocre response when shown in the USA," wrote Liu Yuanju in Time Weekly newspaper last week.
"Even if Wanda controls the AMC chain, pays no heed to box office, increases the film's showings, and make up the losses with domestic resources, acting like this will defeat the purpose of exporting culture and even values — clearly, it will only provoke resentment," said Liu.
Chinese company Wanda completes buy of AMC theaters
September 04, 2012|Reuters
Chinese conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group completed its $2.6 billion purchase of U.S.-based movie theater chain AMC Entertainment, a move that creates the world's largest theater owner, the companies said on Tuesday.
The deal unites Wanda's 94 theaters with AMC's 338 theaters, the companies said in a statement. About 200 million people watched movies in AMC theaters in 2011, and it is also the largest operator of large-format Imax screens.
Wanda will operate AMC as a wholly-owned subsidiary and invest up to $500 million annually in the unit, a statement from the companies said. AMC will continue to control film programming and will keep its headquarters in the Kansas City area.
Wanda, controlled by billionaire Wang Jianlin, announced in May it had agreed to buy AMC for about $2.6 billion including debt.
The purchase is Wanda's first investment outside of China and its first foray into the United States and Canada, the world's biggest film market with ticket sales of $10.2 billion last year. It is also the largest overseas acquisition by a privately held Chinese company.
The Possibilities Now that China Controls Hollywood
Iron Man China
Long has there been the idea that “The Jews control Hollywood,” uttered in the sleep of every anti-Semitic businessman currently trying to make his living by making us pay to see Johnny Depp act out his midlife crisis on screen. Well, those unhappy people need worry no longer! It seems as if China is going to own the town soon enough.
Guillermo del Toro’s wonderful Pacific Rim was that rarest of birds: A mega-budget film not previously based on a comic book, video game, or Communist Manifesto. It also flopped dramatically at the box office. It opened with no major stars and no 60 years of backstory the fans can get really mad that you changed. It was doomed right out of the gate. It seemed as if we’d just have to let this one die… until it opened in China.
Pacific Rim opened this past Wednesday in theaters all over China, delighting children of all ages because they were smart enough to embrace it and spend their money in a proper way, and was the largest Chinese opening in Warner Bros. history, beating out Nolan’s Batman films and even the massive Harry Potter franchise. And now it seems as if we may get a Pacific Rim sequel after all. China’s massive opening may have made the Brothers Warner reconsider, as it seems del Toro and writer Travis Beacham are prepping a pitch for a second film as we speak.
This is, of course, wonderful news for fans of the film that all of the rest of the kids in your high school ignored, and could spell big news for del Toro moving on his way to becoming a David Fincher-level industry powerhouse. It’s also bad news for people like me who think the first film was enough and that a sequel would kind of spoil that nice bow ending we got at the end of the picture, but who cares, because now China controls Hollywood. We all knew this was coming. The Departed prophesied this all the way back in 2006, and now I’m inclined to believe everything Martin Sheen says, ever.
It’s been said that China pulled a few strings in the making of Iron Man 3, and now it seems as if their sphere of influence may grow. As a would-be screenwriter, I’m preparing a list of films I can whip up and pitch to our new Chinese overlords that should hopefully appease them:
–I, Robabe: Seth Middlestein (Seth Rogen) is a single man down on his luck because China has five million more men than it has women. Tired of striking out with the one woman he’s ever met, Seth creates a robot that’s way out of his league (Kate Beckinsale) and begins to date her because he’s funny I guess even though he’s a huge dick and that kind of cancels out his punch lines. Fighting against a prudish society and the limitations of human intercourse, Seth and Robabe pursue their romance to the bitter end.
–Red, White, and Blue Dawn: It’s like Red Dawn, but the U.S. invades China. The Chinese are going about their day as usual (having breakfast, going to work, attending school in Colorado), when a bunch of U.S. paratroopers (Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Phillipe, just about any Ryan will do) cascade down from the sky and start firing rocket launchers at teenagers because capitalism is bad. The original Red Dawn is a classic, the product of a mind who legitimately believed that Cuba was about to invade us at a moment’s notice, and this could be the ultimate piece of soapy, over-the-top action China needs to begin a long train of boring rip-off action flicks they originally undermined by watching Pacific Rim.
–The Smurfs: These guys are already Communist. Just replace Neil Patrick Harris with Chow Yun-Fat and we’re in the money. Three sequels and many instructional children’s books to follow.
–Chinese School Musical!: No singing. All studying. Somehow Zac Efron is still in it.
–Pacific Rim 2-7: They’ll keep making these puppies until del Toro dies or they somehow run out of cool robots to fight cool monsters. Maybe in the Chinese version the really cool Chinese Jaeger with three arms will get to fight for more than a second before it gets smashed to hell. But probably not. I’m betting China is wanting to kill off its men as fast as possible.
Welcome, new Chinese studio executives! I am available for hire.
Another good article on the subject...In yet another sign of how much influence the Chinese have on Hollywood, a lavish party was thrown in China for some of Hollywood's A-list stars and studio big wigs. In attendance were such stars as Leonardo DiCaprio, John Travolta, Kate Beckinsale, and Christoph Waltz, as well as top studio chiefs Weinstein Co. chairman Harvey Weinstein and Lionsgate motion picture bosses Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger.
The Americans jetted off to China for a two-night event on September 21-22 in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China for the event hosted by China's Dalian Wanda film conglomerate.
The event also included a groundbreaking ceremony for a massive Wanda Qingdao Film Production Base and the announcement of a new annual Qingdao International Film Festival.
Wanda recently purchased the AMC Theater chain for $2.6 billion and now has a major foothold in the US entertainment industry. This purchase, along with its Asian holdings, makes the company the largest cinema operator in the world.
Wanda also donated $20 million to the Motion Picture Academy’s museum this September.
According to the text of the invitation, the shindig was put together to "deepen the relationship between Wanda" and the American stars and movie moguls invited. "Together," the invite says, China and the Americans will "develop the global movie industry in the future."
Hollywood has increasingly looked to the Chinese film market to fatten profits but in doing so has allowed all its movies to be censored by Chinese authorities. Breitbart reported on the numerous cuts to the hit movie Skyfall, for instance, where references and plot points involving China itself were cut from the movie or materially altered.
Last edited by quicksilvercrescendo on Sun 22 Sep 2013, 13:52; edited 3 times in total
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
Ahhh...the profit potentials are endless...war with China by 2025...brought to you by the humanitarians at Georgetown...
Would it not seem likely that Fukushima was not a random accident and that it serves a much more sinister purpose as it continues to leak radioactivity?
Would it not seem likely that Fukushima was not a random accident and that it serves a much more sinister purpose as it continues to leak radioactivity?
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
Any other nation speaking about nuclear pre-mptive strikes, and announcing its a passed acceptable strategy in public broadcast would be labelled a terrorist by western media politics , the double standards and pseudo-moraliy in the western media mind machine are terminally toxic
I quite beleive china would have the tunnels because they dont really have colonys around the world like western interests do to preserve their culture should doomsday threaten, its either go underground , underwater or into outer space for preservation and i bet their doing all three
The marriage of the jew and the chinese would also begin a psychological mindset trait of young chinese money-consciousness extreme wannabees coming to the west to gain power and control through aquiring money and societal industrial management / owner control positions
Good point aout the chinese men not getting lucky, same goes for thais , japs, koreans etc, western guys always go for asian females, but western women seem to have a bi NONO , is it just the smaller dicks, or does this say something more about western womens own policy of girlpower takeover
I quite beleive china would have the tunnels because they dont really have colonys around the world like western interests do to preserve their culture should doomsday threaten, its either go underground , underwater or into outer space for preservation and i bet their doing all three
The marriage of the jew and the chinese would also begin a psychological mindset trait of young chinese money-consciousness extreme wannabees coming to the west to gain power and control through aquiring money and societal industrial management / owner control positions
Good point aout the chinese men not getting lucky, same goes for thais , japs, koreans etc, western guys always go for asian females, but western women seem to have a bi NONO , is it just the smaller dicks, or does this say something more about western womens own policy of girlpower takeover
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
re: The purpose of the human species is to conjure into the digital age, a beneficial resource to the pattern of creation.
Using purely a rationalistic approach. Won't work.
Using purely a rationalistic approach. Won't work.
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
A long and informative article by the master Nick Guarino concerning China...
Why gold will eventually crash...
Why gold will eventually crash...
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
Good article on China and confirms what the Japanese have been saying for a long time.
Worth reading the whole article too - still reading...
Also, for the past year have been reading a lot on 3D printing, looking at 3D tutorials and
the different types of 3D printers that are available and is an industry that is gearing up
with annual sales in the states alone expected to be around $8 billion by 2020.
HP just introduced a 3D printer that HP is designing and expects it will start selling its 3D
printer in 2014.
Next spring I plan on picking up a 3D printer made by MakerBot and am going to a user
group meeting of 3D printer users here in the next couple of weeks to learn more.
This is the MakerBot 3D printer....
In Japan there have been roughly 1600 3D printers sold and is increasing annually with several
Japanese companies designing 3D printers. The MakerBot 3D printer in the clip above goes for
around US$2,000 and many observers think the price of a good 3D printer will drop to around
US$500 per unit in the coming years.
Analysts are predicting a 3D printer will be in every home. It's lights out China.
I suspect this technology was originally developed in Germany with large 3D industrial printers
around for quite a number of years. The Germans are blowing the EU away in exports with
exports currently at 41.4 percent of GDP. That is more than any other country. And the Germans
developed a really advanced form of 3D printing called "sintering." There is no way China can
compete against this type of extremely advanced technology. Watch these clips on this sintering
process for 3D printing using powdered steel and a laser....
Then if you think that is pretty cool technology, look at this incredibly eye opening development. A
material called “graphene” is being developed to use as a material for 3D printing. Read the technical
aspects of what graphene means to 3D printing...just mind blowing...
Now here is an eye opener. 3D printing is coming to CERN. Imagine what kind of technology and
products will be 3D printed in the future based on what is being experimented on at the CERN
Research Facility?
Good bye, China. Enjoy groveling in shit in the coming decade.
Worth reading the whole article too - still reading...
Also, for the past year have been reading a lot on 3D printing, looking at 3D tutorials and
the different types of 3D printers that are available and is an industry that is gearing up
with annual sales in the states alone expected to be around $8 billion by 2020.
HP just introduced a 3D printer that HP is designing and expects it will start selling its 3D
printer in 2014.
Next spring I plan on picking up a 3D printer made by MakerBot and am going to a user
group meeting of 3D printer users here in the next couple of weeks to learn more.
This is the MakerBot 3D printer....
In Japan there have been roughly 1600 3D printers sold and is increasing annually with several
Japanese companies designing 3D printers. The MakerBot 3D printer in the clip above goes for
around US$2,000 and many observers think the price of a good 3D printer will drop to around
US$500 per unit in the coming years.
Analysts are predicting a 3D printer will be in every home. It's lights out China.
I suspect this technology was originally developed in Germany with large 3D industrial printers
around for quite a number of years. The Germans are blowing the EU away in exports with
exports currently at 41.4 percent of GDP. That is more than any other country. And the Germans
developed a really advanced form of 3D printing called "sintering." There is no way China can
compete against this type of extremely advanced technology. Watch these clips on this sintering
process for 3D printing using powdered steel and a laser....
Sintering is a method for creating objects from powders, including metal and ceramic powders. It is based on atomic diffusion. Diffusion occurs in any material above absolute zero, but it occurs much faster at higher temperatures. In most sintering processes, the powdered material is held in a mold and then heated to a temperature below the melting point. The atoms in the powder particles diffuse across the boundaries of the particles, fusing the particles together and creating one solid piece. Because the sintering temperature does not have to reach the melting point of the material, sintering is often chosen as the shaping process for materials with extremely high melting points such as tungsten and molybdenum.
Sintering is traditionally used for manufacturing ceramic objects but finds applications in almost all fields of industry. The study of sintering and of powder-related processes is known as powder metallurgy. A simple, intuitive example of sintering can be observed when ice cubes in a glass of water adhere to each other.
The word "sinter" comes from the Middle High German Sinter, a cognate of English "cinder".
Then if you think that is pretty cool technology, look at this incredibly eye opening development. A
material called “graphene” is being developed to use as a material for 3D printing. Read the technical
aspects of what graphene means to 3D printing...just mind blowing...
Now here is an eye opener. 3D printing is coming to CERN. Imagine what kind of technology and
products will be 3D printed in the future based on what is being experimented on at the CERN
Research Facility?
Good bye, China. Enjoy groveling in shit in the coming decade.
tgII- Posts : 2431
Join date : 2009-11-17
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
What about the "Live " 3D printing , i found this frightening
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
I read the guarano gold crash report , will be interesting to see if what he predicts occurs, based on his rationalising of history and investment behaviour
I have a little piece of gold , but i would never sell it as i love it, its not a money investment , its possesion of an amazing metal that very few humans have ever seen in reality never mind touched, and there are the potential magical effects possibly not rationalised as of yet
i will check out the chinese report when reading time permits in the long line of must dos (:
I have a little piece of gold , but i would never sell it as i love it, its not a money investment , its possesion of an amazing metal that very few humans have ever seen in reality never mind touched, and there are the potential magical effects possibly not rationalised as of yet
i will check out the chinese report when reading time permits in the long line of must dos (:
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
Reference - The Guarino Gold Crash Report , I sent the link to an aquaintance that studies Gold movements in their spare time, and they emailed me back a somewhat scathing assessment of guarinos analysis, so ive checked with them that i could paste it up here for any further feedbacks on its opinion or even entertainment value or other reaction
i havent cross checked the dots as i dont function on stats for gold
Reference - The Guarino Gold Crash Report , I sent the link to an aquaintance that studies Gold movements in their spare time, and they emailed me back a somewhat scathing assessment of guarinos analysis, so ive checked with them that i could paste it up here for any further feedbacks on its opinion or even entertainment value or other reaction
i havent cross checked the dots as i dont function on stats for gold
Thanks for the advice. Checked the newsletter, my first main "red flag" is that there is no date on it. It does have a copyright 2013 symbol, but he talks about gold hitting a high of $1030. He said " It made its run from $275 an ounce to $1030. It peaked and put in its new high. Now it is getting ready for its death plunge.".
So, he was wrong, it went to $1970 per much for a death plunge. Added to that, in 1970's gold bull gold went from $35 to $850 per one point it reached $200, then went down to $100 first, and then climbed to $850. It dropped 50%, then rose 850%...and all this BEFORE 2008.
He seems to take something that is true, and then twist it to his favour to make you buy his newsletter. There is absolutely NO mention I could see about Greece, or Europe, nor the huge amounts of gold (thousands of tonnes) being bought by China, or the 20% sales tax suddenly imposed on gold sales in India. Put simply, he does not want you to buy the physical.
As for his deflationary drivel. He really needs to learn his history. Yes deflationary collapses are not rare. Put simply when new money is borrowed into existence, it comes with accrued interest, and the money to pay the interest does not exist..and never will. Therefore the more debt you have, the more money you need to borrow to pay the interest. Eventually it can seem that the credit only exists to pay the interest, and money is taken out of the system (think Paul Vocker, 20% interest rates...we had 15% interest rates...this was to reduce inflation by removing excess money...killed many businesses in the process).
IF they were to raise interest rates now to reduce inflation, well, in the UK, we are already paying over £100 million PER DAY on our obligations....this would destroy us. So they print more money to keep the ponzi scheme going. A bit like giving a blood transfusion to a corpse.
At some point you either have a deflationary collapse...which makes currency (pounds, dollars etc) worthless OR more likely they will then hyperinflate. This guy seems to think that prices are going down and hyperinflation is not going to happen.
This is bollox. There is no mention of the $85 billion EVERY month the Fed is bringing in. It took 200 years for the US to build up $800 billion into their economy. They are now creating $850 billion every 10 months. The new Bank of england chairman, Canadian Carney, has already let it be known that the BOE is "open for business" and those in the know expect the UK debt to go from £1.2 trillion to about £9 trillion. This is called Race to Debase. The Japanese called this Abenomics after their prime minister decided to devalue their currency. Australia has decided to do the same.
As for the dropping of prices....seriously? You might want to check the price of coffee. It is true that some items have dropped in price, such as cars. But the reason I would argue IS rising prices. This is MY opinion, so might not be worth paying attention to. Money printing eventually equals higher prices. Goods and Services go up in price as a symptom of this. BUT, and this might be where he is getting his deflationary ideas from....real wages are not moving up as much, partly because the unions are so weak. Remember Grangemouth? Go on strike, and we shut you down was the message. Therefore one's food bill may go from £100 to £140 per week (more on this later). That extra £40 per week (oh by the way..£100 a week is not unusual, and it is amazing what crap people buy) is £2,000 per year. Added to that the competitive advantage of the INTERNET (I can't believe this guy never even considered the net) for people to become more savvy, this is what happens...I think....
"Hey, did you know that in Europe they pay less for their cars, thanks to us knowing this on the let us kick up a it is easier to order from Europe, or Japan...and this applies to a whole host of items, not just cars....therefore that is a main reason why things are cheaper....there are more options to buy from! (clearly this guy has never heard of ebay for example)." Added to that if you are £2000 a year worse of, and given that cars are not really impulse buys AND woman are more masculine now, the days of Joe Sixpack going out and buying a £20,000 gas guzzler while his wife says nothing...are pretty much gone. Now it's a £8,000 eco friendly sardine tin with wheels. Oh..did I mention gas and electric prices? Yeh, they can have an effect too.
Now then, back to guy who doesn't mention other items, such as fine art! Mr (c) 2013 fails to mention the recent sales of fine art and diamonds at what are technically HyperInflation levels.
Earlier I mentioned "more later" regarding shopping. Well there are two things to consider. 1) Debit Cards. or Credit Cards for that matter. When people pay by card they don't really comprehend how much they are spending...well I do obviously....but most don't. They just scurry to pack the shopping, type in the pin number, and that'll do. 2) Other Crap. Yes the other crap principle as I will now Trade Mark when I get the chance is more telling. When shopping goes from £100 to £140, that is a 40% increase! eeek! So how come no-one initially notices? Simple...other crap! The reality is that most families have 2 adults who work. Let us assume that they are both receiving £400 per week (sigh) therefore £800 dosh per week. That £40 psychologically is not looked at as part of the £100, but as part of the £800....ergo...drop in the ocean. Quite surprisingly in other countries where hyperinflation hit, the question put to them was "at what point did you realise something was not right? And MANY people said when FIFTY per cent of their income was going on the food shop. Up to that point it was frogs in boiling water.
Anywaysss..what has this got to do with the price of gold. And what can happen next..and why hasn't it happened yet. Well first up gold and silver are sold in the multiples of 100. In other words if you have 1 oz of gold and can sell it to 100 people, you can make a lot of money, keep the price down...assuming no-one asks for the delivery of the gold. Therefore you have it written into the contract that when person x decides to sell their "gold", that they agree to receive the cash equivalent of the gold and not the gold itself.
Does this mean that you can sell gold without having any? I guess the answer is yes. BUT why are people not insisting on delivery? Well, they are, but they are not the main customers. What pretty much happens instead is that a pension fund (they LOVE pension funds these people) comes along and wants to put some of their customers dosh into gold because they see the price going up. The gold seller (an ETF..Mr 100 oz's per ounce guy) says to them. "hey, why buy the physical and then pay for storage fees when instead you can buy paper gold, which is linked to the price of gold, without the extra costs, and you do not have to worry about the hassle of what to do with the gold because we will settle in cash?...oh and a bigger bonus for you Mr Pension Manager". You get the idea.
Oh, just a side note before I forget, I think (c) 2013 guy was talking about the major enthusiasm on people buying treasuries. Hmmmm.......really?.......last time I checked the FED was buying up the treasuries and the Chinese and the Russians were cutting back... and buying gold.
You know what the Chinese love...LOW gold prices! Now they can buy more! Oddly enough many of the 100g bars (as well as 1oz bars and 50g bars) at UKbullion are now sold out...and yet the price is lower? In a word....manipulation.
But WHY manipulation? Well the dollar is the world reserve currency...not gold. If gold becomes more attractive, that will be the end of the dollar and the US as a superpower. The only reason why the US became a superpower WAS because of having 75% of the worlds gold that it got paid by other countries during World War 1 and 2. The US sold them stuff and food in return for gold because the warring countries were too busy killing each other to do some work. Now the gold appears to have been leased out to god knows where (ie China). That is another thing (c) 2013 did not mention...Germany been told they would have to wait SEVEN YEARS to get their gold back (only 700 tonnes as well)....hmmmmmm
At some point China is going to turn around and dump the dollar and then they will become the superpower. The question is timing. If China becomes rich too soon, then they have to pay higher wages, therefore goods produced become more expensive, and their main customer, the US, wont buy anything, and everything goes tits up. Thing is, they know it's coming...just a question of when.
One other thing. It looks likely that China will start selling gold that you will receive certification of your order, along with serial numbers, with the real option of delivery. I guess their main selling point will be "we DO have gold...does your etf?". They did try this before with the Shanghai Metals Exchange a few years ago, which mysteriously never got off the ground....but they have far more gold now, and me thinks this will be a winner. (oh yeah, and there is the small matter of the 1300 tonnes of gold going missing from the BOE sometime between March and October this year...and William Kaye of Hong Kong dropping hints that just maybe some gold bars with Bundesbank may have arrived in Hong Kong also, then melted down, and now around the necks of Indian and Chinese woman...but don't expect Mr (c) 2013 to mention this any time soon).
Now then...back to the UK. What happens when prices rise (inc utility costs) and wages do not? I am thinking public sector. They go on strike! Where does the money come from to pay the increase in is printed into existence! What does this do prices...they go up! What happens when prices go up...the public sector wants a pay rise....and repeat. That is kind of what happened in Zimbabwe, and I do believe it could happen here.
So what is the morale of all this. Well nothing is ever straightforward, and there are many possible outcomes that lead to the same destination. But whether through deflation or hyperinflation, when a currency is crushed, it is zero. Anything times zero, is zero. You would not then measure gold as being £1000 or £1 trillion pounds, it would be seen as a unit of exchange, and probably in a hyperinflationary viewpoint. If you had £100 and nobody else had any could probably buy a house for £10. Saying the gold "price" will go down per se is nonsensical.
As for Nick Guarino or whatever he calls himself, he is just a scare merchant in my opinion who is trying to get people to sign up to his newsletter, and yet presents himself with a shoddy looking "newsletter". If I knew for a fact what exactly was going to happen and stood to make billions, do you really think I would tell everyone. He doesn't even mention the flash crash or frontrunning!
Nah, just think Rothchilds. They made their money buy planting the seeds they wanted YOU to think, and this seems at an amateurish attempt to do the same.
"the above comments is not written by a financial advisor and is only for entertainment purposes only"
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
And this is exactly the same type of critical analysis and reviews that experts were giving Nick back in 1998.
Not one person gave any credibility to his claims including two of my friends who are licensed financial advisers.
Now they admit they were wrong and regret not having figure it out.
The only problem with Nick is that he predicts something far in advance and tends to present it as if it is going to happen sooner, but despite the exact eventually does happen.
If I had followed anyone else's advice back in 98, I would not have done as well and would be sitting in a mortgaged house that had lost forty percent of its value of which I owe to the bank more than what it is worth and would now be facing foreclosure. Instead my wealth increased five-fold.
I will bet your friend did not know back in 98 that in 2012 about twenty percent of all homes in Miami would be vacant and would be foreclosed upon in one of the greatest transfers of wealth and attacks on the American middle class ever.
Link me to your friend's website with newsletters with dates showing me his ultimate foresight into these matters to warn people before they got cleaned out or any other published proof that he as a track record of providing sound advice years or even a decade before the news talks about it, it becomes public knowledge or the consequences manifest.
When it comes to macro-analysis like the China article, Nick never has any supporters, yet the shit happens.
Most important thing to notice in the China article are the names of the banks involved...and that they are Jew run institutions.
I no longer look to anyone to agree with me concerning financial matters because they are all, or end up, wrong.
I bet your friend had no inkling of the banking and investment firm scandals back in 98 and that he did not find out about it much later on CNN.
I will bet he knew nothing of Fannie Mae, Freddi Mac and the mortgage fraud back in 98 that would not manifest until late 2005 in actual problems being realized. It took seven years for that to rise to the surface and become manifest.
I also bet in 98 he had no idea Merrill Lynch was bankrupt and the names of top corporations trading on wall street were bankrupt but lying on their balance sheets only to deceive before their consolidation by the predators.
Not one person gave any credibility to his claims including two of my friends who are licensed financial advisers.
Now they admit they were wrong and regret not having figure it out.
The only problem with Nick is that he predicts something far in advance and tends to present it as if it is going to happen sooner, but despite the exact eventually does happen.
If I had followed anyone else's advice back in 98, I would not have done as well and would be sitting in a mortgaged house that had lost forty percent of its value of which I owe to the bank more than what it is worth and would now be facing foreclosure. Instead my wealth increased five-fold.
I will bet your friend did not know back in 98 that in 2012 about twenty percent of all homes in Miami would be vacant and would be foreclosed upon in one of the greatest transfers of wealth and attacks on the American middle class ever.
Link me to your friend's website with newsletters with dates showing me his ultimate foresight into these matters to warn people before they got cleaned out or any other published proof that he as a track record of providing sound advice years or even a decade before the news talks about it, it becomes public knowledge or the consequences manifest.
When it comes to macro-analysis like the China article, Nick never has any supporters, yet the shit happens.
Most important thing to notice in the China article are the names of the banks involved...and that they are Jew run institutions.
I no longer look to anyone to agree with me concerning financial matters because they are all, or end up, wrong.
I bet your friend had no inkling of the banking and investment firm scandals back in 98 and that he did not find out about it much later on CNN.
I will bet he knew nothing of Fannie Mae, Freddi Mac and the mortgage fraud back in 98 that would not manifest until late 2005 in actual problems being realized. It took seven years for that to rise to the surface and become manifest.
I also bet in 98 he had no idea Merrill Lynch was bankrupt and the names of top corporations trading on wall street were bankrupt but lying on their balance sheets only to deceive before their consolidation by the predators.
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
I emailed them your reply but they declined a detailed reply , i suppose everyone has varying opinions on these matters, but i can reply to the points you put here on their behalf in a yes no fashion qsc
As a conclusion qsc, i thought carefully before posting up his reply , because i knew you felt strongly on guarinos thoughts and you had declared previous success from such, and you know how highly i respect your "talents"
But balanced against that, i decided that especially you and others also like to see all sides of any opinions , as i do , therefore up it went (:
On the subject of hyperinflation, this keiser show ep on art melt up and some comments on the gold silver moves
No knowledge of that i would say tooI will bet your friend did not know back in 98 that in 2012 about twenty percent of all homes in Miami would be vacant and would be foreclosed upon in one of the greatest transfers of wealth and attacks on the American middle class ever.
NO they would not off
Link me to your friend's website with newsletters with dates showing me his ultimate foresight into these matters to warn people before they got cleaned out or any other published proof that he as a track record of providing sound advice years or even a decade before the news talks about it, it becomes public knowledge or the consequences manifest.
Theres no such website and no track record of such multiple years advice
When it comes to macro-analysis like the China article, Nick never has any supporters, yet the shit happens.
Most important thing to notice in the China article are the names of the banks involved...and that they are Jew run institutions.
Noted Myself thx
I no longer look to anyone to agree with me concerning financial matters because they are all, or end up, wrong.
I bet your friend had no inkling of the banking and investment firm scandals back in 98 and that he did not find out about it much later on CNN.
I will bet he knew nothing of Fannie Mae, Freddi Mac and the mortgage fraud back in 98 that would not manifest until late 2005 in actual problems being realized. It took seven years for that to rise to the surface and become manifest.
No inkling i would say
I also bet in 98 he had no idea Merrill Lynch was bankrupt and the names of top corporations trading on wall street were bankrupt but lying on their balance sheets only to deceive before their consolidation by the predators.
As a conclusion qsc, i thought carefully before posting up his reply , because i knew you felt strongly on guarinos thoughts and you had declared previous success from such, and you know how highly i respect your "talents"
But balanced against that, i decided that especially you and others also like to see all sides of any opinions , as i do , therefore up it went (:
On the subject of hyperinflation, this keiser show ep on art melt up and some comments on the gold silver moves
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
I will be more than willing to consider someone else's opinion and predictions if they can put up a track record of being right.
quicksilvercrescendo- Posts : 1868
Join date : 2009-12-01
Location : The Here & Now
Sputnik- Posts : 1039
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Location : Isaiah 14:11-15
Re: The China Thread and all things Maurice Strong
Not so fast TG, it looks like China already has secured their own 3D printing future as well:
Sputnik- Posts : 1039
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Location : Isaiah 14:11-15
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