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2012              - Page 6 Empty Re: 2012

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 22 Dec 2012, 23:23

besides this I am sure that it's kind of a relieve to think that an apocalypse would mean the end to the agony produced by the monotony of our lives.

I am touched by your honesty sputnik it takes a reflective experienced persona to confirm that little reality detail that must visit most and that most wants to avoid at all costs by doing all forms of absurditys , better to see it sometimes occurs , maybe as a battery runs flat , and move on for a new charge if there be any left to find , theres always more it seems

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2012              - Page 6 Empty Re: 2012

Post  tgII Sun 23 Dec 2012, 00:32

    "...end to the agony produced by the monotony of our lives."

I'll say. Try discovering who you are living in a foreign country especially in the country
of Japan. Ugh.

Of course, it is by choice I readily admit, but damn...

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2012              - Page 6 Empty Re: 2012

Post  tgII Sat 29 Dec 2012, 11:34

2013 you ask?

Russia and China will fire a first strike nuclear launch on Washington, London and
Tel Aviv. And if the Kremlin has one spare ballistic left in the arsenal it has the
"Vatican" stenciled on the nose cone.

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2012              - Page 6 Empty Re: 2012

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 29 Dec 2012, 17:49

Today I spoke with an associate who is Iranian and this is his opinion.
He comments that North America, NATO, Israel. the Sunni in the Arab Emirates and in all Muslim countries where the west has now installed a Muslim Brotherhood puppet dictator are all allied and will begin to press into Iran sometime later this year.

The reason why Russia will not get involved overtly with protecting Syria is because they don't wish to be viewed as supporting its ruling dictator. They may try covert means or just sit back and let things just happen there as it is with Iran they would be more overtly responsive against the west. So Russia will perhaps be dragged into the Iran affair when it commences, but China may hang back from this a bit longer before becoming involved.

I would look at N. Korea striking at China or the US when it comes to some type of nuclear strike...and perhaps not with massive explosive destruction but with nuclear contamination designed just to kill off humans but keep buildings and infrastructure intact.

The war colleges in the US have openly stated that war with China by the year 2025 is the endgame goal.

Since I was very young and had read Revelations at age 7 within the Bible...it seemed that I would be alive while witnessing some of the atrocities mentioned there. I would think history repeats itself and there have been great wars in the past, but without such technology as there is today and without so many inhabitants as 7 billion people.
Life is fickle and the dark ones demand flesh and blood...and it would seem they will have it.

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2012              - Page 6 Empty Re: 2012

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 29 Dec 2012, 22:23

Theres an interesting story told in the uk from the mid 19th century circa the opium wars with china , previous to these wars, britain had been a massive importer of chinese tea, as the british people were quite addicted to it
The interesting thing about the chinese back then is that they would only accept payment from britain in silver bullion, after some years , there was a huge imbalance in trade in that britain was rapidly running out of silver bullion to pay for the ever increasing demand for chinese tea from its citrizens
Something had to be done, so britain sent one of its top tradespeople to china carrying the best of british manufacturing , but on seeing the products , the chinese emperor simply said, we dont need these, we can make them here just as good, we will keep requesting silver for the tea exports

It was also round about this time that the chinese emperor had banned opium which for centuries before had been used by the chinese for healing , medicinal and sexual eightening purposes , it had taken a few hundred years for the chinese to realise the addicted overwhelming effects of opium when misused like when the europeans started educating the chinese to smoke it with tobaco

The british then moved into bengal and started huge trading of opium which made its way unofficially into china where the chinese people themselfs were happy to pay for it at any price
It was estimated that at one time , 20% of the british empires income came from opium dealing , most of it unofficial

The chinese emperor finally got wise and closed down the unofficial opium lines into china
So at this point , the british are cheating mutha undercover drug dealers in opium all over the world

They werent standing for this , so sent a fleet of warships over to the chinese coast where their superior war weaponry absolutly massacred the chinese , something like 67 british deaths to about 67000 chinese before the chinese surendered and were forced to sign what must be one of the most unfair treaties of all time , the tientsin, whereby the chinese were forced to open 5 ports for international trading including giving honk kong to the british , in addition to that , the chinese were fined millions of pounds worth of silver bullion , made to pay it back , the stuff they got fair and square for the tea sales

It is also most interesting to note which allies the british had on their team at this point in history , it was France, Russia and the united states , all quietly conspiring to the huge profits from illegal opium drug pushing but under the umbrella of a fair deal from god loving christians

If the chinese people took hundreds of years to get wise about opiums high destructive powers after being hypnotised by its creative powers then we can expect the western world to still be on the early upsurge curve of this learning experience , opium and its derivatives are going to rocket in the near future as a comodity, the question is, how much of this trade is still underground sweety money for big corps

The opium drug is amazing , as an analogy , it apparently acts like a high level hijacker in the pleasure and pain areas of the brain , it hijacks those receptors and their impulses , dulling pain but taking the experience of pleasure to levels that cant be accurately described in words, it has to be experienced personally not to mention the shamanic dream door openings presented to the psyche of any user , it really is an escape from physical reality or at least a turbo boost of it
But the comedowns are severe and it takes the strongst of wills to ever overcome its addiction , most fail miserably and become slaves of the poppy

Yeah when i see these pathetic politicians in the uk whining on about cannabis and shit , its beyond hypocrysy, these people are so conditioned and blinkered of their own nations pasts that its beyond pathetic

Now why was i posting tis here, its because the chinese learnt a very powerful lesson back in the opium war days , it was that the enemy of that time worked by hook or by crook using proxy puppets, honour deceipt whateve it took to win the targetted bounty , there was no fair play involved and respect , only hard ball winning by any means

It was around the end of that century that the land of korea was christened
Whos not to say that north korea is today just an undercover trojan horse chinese psycho ace card to be played out if needs must in the future , leaving china "officially" out of it as the mad neighbour reaps havoc where required to make a point or force an issue , and the british being experts in the art of unofficial proxy puppetry know this full well as do the americans , the russians and the french

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2012              - Page 6 Empty Re: 2012

Post  tgII Sun 30 Dec 2012, 00:09

Well, looks like I missed my timing on the date, but it looks to be inevitable by the
previous discussion with the Iranian, Qsc. It is all very ominous and I don't see
anyway to defuse it re: current institutions including all these think tanks,
foundations, banks, the UN, Global Peace Initiative and that friend of all of ours, the
Catholic Church with their thousands of priests and nuns scattered all over the place
raping and sodomizing children and their nuns concentrating on this messy women
quality and feminism issues while enjoying a protected life and an annual multi-
billion dollar income.

And with the opium sales the HSBC Shanghai Bank was founded and the Sasoon
fortune where today it is run out of One Canada Square Canary Wharf. One of
the most powerful banks in the world. And don't let the Swiss fool anyone either.

    2012              - Page 6 Canary-wharf-level39

The beast coming out of that little island called Britain consists of insiders in a
thousand-year old business model by which a piddly little island was able to build the
greatest trading empire and the greatest trading language (English) the world has
ever seen. And they aren't finished yet.


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2012              - Page 6 Empty Re: 2012

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 26 Dec 2013, 12:43


Yeah...right.  Now all those that were saying the 2012 phenomena would be slightly delayed into the following year of 2013 can kiss my ass.

The meme has now changed to BEYOND 2012.

Buy the new book and be sure to get the new DVD from all your favorite and respected former 2012 prophets.

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2012              - Page 6 Empty Re: 2012

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