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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  Sputnik Tue 09 Nov 2010, 20:25

Thanks for posting Bobdog, I really liked this interview about Rick Clay's research. He was one of the few people who actually tried to put the esoteric agenda into a feasable and comprehensible format to expose the intended purpose of the mystery religion (very unlike GATEKEEPER Maxwell Jordan, who just never seems to be "able" to tell anything STRAIGHT UP, just like when he gave that interview at Project Camelot and WASN'T answering the question put forth to him of WHY we should pay attention to the "Rising Sun" symbol and what it actually implies...and instead kept talking about how many important people he knows in Hollywood and how much they consult him).


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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  Sputnik Tue 09 Nov 2010, 21:07

Concerning Clay's comment on the "Royal hologram"

check out His Royal Hologram Prince Charles:


Also go to the end of the video and see the turd vanish into thin air without leaving a trace of carbondioxcide...tadaa!


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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  Sputnik Wed 10 Nov 2010, 05:07

I try to take what I can from him and forget about the rest of it.

That's a good attitude but does it work? What if you end up hocussed...I can't detect Russel Pine aka Jordan Maxwell to be a genuine "Dissident". I am generally very critical towards Masons...(and Jesuits)....have you ever experienced at first hand any sort of reprisals
carried out by Freemasons using masonic influence against non-Freemasons or anti-Freemasons?

With all the historical associations and inferences between UFO's and the Vatican, I wouldn't be surprised at all to find the Vatican behind this entire alien hoax. Afterall, they're the ones behind the original religious hoax, manipulating information against populations who couldn't read throughout the dark ages. It seems like they're setting the stage for something like what Rik Clay talks about. More and more the Vatican is establishing it's position to embrace UFO's.

Anything it takes to keep people down on their knees. The Roman Empire is famous for changing it's "storyline" even if it means to hijack somebody elses Messiah... Laughing Vatican City is the spiritual center of the west, City of London is the financial center and Washington DC is or was the political center of the western elitist freakshow. I guess there are some changes planned for the next round of bamboozlement.

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  seraphim Wed 10 Nov 2010, 10:14

I haven't had a chance to hear Rik Clay yet, I was lucky this time, I was on the verge of just barely understanding his accent.
I wouldn't be surprised if the London Olympics is on some sacred ground.
Some great coincidence happened! Isis was mentioned around the 12 minute mark and I was thinking s I believe in Egyptian means they are talking of the feminine. And then I was thinking of what I might be, and then I thought, Isis must represent the all seeing eye, and then right after I thought that, Rik Clay said the same exact thing!
I'll have to finish the video. And I'm grateful for his work, may his soul be resting in peace.

I had the impression too that Maxwell is upset or fed up. He's been through a lot it seems. I like to read what his debunkers put out and then do research on them to find out if they are really just full of it.
So with this video here:
The debunker says he can't find any reference anywhere to arga noa except in jorden's work. And as his mind made some connections miraculously, and quite ignorantly thinking Blavatsky would say the same thing and found this Nuah is Noah, floating on the waters in his ark; the latter being the emblem of the argha, or moon, the feminine principle; Noah is the Spirit falling into matter. We find him as soon as he descends upon the earth, planting a vinyard, drinking the wine and getting drunk on it, i.e. the pure spirit
becomes intoxicated as soon as it is finally imprisoned in matter.
and that's all she said he claims. So if the debunker can go beyond Hebrew and back further he will find that Argha Noa has been mentioned already and has nothing to do with Maxwell or Blavatsky making up that word.

If you google the word, it goes back to the egyptians saying what Maxwell said, he did not make it up. But Blavatsky's quote has different sources unlike the debunker, believing like an imbecile would, that Maxwell copied her work. The ark is a boat shape vessel in the waters. And argha represents the yoni in Hindu mythology. And that could flood too!
The symbol is practically the same for the different for the different meanings. And then you have Noa, Noah, Nuatha. From Irish, meaning like a Lord, to polynesian that means one or only. Both languages going back thousands of years.
So that word is ancient and has been around for a long time.

Some more info on the argha noa...............
In Egypt the story was known as Argha Noah, while in Greek mythology it is known as Argo Navis -the boat “IASON” and his crew of Argonauts used to hunt down immortality.

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The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  Sputnik Thu 11 Nov 2010, 20:17

I appreciate you're cautioning me about him. What else have you found?

As you said, it's good to take that which helps you and still pay attention to his affiliations. Maxwell: he has put up a lot of new information about a lot of things that are indeed useful and important, but it is also good to keep in mind that he is who he is: a Freemason. That means that he is bound by oath. Bound to his secret society and not to you, so never underestimate the power of the secret power structures. As you can notice, I don't condemn him or his information, but I take all of his information with a grain of salt. The other man is the recently passed away Zecharia Sitchin. Now this man deliberately mistranslated the Sumerian Tablets, no doubt!

Unlike you I have experienced reprisals from a few freemasons for speaking publically.

Private information on anybody can be accessed rapidly through masonic contacts - police, magistrates, solicitors, bank managers, Post Office staff, Government employees etc., etc. dossiers of personal data can be built up on anybody very quickly.

In my case a Mason with the internetmoniker Vivian Vivaldi III, appearantly with good contacts to Nato decided to pay me a visit one day.

The part that took him by surprise was that I saw him before he was able to determine my identity. The moment he looked through his binoculars from about 35 meters far away on a small hill in Mauerpark, I gave him a physical signal that I spotted him already.

Re: Banned from Outlaw Forum for exposing Alan Watt

Post Dice on Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:50 pm

@ Vivanus Vivaldi III, you should also edit the post were you accuse me of having hacked into your Outlaw Account. This is not the case. I received an e-mail from (appearantly) you, suggesting to work for Nato and I know you like playing games with people. Now...tell me - I must have really upset you - so much so that you decided to visit me in Berlin in the summer of 2008? Only to see for yourself that I am who I am? Or was you actually trying to impress me? I saw you in Mauerpark on top of the hill about 30 meters away. You was with your "bodyguard" or friend and I signaled to you that I caught you observing me. Later you sat down at the round open-air theater of that park waiting for me to pass by on my way home while you were smiling and nodding your heads at me. I bet you didn't expected the "vampyr" to notice you straight away...or it must have been the shock to encounter the real thing... now one just needs to know what that "real thing" really is and I guess you do know enough. But this whole incidence made me wonder how you were able to locate me that easily. No hard feelings here....I was just surprised to see you, that's all.

Re: Banned from Outlaw Forum for exposing Alan Watt

Post Vivanus Vivaldi III on Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:56 pm

I now believe that Uri was innocent. Troy and I think that someone was purposely sending messenges to everyone to divide us. Its a common police tactic.

It was a pure coincidence of encountering Uri in Berlin, she looked sacred so I decided not to go after her. Anyway, I was there to give a harpsichord recital. I won a competition there many times for performing the Harmonous Blacksmith of Handel. I sincerely apologize to Uri, and I will delete the posts if Kris allows me to.

I have a vacation home in Lussino. I love Croatia. Everyone in Porec & Rovinj knows me. We sail to Croatia several times a year from my home at Cannaregio. I don't work in Albano, Rome anymore, so that address has expired. I hope we can be good friends. We are very close from each other if you are in Croatia. My step-grandfather was an Istrian Venetian.


2012              2qa4aom

And then there is this really crazy Rosecrucian who thinks he must "exorcise" me or whatnuts....
one of his moniker is Kris and a few people know who I am talking about. Tsarion CRIED when he had to ban him from hs Forum.

And none of this really has anything to do with Maxwell's other etymological interpretations anyway.

Maxwell still insist that Nazi is etymologically derived from Nasi (Nazarene) which is really redicilous.

Nazi is short for National Socialists. A SOZI in german slang is is a socialist and a NAZI is slang for a NATIONALSOCIALIST.

I bet Maxwel has no german language skills, especially none concering german slang. He sees connections where he wants to see them.

Irony - I'm not referring in any way to your post of Maxwell. I'm speaking strictly of the debunker in Seraphim's video. I just wanted to clarify so as not to create contention here. But I am keenly interested to find out more about Maxwell's true intentions.

No worries, I am not saying that I know his intentions...they could be all good as well. What I don't like are quick assumptions and people trying to shut other people up because they are critical concerning some of those assumptions. It's an open debate or it's a farce.

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 16 Nov 2010, 22:55

...this is a type of sickness that only a brain parasite could cause...best get a checkup for yourself...soon...

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  Sputnik Wed 17 Nov 2010, 03:30

quicksilvercrescendo wrote:...this is a type of sickness that only a brain parasite could cause...best get a checkup for yourself...soon...

And then there is this really crazy Rosecrucian who thinks he must "exorcise" me or whatnuts....
one of his moniker is Kris and a few people know who I am talking about.

Yeah Freemason "Kris" geek

take a chill pill, your under lifelong surveillance by that parasite inside of yerself. Twisted Evil

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  tgII Wed 17 Nov 2010, 12:17

Flames, you're getting side tracked, remember what Joseph
Farrell discussed about 2010 and this idea of collapse? The
idea thought and consciousness is very deliberately manipulated;
2010 is like a bad migraine headache, take two aspirin with a
cold glass of water and then go straight to bed.

You will be fine in the morning.

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 17 Nov 2010, 13:33

take two aspirin with a
cold glass of water and then go straight to bed.
You will be fine in the morning.

You just solved the 2012 angst generator for them all TG Very Happy thank you , life will now return to serenity

BUt there is some psychological changes happening quicker and quicker with the computer age explosion i notice around me

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  tgII Wed 17 Nov 2010, 14:36

Kapis, you're not kidding; just wait until those Cray computers
kick in and start giving us commands.

And I meant '2012', not '2010.' Must have been the angst.

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  Sputnik Wed 17 Nov 2010, 18:59

What I am seeing in regard to 2012, is a specific and obvious sign that civilization as we know it is crumbling before our eyes.

Have you heard about the 11th hour?

"It's the last time something can be done"

The 12th hour is representing the end of something - for example the end of today

The 13th hour is representing a new beginning - of something new, also called: the first hour.

2012 represents the last possible moment of change, it's the last hour of changing direction.

which will end in the 12th hour and the introduction of a new era like proposed by the NWO.

starting in the 13th hour. Have you ever wondered why it is called 20 12

and not two thousand and twelve?

Because they seperated the 20 and the 12, it's the only clue they have given you.

It's a warning that we must settle the score (20) before the end (12)

(or that we must settle the score in the 11th hour).

2 = a couple

12 = a dozen

What is the score?


20.12 in the clock also reads 8:12

Add 8 + 1 + 2 = 11

Do you see what I mean? The 11th hour

20 + 1 + 2 = 23



2+0 = 2 & 1+2 = 3 : 23

23 in a 24 hour clock?

It's eleven o'clock = eleventh hour



That's 8:12 pm on the 20th of December 2012

When the 11 meets a triangle

11 > 3

We have the 33

A very significant number in secret societies.

In fact, it's the higest degree in Freemasonry.

2012              Dollaracvk

Look at the seal on the 1 dollar bill

It shows a triangle, it takes 13 steps to climb the triangle which we see as a pyramid

This is the new order after the 12th hour, the 13th hour is the NEW WORLD ORDER

Let's look at 20 12 again

2 is 1+1 or one and one (convert to tally count) 11

1+2 is 3

and 11 x 3 is = 33

Or you do it like the deltas

II X III (11 X 111)

is 1221 or 12 21


33 again


Reflect the last two letters of each word, they are numbers.

LL or II = 11

and ES is 23

11 and 23

The freemasonic organisation to shape the 11th hour.

George W. Bush and the Iraq war with it's consequences =

The beginning of WW III.....that's the plan.

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  seraphim Wed 17 Nov 2010, 22:29

I agree with both of you. And that some folks are scrambling to accomplish something.

Flames, the Mayan Calendar as with almost everything is being manipulated by the controllers. They like to get their dirty hands in everything and then twist others work and system. 2012 is about galactic changes, which produce evolutionary changes. And cataclysms are involved. That is why it is called a different world after the changes, from one world to the next, we are supposed to be going into the fifth world.
But of course you got the controllers using 2012 for their own benefit so that they can create their own NWO. It would be the perfect time to not only wipe out more people, aka, WWWIII, but then easily take control of those worldwide who are shocked out of their senses, because they have never accepted any kind of change (unless oddly it's inforced upon them subliminally or through religion, media, etc). And of course most people are complacent anyway. People won't change perhaps of the imbedded programs that's why it's so hard to change.

What people need to do is accept the fact once and for all that things will change and it's not going to be easy. If they accept the natural changes, prepare and get ready as best one can, as the Mayans and ancient tribes did and then maybe they would survive.

The NWO understand their flock very well. So in order to cut down any misbehavior, they cleverly will be treating all Americans as suspects and terrorists. But then say no it's not our beloved Americans that are a threat, but those terrorists out there, so we must protect you in every way. Which is of course taking away more rights and treating Americans like those terrorists. It's just another one of their psychological mental jobs.
Because it is very bad for them and interrupts with the scheme of things for their slaves to oppose them and we have to be punished. To them we are nothing at all and to be treated anyway they wish.

As for the changes it is interesting that science now is supporting the Pleiadian and other new agers theory that cosmic rays effect evolution.

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  seraphim Wed 17 Nov 2010, 22:49

Bobdog, as for 2012, I guess they have to give or take a year, they don't want to mess up and have to be exact, it's more than an event of a lifetime.
It's surreal to find out that all those sci fi movies can be made reality. I feel like a cave person talking really! In the past there were advanced civilizations and sci fi was real but not in these primitive times. It's like the past and future were reversed!
Interesting website....
The photons, the scientists admit about them. They are coming.

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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 19 Nov 2010, 17:44


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2012              Empty Re: 2012

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 24 Nov 2010, 17:55

I tried to view the 911 vids, QSC, but the filesharing site they're on locks me out for twenty minutes after each vid I download unless I buy a membership. To borrow your own cliche, "What the fuck is this shit?"

Hmmm...really? Because I thought I could not have provided any more guiding clarification...that you did not need to use the filesharing files...but scroll beneath them to the video parts in frames on the same webpage.

I repeat...If you click on the web link for the 23 parts of the video, then when on that webpage scroll down a bit further below all the file sharing links...and you will be able to watch the video in frames on that webpage.

...you will find the video parts will be listed there in frames without having to download anything.
Dimitri Khalezov...911 and the nuclear detonation of the World Trade Center Towers...
(let me know what you think of this one Timothy)

23 Parts...On how the towers were taken down with nukes...
...just scroll down this page a bit to be able to watch the videos in frames rather than download individual listed files...unless you want to keep and archive it...

Let me know if you need more assistance. Although I am not sure how I could have been, or could be anymore helpful on this matter.

I found the nuke theory to be very interesting, particularly the turning of concrete and steel into dust.
Let me know what you think.

Did you watch this one yet Timothy? Give me your opinion on it as well.

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