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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

Post  highnoon Thu 23 Sep 2010, 02:26

I signed up to a gym for 6 months and bought all the food and things i need to gain muscle.
one of my supplements is Test Freak. Its a natural testosterone body producing drug to basically get my testes to ramp up testosterone by up to i think 366%. The way i feel on this supplement is just..normal. I feel like this is how a man is supposed to be. My attraction to females has increased, girls are more attracted to me, i feel like i have WAY more energy. i dont feel that depressed, but still manic at times.

Youd think itd make me become a roid raging kindof person but its just givin me an inner peace that was not what i thought id be getting from such a supplement. i must have been very low in this man chemical.

It has made me think of the problem of, just how repressed is the average male/female biochemistry. What still comes to mind for me is the pictures of the graduating classes of the 60s and 70s and how old all the students looked in grade 12, and how young and "just starting puberty" my generation can look.

Another honest fact about my biology is that i just turned 25 3 weeks ago and in the last couple of years i am still growing taller (very minute, like 1/8 of an inch per year) but it is still happening. i still have been getting more chest hair. if i compared my chest now to when i was 21, it would be like half the chest hair from that time period.

this sortof seems like a good thing, that i might be aging slower, but i dont think so. i think aging improperly is more accurate. cause i dont think i will hit 120 just because im still getting a tad taller or have been for the last 5 years when my height was supposed to peak out along with my puberty (i dont have any genetic disorder where i keep growing or anything)

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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty Re: New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

Post  tgII Thu 23 Sep 2010, 08:45

Why go through all that shit, a simpler way would be to start
chewing on some kombu (Laminaria japonica, or kombu) several
times a day:

  • New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Kombu_tsukudani450

I eat this terrible tasting seaweed daily; the taste is just awful but
it kicks ass.

Here are some good reasons why:

  • Fucoxanthin - It is the fucoxanthin in brown seaweed that is credited with efficient fat-burning. However, fucoxanthin does not accomplish this by itself. Therefore, taking fucoxanthin supplements will not do the trick. Rather, fucoxanthin works in combination with the mineral iodine that's also present in brown seaweed. When the thyroid is supplied with a sufficient amount of iodine, the endocrine system is rehabilitated and functions more efficiently -- and this increases your body's metabolic speed, thereby enabling your body to burn calories faster and prevent the accumulation of body fat.

I buy it small bags and snack on it all day long:

  • Alginates - Alginic acid, also called algin or alginate, is an anionic polysaccharide that exists in the cell walls of brown algae. The alginate content of brown seaweed detoxifies the body of strontium, uranium, mercury, lead -- and hundreds of toxic chemicals that we're exposed to in modern society. Such toxins, which become embedded in the heart, kidneys, liver, brain and other organs, are effectively eliminated from the body by sea vegetables, particularly brown seaweed.

And here's the reason I like it:

  • Organic Iodine - Most people think iodine is only beneficial for the thyroid, but it's actually important for other organs of the body as well, including breast and prostate gland tissue. It is believed that the rates of breast cancer in Japan are significantly lower than they are in the Western world because the Japanese consume higher quantities of seaweed. A sufficient level of iodine reactivates the thyroid, and consequently regulates other glands and organs, including the pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, adrenals, and even the liver.

And the really best part is this shit is really cheap:

  • Laminarin - The laminarin content of brown seaweed is a great natural source of energy.

The lowly brown seaweed; who would have ever thought? Be
careful though, this shit will back fire on you if you eat too much;
it is an insoluble substance. Diarrhea or constipation is likely to
occur in those who start eating kombu in larger quantities than
their bodies are accustomed to.


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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty Re: New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 24 Sep 2010, 20:21

There was a report in the Uk this week stating that there were a quarter of a million known users of anabolic steroids in the uk, not to mention the unknown ones , with a large portion being younger people from 12 to 24 suffering a crisis of the male ego and the male image , it stated , being influenced by heavy advertising showing rippling male torsos surrounded by admiring females

It also stated the dramatic increase of so called herbal testosterone boosters that were unregulated and an expert claimed some of them as potent as anabolics and could lead to side effects down the line

But its an interesting point about diet affecting the development , i thing this has truth in it , its also true that young people nowadays dont have to work as physically hard as those before them because of technology and the increase of non physical or minor physical jobs.

But corporate food manufacturers are allegedly hiring experts to manufactre ingredients that addict the user , so it does not take much to suppose they can also de-testi males as well and testi up females
Very Happy

Whats it gonna look like in another 50 years on this planet, the average joe ?

Talking about ageing , i saw a interview with Linda Gray, the actress that played sUe Ellen in DAllas .
She is 70 , and she claims to look so "good" just by eating well, sleeping well, the usual, but i swear that she must have had that face pulled so tight, that its almost coming of the bone , will see if i can catch a clip of her somewhere

Good info on the seaweed TG , theres a good supplier of various seaweeds down by Rosslyn chapel at Edinburgh

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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty Re: New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

Post  highnoon Sat 25 Sep 2010, 17:14

Its not a steroid

ill list the steps as it has on the box

1- Releases the release of gonadotropin

2- Increases testosterone by increasing lutenizing hormone

3- provides the building blocks needed to support greater testosterone production in leydig cells

4- prevents the biodegradation of testosterone in the liver

5- blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone

6- blocks the conversionof testosterne to estrogen by inhibiting aromatase

= Free unbound testosterone

The thing is i went for it because it blocks, provides building blocks, and stimulates my body. I thought the makers had a several angles to increase testosterone and it impressed me that this supplement does like 8 jobs to my system.

just have to worry about my mental state now cause i have bipolar tendencies and might have trouble with the dedication of keeping the regime

The seaweed is interesting thanks. they will have it easy here in vancouver, its basically asia we have so much culture here and theres import stores everywhere.

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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty Re: New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 27 Sep 2010, 10:51

Highnoon, keep a note of your psychological status during the period ingesting this item , i mean its an invaluable moment to do so if you have the inclination

The other thing that would be vital to do in the interests of measuring any gains, is to immediately take your weight and your body measurements, neck circumference, biceps, forearms, wrist, pecs, waist, hips, thighs, calfs, etc keep a note of these and then after a month or so , try them again to see if you are expanding cyclops

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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty Re: New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

Post  seraphim Mon 04 Oct 2010, 04:30

Highnoon I saw the ingredients in test freak and it looks like the tribulus or it's active ingredient is what you want to take. A lot of those supplements are just out for the money, although it looks like a great supplement, whoever thought of that one, knew what they were doing. I'm surprised they used cardamom seeds (ayurvedic) to boost the potency. That's the other ingredient that stood out. Those two together ought to do the job.
I'm all for that, but I go the more natural route, (cowboys don't need any of the above Smile) and would recommend eating some pure red meat instead, and anything raw from an animal, milk, butter, fat. Living off the land (see all the indigenous tribes and those farmer ancestors producing nice healthy big children) makes you not only strong and fit muscle wise, but extremely healthy. {EDIT}Don't forget one of nature's rules, use it or lose it.
Too bad diseases and poverty are everywhere, it's difficult to live like that anymore.

p.s. Men take tribulus for other things too, you probably already know, it's partner herb yohimbe don't take if have heart problems.
Horomones are not something to be messed with, please read up on testosterone and the implications of taking more of it.

aromatase is increased by alcohol and decreased by smoking???

Don't forget the sex horomones like testosterone are produced from cholesterol which is an animal source.
So having a good piece of red meat once in awhile will keep you strong as well as mental energy.
As for mind energy, testosterone is used in antiaging remedies and a major decrease is linked to alzheimers. No wonder all those cholesterolreducing medications given to the elderly!

Guys are lucky, testosterone causes mental energy while estrogen causes an inability to think, it really does!

Last edited by seraphim on Thu 07 Oct 2010, 05:14; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : unability to think)

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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty Re: New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

Post  seraphim Mon 04 Oct 2010, 06:30

Forgot to add this, you know tgII, doctors are cutting out organs left and right. If your thyroid isn't functioning they will persuade you to get it removed. Many thyroids in women are non functioning, go figure and so taken out as well as other organs. I wonder what the heck they are harvesting them for or is it just for the money.
Seaweed would do them good, but not too much, don't want to get an overactive thyroid because of too much iodine. I don't know how the Asian body manages iodine and they may be able to take in more iodine without it adversley affecting the thyroid because of centuries of use.

My thyroid as well as probably everything else is borderline low, so I take the amino acid L-tyrosine ( I take cautiously because amino acids that are man made can be tainted with MSG) and some herbs once in awhile. And I never ever take anything daily, except for when I do detoxes. And I always alternate and take in moderation. Except for ice cream Smile

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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty Re: New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

Post  highnoon Mon 04 Oct 2010, 23:23

Thanks for the tips. I had a feeling red meat was worth it, but i also did a fast study of weightlifters diets. or worlds strongest mens diets. its full of potatoes, bacon, chocolate sometimes. eggs, lots of tuna, chicken too. the chocolate thing ill skip cause i dont want to buy it and i dont want to have to brush an extra time or two a day cause im eating it.

Im doing the bacon thing on workout days. 8 slices of bacon with lots of boiled veggies as my meal a hour or two before the workout. but i consume nuts, whole wheat breads, cheese, milk, weight gainer, nut bars, boil chicken breasts for other meals. i just pick random protein carb combos basically for my other daily meals.

ill try the steak after i run out of bacon. i do enjoy a rare bloody steak...

and yeah its a cool supplement, but i dont feel crazy for taking it, i do feel a bit nuts after a workout though. like i want to shoulder check a rhino if it was in my way


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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty Re: New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 30 Mar 2011, 10:50

are you still trialing the supplement highnoon

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New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal Empty Re: New supplement, Test freak added to my diet. Results. I feel normal

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