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There is hope...

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There is hope... Empty There is hope...

Post  tgII Mon 14 Jun 2010, 23:39

...for me yet.

How Your Brain Looks When You Think New Thoughts

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There is hope... Empty Re: There is hope...

Post  tgII Sat 19 Jun 2010, 12:30

Eye opening, isn't he, David Williams?

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There is hope... Empty Re: There is hope...

Post  seraphim Fri 27 Aug 2010, 06:08

There is.....and there is not
and if there is...what does that depend on....

My uncle, Don Beto, explained this to me many years ago in a very simple manner. One day, as my uncle and I were walking in the jungle near Espita, my home town, he suddenly gestured indicating that we sit on some stones that
were under a beautiful tree. As we sat down I perceived the aroma of mango fruit. My uncle was watching me and he asked me if I felt like eating a mango. Then, he said: "This is the right day for you to understand the essence-spirit

My uncle asked me if I could see a mango on the tree and I answered that I did not see any. He said: "Today, the mango fruit is not present. That is the way of existence; everything arrives spiritually first. Just as the mango fruit
arrives, so does everything that exists. That is how we humans arrived in this world, first spiritually and later physically."

When I sat within the formation to meditate, I remembered my uncle telling me to always remember the teaching of the essence-spirit concept. Then I understood that, through this sacred site, Mother Earth was trying to
communicate with intelligent, open-minded human beings that could understand the language of sacred geometry in its mathematical and vibrational aspects.

When I was in Florida in 1996, for reasons of cosmic coincidence, I met Kathy Doore, who gave me a photograph of a recent crop formation in England, which seemed to suggest that the essence and body of our Mother Earth was
not in the orbit it had occupied for millions of years and this saddened me.

I still remember my uncle's sadness over the animals and trees that were gone and I too, feel sad. When you, Solar Brother and Solar Sister notice that in the area where you live the animals and the trees begin to disappear, you
will realize that we are gradually facing isolation, that the life-giving spirits are disappearing, that the spirits that support this blue planet are being lost to another dimension. Should all essence-spirit be gone, Mother Earth may
exhale her last sigh. Without her essence, her body may disappear and we all may pass to the memory of what once was here.

That was one of the few things we could always depend on or be completely sure of, but just as anything can and does happen, physical Earth can be destroyed, just like Tiamat and other planets, gone.

Because we are the keepers and co-creators of this reality, if we ignore and dishonor the essence/spirit of the unseen, unmanifested worlds, we are actually working against nature and keeping reality from materializing. The
winged ones, four-legged ones and the world of plants will not manifest if we have no respect for them. Why would they. If we kill them and cut them down, pollute them, why would they desire to manifest in this reality. If we don't
learn respect for all of creation, we could literally erase life's participation in this dimension on Earth!

We need to realize, honor and respect our creative force and realize we are creators. We hold this reality together. We are the keepers of the Earth. When we truly honor ourselves and our awesome creative power we will again
live in a sacred way where we honor all life. When we honor all live the essence/spirit of all living things will manifest.

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There is hope... Empty Re: There is hope...

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 01 Jan 2011, 13:21


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There is hope... Empty Re: There is hope...

Post  tgII Thu 31 Mar 2011, 11:21

...hope? Let me think; hope is being on a board where others are contemplating hope and an image is sent 'hoping' the person it is intended for will take this to mean their is hope yet for him to find himself on a beach with a sexy chick having hot sex everyday where life isn't complicated.

But this is earth and you know that nobody is left alone here...

...Flames, meet Asuka-san:

  • There is hope... Image_tv_2011_01_Asuka_Kurosawa_Lover_Soul

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There is hope... Empty Re: There is hope...

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 06 Apr 2011, 14:47

Now take that current perspective and multiply it by ten.
Because in the next five to ten years, I think that is what you will see in the U.S.
There isn't going to be a "bounce-back"...those vacancies will not be filled.
Tent cities.
Look for the price of high-to-middle-class pussy to go down significantly...and brothels to open up for the burgeoning youth to exercise their few marketable skills.

Coolin' In dah' ghetto...

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There is hope... Empty Re: There is hope...

Post  tgII Thu 07 Apr 2011, 02:33

...and besides all that, Joe Plumber says, 'we still got sports.'

  • There is hope... Lingeriefootballpics

...image of Joe Plumber going to the 2011 Superbowl XLVI:

  • There is hope... Iz205001

...cost of 30-second commercial on television during Superbowl: US$3 million...

...I am speechless...

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There is hope... Empty Re: There is hope...

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 07 Apr 2011, 23:44

The dark humours simmering well qsc

30 second = 3 million = the value of psychological programming is a proven high , im speechless as well

Flames - heres a flash of prime engleesh blond polyanna , she now starring in the gadge show with the sp vamp , they know what tickles many male viewers, they had her in a skirt or was it hot pants earlier this week so short that im surprised they qualified as a product Very Happy


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There is hope... Empty Re: There is hope...

Post  seraphim Mon 02 May 2011, 05:56

There is hope.....

I watched this and thought what psychotic being would create such a thing as the hornet. You don't need to kill everything in sight in order to survive like those hornets. They got demon seeds in them alright.
Not the one I watched, can't find it on youtube, this will have to do.

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There is hope... Empty Re: There is hope...

Post  tgII Thu 04 Aug 2011, 03:59

Enjoying an Asahi Dry beer while watching this video...

  • There is hope... ASAHI%20SUPER%20DRY%20BEER%20CAN

It is becoming apparent something is up...


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