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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  tgII Thu 19 Nov 2009, 05:10

I especially like the intro to one of Marko Rodin's recent videos where
he's sitting on the floor and says, "I claim to be able to make a black
hole on my workbench..."

Marko, can I buy one, think I'll use it as a vacuum cleaner and suck
out some dirt around the house and tidy things up a bit. bounce

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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  tgII Fri 28 May 2010, 21:51

  • In the above video series (can't remember what part), Marko says something I found highly interesting. He was talking about human language and how he believes the English language is nothing more than a "business language", basically used for international commerce.

Yes, that's exactly what the English language is, and a lot more.
It is very easy to manipulate people with the language of

Look at the KJV Bible how 'believers' are pressed into psychological
manipulation to 'Christianity' and all that entails?

Or look at money, more specifically the 'magic' of believing in paper
money? (the words used to enforce the use of 'flying money' -
Chinese term)

Do some study of etymology on some of the English words and it
is amazing. I once posted at the other forum the idea of people
studying a different language to jump out of the 'matrix' and was
met with favorable opinion.

'God' doesn't use English because creation is based on mathematics.

If anyone knows a good graphic artist let me know. I am trying
to take an image of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II and
form one image with their faces. We are living in their occult imperium
and it would seem to be English is their preferred method of control.

Thanks, Flames

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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sat 29 May 2010, 08:55

I wouldn't be surprised for a minute if I woke up one day, look out the window, and see grown men hitting woman over the head with wooden sticks saying shit like "man horny, man hungry, man marry woman, woman feed man, man look for fire". Some nutty shit like that.
Like in rap videos...the stick being the message repeated.

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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  seraphim Mon 31 May 2010, 07:06

If anyone knows a good graphic artist let me know. I am trying
to take an image of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II and
form one image with their faces. We are living in their occult imperium
and it would seem to be English is their preferred method of control.
TGII, Just the talented painter/drawer artist I posted back doing Gene Wilder's and others??

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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  seraphim Tue 22 Jun 2010, 21:06

Hypertime- at six mark explains electromagnetic wave as a spiral...... He doesn't get into conspiracies or government or intuition but spirals in Nature move or carry things. The spiral is also an ancient symbol and has been seen lately not just in Norway. Could it have been a wormhole opening, either that HAARP created or someone else trying to come in and HAARP prevented it.

He also talks about some sidereal vs. solar time discovery in another video. And how you can predict earth catastrophes based on what the Sun is doing electromagnetically. HAARP also copies what the Sun does to produce earthquakes.

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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  Sputnik Thu 04 Nov 2010, 11:52

1 hertz..(Hz) is a 'C' at A-432

It is the lowest possible frequency/cycle (measured in cycles per second)
'C' is the root of ALL SCALES in Music, and natural harmonics in nature and science.

The distance that this wave "C" will travel before it recycles is 299,792,458 meters or 186282.397 miles

The speed.. of light.. is 186282.397 miles per second......

This is very strong evidence for the existence of a unified theory that
functions from a single resonance (singularity) and then to its harmonic counterparts.

432000 seconds in every 12hour period

This is the chart from the mathematics department
at Birkley University showing the natural harmonic
frequencies below 1000hz.

1................3.......9....... 27........ 81 ........243 ........729
2 ...............6 .....18...... 54....... 162........ 486
8 ..............12.... 36..... 108....... 324........ 972
16 .............24.... 72..... 216....... 648
32............. 48... 144.... 432
64............. 96.... 288... 864
128............192... 512.
256........... 384
512........... 768

these are NATURES FREQUENCIES ....do you see the pattern?
always moving up harmonically by major 3rds
and simultaneously doubling.
this is how our cells and dna sequence behaves.


Blue..................................D 288
Indigo................................E 324
Violet.................................F 341
Red...................................G 384
Orange...............................A 432
Yellow................................B 486
Green.................................C 512

Why would we want to tune to a-440 if its not good for us or for evolution?

In 1939 Joseph Geobels was the first to propagate for all music world wide to be played and listened to at a-440hz.
In 1953 the Elite had a meeting in London to finally impose the a-440hz Standard Concert Pitch.
Prof Dussaut of the Paris conservatory had a poll of over 20,000 of the head classical musicians of France
and they all voted unanimously for A-432hz, but the Elite does not care what others think now do they?

The Stradivarius violin was made for playing in A=432 Hz, Mozart compsed his music in A=432Hz. What does this mean?
This means simply you have never heard the real music of Mozart. Even music played on old instruments in A=432 Hz
is manipulated in the musical studio's into A=440 Hz.

Quoted from: http://www.myspace.com/bobbylavignesproject432

(Note: this has nothing to do with the New Age marketing of the "Sollfegio DNA repair" scam)

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Location : Isaiah 14:11-15

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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  Sputnik Thu 04 Nov 2010, 12:02

Btw, right now I am TRYING to learning "Overtone Singing!" Very Happy

What a co-incidence....., I usually do things quite intuitively and even though
I can't say I know if Haramin or Rodin are right on the subject, the topic is very interesting.


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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  seraphim Thu 04 Nov 2010, 20:57

Hi flames, do you mean the solfeggio I posted awhile back in the music thread.
I've been chanting since I was little and been doing overtone singing for awhile too. I feel the difference sounds makes when doing that.
I think it's good to learn a new instrument, as it's kind of like learning a new language. My ultimate goal in life, is to explore all of my interests, and put them into action, for the soul goal of creating something to inspire or heal someone else in the world. I am kind of dissolving my ego these days, by attempting to bring out the 'self' in others, particularly the 'broken people.' That War of Art book I mentioned, really kicked me in the ass.
That's great. And I for sure will look into that book!

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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  Sputnik Fri 05 Nov 2010, 09:51

Regarding the Vortex Based Mathematics. I have actually set down by myself, and worked with this math. Particularly, the fractal topography, or the number pattern sequence (map) on the toroid. Why? Because it is challenging, and jogged my concentration. I've also been creating mandalas/sacred geometry over the last few months, inspired by Rodin's work.

Basically, he got me really interested in mathematics, patterns, glyphs, and so on. Torsion physics is all the rage right now in the physics literature. I also find that creating mandalas are extremely introspective, and healing. Rodin's work is very connected to sacred geometry. His "dandelion puff principle", mathematically predicts how and when, biological systems grow. Fascinating.

Do you paint or draw? Would you show me your mandalas? I admire people who can calculate in their heads, because I find numbers too abstract. That's why I looked into vedic math techniques a while ago, I think they should teach children vedic calculation techniques in school too. (It's easier for mental calculations). Geometry is definetely more feasable to me too.

I have always wanted to take singing lessons. I often think about it just about every day. I sing a lot through my days, whether in the car, or the shower, or whatever. Even though, I'm sure I suck.

Maybe you could find a chorus in your area that is taking in beginners? Like a Gospel Chorus. Or you could find people who would like to sing in a chorus and then you can share a teacher once a week. Just an idea..

In Croatia there are a lot of chorus like this one, singing is culturally VERY important for us:

This is at Diocletian Palace 300 A.D. in Split, every day a few men-groups go there to sing.

Singing is fun and makes happy. That's why it is not important how good you sing, but how much joy you have.
Then your voice gets better automatically.


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Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein Empty Re: Marko Rodin w/ Nassim Haramein

Post  Sputnik Sat 06 Nov 2010, 11:34

Nice idea, maybe I should try out to paint a mandala too. I have a youtube friend who paints sacre geometry:

And this is his channel:


Maybe he can inspire you or give you some tips.

Right now I have a project painting fishes. I wonder if I should try to make a Fish-Mandala.
When it's ready I take a picture and post it in 1 or 2 month.


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