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Piracetam/Concussion help

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Piracetam/Concussion help Empty Piracetam/Concussion help

Post  highnoon Mon 26 Apr 2010, 22:31

Going to order some piracetam apparently can lessen head trauma. Does anyone have any other advice for recovering from a concussion besides rest. im almost done my second week since the incident and recovery is slow. i feel slightly fatigued and my speech is a bit slurred at times. it is getting better, but im a bit worried. everytime i sleep i want to lay in bed and i have no trouble falling back to sleep or getting comfortable even after a long rest of 10 or more hours

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Piracetam/Concussion help Empty Re: Piracetam/Concussion help

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Tue 27 Apr 2010, 17:50

That requires the attention of a medical doctor with possible X-Rays, MRI, CAT and-or CT Scans.

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Piracetam/Concussion help Empty Re: Piracetam/Concussion help

Post  bedido Wed 28 Apr 2010, 08:17

Pure Frankincense oil inhaled a few X's a day is known to cross the blood to brain barrier
... and with gentle intake should have you up and back to you old self highnoon

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Piracetam/Concussion help Empty Re: Piracetam/Concussion help

Post  seraphim Thu 29 Apr 2010, 20:31

Hope you are feeling alright Highnoon. Seems that the product only works on memory and not repair and when taken which choline has more of an effect.
For repair I would recommend a natural anti-inflammatory like turmeric and good raw fat to fix things up and keep the neurotransmitters running smoothly and replaced.

I was going to say I knew someone who hit their hid real bad and they ended up super smart so what do you know!

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