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During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn

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During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn Empty Re: During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn

Post  seraphim Sun 21 Mar 2010, 06:59

All I have left are thoughts that don't make sense, probably because it goes way back in the DNA. The trauma really does stay there, but they can be found out. Anyway that goes for everyone most likely.

What are your thoughts?
Destruction. I don't think of that personally, but I know that's going to happen, it always does in this realm.
And you?
All I do is think, because everything is gone. Will I die thinking.......why and what happened. Things are so messed up, people don't even want to live and are not themselves. I certainly never wanted to be here.

When I really dig down deep about that, I can't help but to wonder about some human being that took a bullet to the back of his head, his last thought may have been of returning to base-camp in some unknown land. What the fuck was he here for, and what went through his head?
Could have been you?
Great thoughts Flames............ Smile

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During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn Empty Re: During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn

Post  seraphim Sun 21 Mar 2010, 07:35

Flames......we have been SHATTERED.......it's not harmonic anymore.....

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During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn Empty Re: During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn

Post  seraphim Sun 21 Mar 2010, 08:05

Then ma'am who is going to put back together the Universe?
Sir....you are.

Maybe I'm not supposed to understand. Guess I just embarrass the Captain.

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During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn Empty Re: During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn

Post  tgII Sun 21 Mar 2010, 23:02

Thoughts on the end, but first, a video to set the tone and demonstrate
the vulgarity of it all:

So, the other day, I saw videos being plastered all over the
internet saying something to the effect a high level American
military general said Israel did 9/11 - and everyone believed
him. Shocked

Why are Americans so trusting and naive?

The great whore sitting there in London, the Babylonian bitch
from ancient history, sitting on the throne of death and decay,
an irrational power structure is now manipulating events for

The population will be reduced by billions and suspect nuclear as
well as biological weapons.

The bitch of Babylon after the dust cloud settles will continue
on for another 500 years, bruised, battered, relocated, but they
will continue, bankers never, ever lose, not ever.

Anyone see this, modern British history (well, since 1688...) in a
nutshell: bloody brilliant!


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During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn Empty Re: During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn

Post  seraphim Mon 22 Mar 2010, 06:57

Yeah, nice setting the tone tgII. I was hoping that at least if people have to edure all of what's going, they can smile or laugh about things. It's insane how a person can be here one minute and gone another, and others being born the same day. Death is a serious matter.
Life is like a flash of.....

Flames, I sounded stupid, I didn't mean to keep saying the word 'anyways', nor was I bored. I don't think I've ever been bored in my life, I cherish my bored time, although I've been down and depressed like so many others.
You have potential in your harmonics. You are the crazy janitor God!

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During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn Empty Re: During the Darkest Hour: Before the Dawn

Post  seraphim Wed 01 Dec 2010, 07:15

How the Big God operates and may create something soon?
The furtherance of the system of human progression is cultivated by my will for the explicit purpose to merge
the human species with other species from different universes.

As it is my nature to be seven fold, there are seven universes that comprise my body. Within each of these, a species
of a particular DNA template is cast forth and is nurtured by Source Intelligence to explore its material
universe. Each of these species is sent forth from the Central Race into the universe that was created to unviel
its potential and seed vision. Your species will converge with six other species in a distant future that will
reunite my body as the living extension of known creation. While this may seem so distant as to have no relevance
to your time, it is vital for yu to understand the scope of your purpose. You can think of these seven species as
the limbs of my body rejoined to enable me/us total functionality within the grand universe. This is my
purpose and therefore your own as well.
Your freewill is not taken from you, it is merely united with my/our own. In the deepest chamber of my existance
issues the will to expand, explore, unite, synthesize and in so doing, reveal yet another layer of mt
/our purpose. What is this purpose you ask? It is not expressible in a language that you can now understand
but it is related to the concepts of universe discovery and self evolution. It is the expression and synthesis of cosmic

The ascendant beings of time are converging to my central abode. All are drawn to me for the purpose of my/our
will to be expressed throughout the grand universe in order to cast another grand universe, and to deepen
the skin of my/our personality. This is the hidden purpose of my/our will: to create new worlds
of experience that stimulate our continuing evolution.
Without you I am unable to evolve. Without me, you are unable to exist. This is our eternal bond. It was and
is my desire to evolve that gave you existance. We, collectively, are the conjoint vessel of creation and exploration.
We are the boldness of uncharted journey and the imaginative energy of the out picturing of new realities. We
are the image of an ascending infinite, expanding spiral that is created segment by segment by itself. We are
inseparable-each the window of the other.
From the Wingmakers.....So this is what they have planned. What they have been doing to us and going to do.
Those are supposed to be aspects of a human and their potentials but then the wingmaker says it uses all of the humans will, capabilities etc. to become a great God that manifests.

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