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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Empty Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 12 Mar 2010, 19:00

A friend of mine just had a quadruple bypass this week. And in a couple days is already walking around and in one month will be basically back to normal for the most part. The procedure and the technology have come a long way.
The clogged arteries were dietary and diabetes related and living an unhealthy lifestyle in every respect.

The doctor took a couple photographs of his lungs while he was opened up on the operating table. So the doctor could later show him what the most advanced scanning technology could not. And that his lungs were blackened to the max. And this is what thirty years of just pot smoking will do to the lungs. Nevermind what cigs can do. When you effect the oxygen and gas exchange in the lungs, you pretty much influence all the other systems of the body and devitalize them. It is...slow suicide in pursuit of satisfaction and pleasure.

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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Empty Re: Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 12 Mar 2010, 19:19

even more glad that i stopped smoking tobacco and weed many moons ago, and with my exercise related lifestyle have hopefully purged all crap from within, and i put a lotta shit down there on a 10 year window of smoking , but i still pine for some grass now and then Wink

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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Empty Re: Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

Post  tgII Fri 12 Mar 2010, 21:07

One more very good reason to raise hemp industrially, not
weed for smoking. bounce

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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Empty Re: Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

Post  seraphim Sat 13 Mar 2010, 07:46

Quicksilvercrescendo, it's incredible how much the lungs can withstand. I really think the main damage one gets is the hundreds of chemicals put in tobacco and that causes lung cancer. Because people in the past used to live a long time and never got cancer. And they smoked pure tobacco all their lives. I'm sure their lungs were tarred though.
I'm sure you can inform your friend that vegetable oils, polyunsaturated oils, margarine and the like are one of the main causes of clogged arteries, not animal fats.

The liver is another hardy organ. Wanted to say that the liver medication lipitor and ursidiol when either or are taken with the antibiotic ciproflaxin it will destroy the liver to the point of liver transplant. So I would be very careful with that.

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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Empty Re: Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

Post  tgII Sat 13 Mar 2010, 08:08

seraphim, it's probably the tobacco paper, it is manufactured
with acids and some fairly heavy duty chemicals to treat it,
why people would inhale the hot resin and smoke from chemically
treated paper is beyond my ability to comprehend.

I like eugenics. bounce

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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Empty Re: Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 22 Apr 2010, 19:19

Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Uchr_010

Any stimulant will effect the vagus nerve. And the use of a drug to do so will have side effects just like any other drug.
Along with dependency and/or addiction.

For some apparent reason, smoking for twenty years just does not seem to be a good choice when you look at what happens to lung tissue.

Acetylcholine is the primary chemical carrier of thought and memory. This excitatory neurotransmitter is essential for both the storage and recall of memory, and partly responsible for concentration and focus. It also plays a significant role in muscular coordination . A deficit in acetylcholine is directly related to memory decline and reduced cognitive capacity.

Unlike other key neurotransmitters, acetylcholine is not made from amino acids. Its primary building block is choline, which doesn't have to compete for entry into your brain. Therefore, the more choline you consume, the more acetylcholine you can produce.

Choline belongs to the B family of vitamins and is a fat-like substance that's necessary to metabolize fats. It is found in lecithin as phosphatidyl choline. Foods high in lecithin include egg yolks, wheat germ, soybeans, organ meats, and whole wheat products.

You can boost your acetylcholine levels by taking supplements of phosphatidyl choline, which is also the form of choline most important to the structure of your neural membranes. Vitamin C and B5 are needed for your brain to synthesize acetylcholine, in the presence of choline acetyltransferase, a key brain enzyme.

Acetylcholine levels tend to decline with age, in part because of a decreased ability to synthesize this enzyme. There also may be an increase in acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine.

Supplementary Lecithin...
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em 45010

Another excellent product by Lewis Labs...
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em 51ffpt10

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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Empty Re: Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em

Post  seraphim Sun 25 Apr 2010, 05:29

Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Dbo97b
And have some of this handy just in case.


LOL it doesn't matter at all what Laura does, and whatever she wants to do she'll do, even if a person thinks it's harmful or not, although one right after the other is concerning. It's too bad folks thought all about her being a smoker. I tried out her video on someone who's not into these forums and they said, "That cigar smoking woman is crazy, who gives a two or three year old LSD!" Maybe she should omit that for someone just starting out. If they only knew big pharma does worse and prescribes class II drugs/aka street drugs to kids, and deadly vaccinations, LSD is nothing.
I thought it was strange she would make smoking them a positive thing (reduces the breathe), I
guess she had to tell herself it was good for her somehow. You know mind over matter. I doubt non toxic tobacco smoked in moderation will hurt a person and they should live a long life if other factors are considered as well.

A hint to why Laura likes alot of acetylcholine, to slow down the breathing hmmmm....

Cholinesterase is an enzyme that inactivates acetylcholine molecules at the synapses. The enzyme inactivates the neurotransmitter by splitting it into choline and acetic acid. Inhibition of these cholinesterases, resulting in [b[accumulation of acetylcholine in the nervous system, is quit toxic, because it will paralyse breathing apparatus. [b]Atropine reverses the esterase inhibitors effects by preventing specific acetylcholine binding to the receptor sites, producing synaptic depression, thus neutralizing the toxic effects of anticholinesterases.
Like to know how the vaporizer works out Flames!
Smoked homemade sausage! Delicious!

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