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Daniels dream

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Daniels dream Empty Daniels dream

Post  highnoon Sat 06 Mar 2010, 19:34

Daniels dream Da2&7

Daniel predicted 5 eras after king Nebuchadnezzar

He dreamed the dream that nebuchadnezzar couldnt remember. daniels dream was a statue with a head of gold, chestplate of silver, skirt of bronze, legs of iron and feet of clay/iron

nubuchadezzar's kingdom was the gold head.

the writing on the wall during belshazzars time was

mene tekel peres

mene - god has numbered your kingdom and finished it

tekel - you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting

peres - your kingdom has been divided and givin to the medes and persians.

the silver breastplate can represent the medes and persians 539-331 BC

daniel 2 :39

next a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth.

arian historical library book 17

"i am persuaded that there was no nation city or people where his name did not reach, there seems to me to have been some divine hand presiding over both his birth and actions"

this is of course alexander the great

history of rome book 3

"on june 22 168 bc at the battle of pydna, perished the empire of alexander the great 144 years after his death

(Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), the king of Macedonia that conquered the Persian empire and annexed it to Macedonia, is considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He is the first king to be called "the Great." )

bronze skirt done moving onto legplates of iron

roman empire

168 BC - 476 AD

(the bronze represented the bronze armor of the greeks and the iron the roman armor style)

The feet
daniel 2 :41

"just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom"

divisions of the western roman empire

anglo saxons

the power of rome or the steel legs split into 10 sub kingdoms or the ten toes of baked clay and iron (some weak some strong)

I could elaborate more and say that the vandals, heruli, and ostrogoths are the 3 horns that fell and out of that rose a little horn, or the vatican state. but ill just stop here because the supposed prophecy can actually keep going i think up to 1844.

i wanted to switch gears and focus on the rock that the statue sits on. this coming to an end in say about 200-500 years would probably seem like a good estimate as its about 2500 years from the top of the head, and i would think we're on the rock already in the judgement phase if you want to just entertain that idea.

if anyone read the time rivers theory, its here again


i posted the whole thing in a seperate thread but now its here again for reference

This is where i agree with tsarion because juxtaposing time rivers over the statue of daniels dream fit for making a timeline. it also points more importantly to an intelligence being able to both convey ideas to somebody in a dream, and also to make a natural momument encoded into the planet itself. both are the same clock to decode time. however god is a loose term, we can think aliens as god which isnt a new concept.

so if natural geography can juxtapose daniels dream, then both the natural geography and daniels dream support the idea of alien visititation and/or genetic manipulation. as the garden of edens gihon and pishon rivers can be identified through the time river theory the idea of the garden of eden itself can be reasoned to have been a literal place as well.

Four Rivers of Eden Identified

The region around the Tigris-Euphrates’ headwaters is the site of Eden which according to Genesis was connected to four rivers, two of which were the Euphrates and Tigris. The identities of the other two – called ‘Pishon’ and ‘Gihon’ – have not been conclusively determined by scholars.

As we examine the relevant biblical passage in Genesis (2:10-14) with the foregoing findings in mind, however, it becomes clear that the two mystery rivers are none other than the Blue Nile and the Atbara!

A river rises in Eden to water the garden; outside, it forms four separate branch streams. The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one that winds through the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold… The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one that winds through all of the land of Cush. The name of the third river is Tigris; it is the one that flows east of Asshur. The fourth river is the Euphrates.[27]

Where is this ‘land of Cush’ through which the Gihon river is said to flow? The shocking answer here is made plain in the King James Version of the Bible, according to which the Gihon winds through the ‘land of Ethiopia’ – that is, the land of the Nile tributaries! This is a rather blatant clue, and yet it was never understood until now.

But the ‘land of Cush’ more accurately refers to the ancient kingdom of Cush (or Kush) that existed in Nubia as early as 2000 BC. Nubia closely corresponds to the Nile’s Taurus (Great Bend) region where Eden would be if the Tigris-Euphrates was ‘transposed’! And this is exactly where the Nile indeed ‘winds’ - i.e. the Great Bend - just as described in the Genesis passage!

one important difference is daniels dream and the time rivers might have the same timeframe from start to finish, but the time rivers theory has only very key historical milestones whereas daniels dream, when overlayed with beast prophecy and history, reveals specifics after specifics.

obviously the image at the top of the post shows cat animals faces as the beast with horns on its head, but thats just not understanding the bible. horns represent kingdoms, and as my history proves. there were ten kingdoms that i listed that came out of the fall of the roman empire, although the graph does seem to understand the other kingdoms properly, it somehow gets confused on what the beasts and horns arent. beasts are governments, and horns are kings/kingdoms.

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Daniels dream Empty Re: Daniels dream

Post  seraphim Sat 06 Mar 2010, 21:31

This is where i agree with tsarion because juxtaposing time rivers over the statue of daniels dream fit for making a timeline. it also points more importantly to an intelligence being able to both convey ideas to somebody in a dream, and also to make a natural momument encoded into the planet itself. both are the same clock to decode time. however god is a loose term, we can think aliens as god which isnt a new concept.
That's great you have that opinion. And it seems you are into the bible, great. I'd like to learn more about it, even though I know it has been watered down and the author not so nice. I'll read the river theory later, thanks.
The concept of aliens being gods back then was real I believe and that someone encoded time in this realm to keep us in the same repetitious behavior and thoughts. And that's how we get timelines.

From what I read above it looks like a power took over that is gradually making people incomplete and not as conscious. As people started out golden and ended up as clay.

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