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Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside)

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Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside) Empty Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside)

Post  highnoon Sat 27 Feb 2010, 18:30

Behold the Violent History of Saturn's White Whale Moon 19th of february


seaworld trainer killed by killer whale days later


'sea world' is the domain of Neptune/Poseidon god/planet of the sea

associated with the naval 'line-crossing ceremony' at the equator

corresponding to the Sun's declination on the equinox... already associated with Cassini orbiting Saturn ('Equinox Mission')

association makes symbolic sense in that 'orca' another name for killer whale via Orcinus means 'of the kingdom of the dead' which is the realm of Saturn, the god of death/time.

The 'whale' moon is officially known as 'Prometheus' after the Greek god of foresight and the giver of fire to mankind - i.e. the fire the Olympic torch represents!

and also

whale at seaworld that did the attack is called tilikum


The boat was refitted - reinforced, covered and rigged with sail (230 sq ft in total) and readied for her voyage. The Tilikum was sailed out of Oak Bay harbour (vancouver island) on May 20, 1901, captained by Voss and mated by Luxton. The boat limped into harbour at Penrhyn Island in the Cook Islands on September 2, 1901. Luxton abandoned the effort after they reached Suva, Fiji on October 17, 1901. The Tilikum was mated by 10 more men between that time and when she finally pulled into harbour on the Thames in London, England in September, 1904.

from vancouver to london

london..the host city of the next olympics

im taking a small financial risk by posting this here but i wanted to share something i thought was extremely.....well....extreme

edit: i condensed the information to key points only and changed some sentence structure and also did some search engine tests this entire forum doesnt come up. please if anyone browses dont rat me out to the source im not trying to plaguarize : (. its just highly relevant to me as im from vancouver and i have to share this lol

Last edited by HighNoon on Sat 27 Feb 2010, 19:10; edited 1 time in total

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Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside) Empty Re: Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside)

Post  highnoon Sat 27 Feb 2010, 19:06

or its some gigantic time code/synchronicity

i really dont know how to rationalize this. Suspect

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Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside) Empty Re: Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside)

Post  seraphim Sat 27 Feb 2010, 22:24

This may sound bizarre.
There was an 8.8 earthquake off the coast of Chile, within the last 24 hours. One of the biggest earthquakes every recorded. Awful huh........I hope not too many people were killed. Well animals can tell that something is in the air before the quake hits, days to weeks before, and they have strange behavior. Since the longitude in Chile and Florida, seaworld? is very close could it be why the whale attacked.

As for the moon all day yesterday and night before the earthquake I was feeling some major energies, like how you feel on a powerful full moon and was thinking this full moon is going to be very strong. I was thinking of the moon's energy alot yesterday, but Saturn's moon may be just as well.

Maybe HAARP is at it again. Is this supposed to be a warning.
I've been waiting for the tsunami to hit Hawaii and it's very late, the news is way off. The big waves now may be an hour late.

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Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside) Empty Re: Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside)

Post  highnoon Sat 27 Feb 2010, 22:34

That could be a possibility that the whale felt the "astrology vibes" and did something. but why tilikum over other whales?

what about tilikum being the name of the boat/voyage that went from vancouver island to london and (two cities back to back for olympics) and it being the olympics right now? or nasa releasing a "violent history of saturns whale moon" story just days before.

synchronicity Neutral

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Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside) Empty Re: Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside)

Post  seraphim Sat 27 Feb 2010, 22:44

A possibility. And this was not a synchronicity even if things occurred naturally. I sure was feeling the vibes yesterday, I wrote all about the earth and HAARP right here on this forum. I was really feeling it in the air.

I heard that whale attacked someone before, it could be that it is sensitive to energies. They are going to let the whale to continue work or be on display, don't know if at seaworld or not, can you believe it! Now that is an experiment right there!

Oh and who knows, I mentioned buzzwords yesterday too! Tilikum anyone!!!!

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Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside) Empty Re: Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside)

Post  seraphim Sun 28 Feb 2010, 01:41

Flames, I was going to ask if any of you animals here Smile detected anything about the energies going on with the full moon. Because this animal, me, cat was going to mention that yesterday.

Hawaii got real lucky, the tsunami didn't hit them, but the ocean receded alot and dropped almost 30 feet nearby the island!

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Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside) Empty Re: Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside)

Post  seraphim Sun 28 Feb 2010, 02:05


Duhhh.....on me! I meant to say the ocean dipped almost 30 feet and then went back up of course! Neutral

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Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside) Empty Re: Food for thought, whales (extreme symbolism inside)

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 01 Mar 2010, 23:49

interesting connections on the whale , it must have been horrifying for that lady that the whale turned on, almost as bad as that australioan guy that got speared by the sting ray

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