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The origin of Mankind / Womankind

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 18 Nov 2009, 21:48

TgII... i listened to that arron kaplan piece but i will have to give it another listen and take notes , fantastical like a lot of the myths and ancient writings , different people interpret these in different ways .

Are latest interpretations of the origins of man by many researchers to harness public opinions into a certain path of "enlightenment " , to sell media, or other covert reasons .

Somebody once asked the question ... what is the origin of physical mankind, was it beings from other planets , was it God whatever ones idea of god is , or did man evolve in some other way

Evidence ON the planet sugests many physical STRUCTURES here still not fuly explainable

Is mans intellectual reason restricted from the undestanding of the secrets of mans origin

It seems acceptable that man could not have created man so intellect points to a higher designer of the physical humaN

So mans origin still remains a mystery to him, from a physical sense, but even from a spiritual sense, no- one can join the dots in a convincing manner about the passage into life and back out through death .
And during the life, the mans mind can enter different realms of consciousness which suggests there are different dimensions of experience existing and so the physical world in itself is only a layer of something much greater .

Its easy to see how people can feel like they are in a form of cage with black limo windows

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 19 Dec 2009, 01:04

Ok so no one can say for sure how man suddenly appeared , but the following areas seem to hold the attention of many researchers

1. Physical alien beings came to earth from another planet and spawned the modern man
2. Interdimensional energetic alien lifeform somehow influenced spawned man
3. There is an omnipotent gOd or Goddess ... or a collection of them directing circumstances

For 1. there is physical evidence on thec earth, that cannot be explained by the stated history, it seems almost certain that there has been before , a very advanced technology

For 2. THere is a lot of written evidence that document experiences with other dimensions, and there are chemical influences that can trtansport one there, also sexual influences and dream influences

For 3. Again, there are written evidences to suggest the presence of gods and goddesses and they can appear in the physical and in the interdimensions

BUt for myself, the scenario that really complicates the matter, is that man exists in 2 worlds , the physical reality and the imaginary , both holding very potent powers that affect mans energy

It really is the problem of all problems , mans origin , or even womans Smile

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  seraphim Sun 20 Dec 2009, 06:48

I brought up some of those issues before on human origins. One has to remember that what the scientists say are just theories not facts. And that less than 100 years ago most people believed in Creationism or that one God created man and all things in just 6 days.

The scientific establishment knows exactly how to get make a person believe whatever they say. They changed their tune and just like that alot of people now believe in evolution, by way of Darwinianism. I'm hoping that the next phase of shifting the masses' minds will go back to Creationism but this time be real. Not that man came from dust, and woman from a rib, but get to the real science, genetic tampering. It's only obvious that everyone knows that genes have to be manipulated somehow in order for a species to change, that is a fact.
And that now as in the past one can only conclude with all this science going on, that they are doing testing like that, but kept hidden. As a matter of fact the apes of today may just have been one of the first primates to have been created as an experiment way back when, but for some reason it wasn't as evolved as thought and so the human lineage was created.

And believe it or not the missing link theory or most popular one nowadays, does support that speciation happened real quick, which means a lab or something like that, not Nature. Which follows the their next theory:

I can argue against what another popular theory, the catastrophic one which claims that a major, destructive
event occured and caused the first primate like hominid to change genetically and very rapidly, and then split which you
get the missing link theory, which explains that ape lineage and the hominid lineage (the lucy's, austrolithecus, the homo
lineage, erectus, sapien etc) came from an earlier prototype hominid. But there is some thing majorly wrong with that theory. Out of all the catastrophes only one of all that had occurred in the past changed a species and to top that off only affected the hominids out of every living creature on the planet!
Not only that but when something destructive occurs one can see in frogs what happens, they do not speciate into the
next higher organism, the genes mutate and become deformed.
1. Physical alien beings came to earth from another planet and spawned the modern man
In that case, there has never been any evidence for speciation, nor will Nature cause that. The most logical way is
if the DNA has been tweaked by a knowledgable Being. And that gets to the topic of Gods etc.

I mentioned the fact before that a human could never create another human. Another theory going around.
If there was an advanced civilization or a Being that came here to teach people how to genetically create a new
species then yes a human could have created a human. But as humans are born with a clear slate and have lost much
potential in all departments supposedly (turning off of genes to dumb down?) so of course knowledge was lost.
3. There is an omnipotent gOd or Goddess ... or a collection of them directing circumstances
But then you have the Bible and Koran that millions believe in, with a God who says it has created us and can destroy
us and replace us with another set of human like species. I'll find the quotes.

Also channeling is a way to get knowledge so it could have been done that way I suppose as well. It's amazing
how the human origins has never really been questioned or thought about, just as the origin of technology hasn't.

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  seraphim Sun 20 Dec 2009, 06:58

I made a few edits above so feel free to reread the post again ya'll.

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  seraphim Mon 21 Dec 2009, 07:24

The million dollar question would be....why were humans created?
BUt for myself, the scenario that really complicates the matter, is that man exists in 2 worlds , the physical reality and the imaginary , both holding very potent powers that affect mans energy
That is just the starting point, excellent! This reality is all set up and dense. Use your imagination, use what you got to figure it all out.

So how to bring the dreams into this world? For the other thread......

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 21 Dec 2009, 12:55

Reality has physical and psychological limitations dependent on conditioning and beliefs
The dReam time has only psychological limitations

Now if you take a psycho active substance , you are attempting to partially or fully enter a dream realm from the wake state without submission to sleep , a short cut or a different door , the difference being, that in the sleep state, there exists a safe-anchoring of the physique in most cases, and for most people there is drawn a clear line between their waketime and dreamtime

BUt if taking the psycho-active substance door , the physical state is not physically anchored , this is the potential great danger among others in the psyche , and why the presence of an experienced guide seems most wise, if such a move ever occured to one, because ive heard from a horses mouth, that if taken irresponsibly, then the future waketime is still muddled with the dreamtime in a disturbing manner for a spell

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  seraphim Thu 24 Dec 2009, 00:09

That's probably why I never did drugs, and only recommend doing the stronger 'perception' drugs with a guide.

why humans were made

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  seraphim Sun 27 Dec 2009, 06:26

Anthropology is very interesting. It's good to use one's own mind and to pick up bits an pieces here and there and come up with one's own conclusion. Here is just one theory:

While a lot of talk right now is on the origins of humankind, I was looking into the purpose of humankind.
It seems that it is of critical times now and something has got to be done with the problems of humans. It
is said in the Hindu Vedas about Gods warring with each other. One of these Gods created the blond hair, blue eyed humans (or perhaps came here from another planet and were just targeted) and perhaps why a few of their Gods are blue colored. (I'll focus on two Gods in particular, calling the good God, the blue God.) And then their was another God that may have tampered with the blue God's beings and genetically used their DNA with that of the first hominids to create the homo lineage we have now. The apes and australopithecus and big foot may have been offshoots to it's experiments and who were not good enough and were much less intelligent than humans so they gave it another try and voila the
humans fit the bill.

(BTW, the blue eyed/blond hair beings couldn't have had children that were able to reproduce with the first hominids, unless they had the same chromosomes. And since they were not of the same species that couldn't have been possible, so it must have been genetically done. So when they say the beings had viable offspring with the hominids, it sounds fishy. That would be like a horse and a donkey mating and having a mule, which can't reproduce itself.)

Well humans really didn't fit the bill, because they still have that animal destruction in them and are vessels that can be easily manipulated, so now we have this hell that they create. I call it the human problem.
So who is to blame. This God who tampered with the peaceful blond hair blue eyed beings obviously wanted to destroy the utopia back then and did this. That is just one hypothesis. I read that perhaps that God wanted to create
lower Beings to compete with the higher races, to contaminate the blue God's creation for malevolent purposes and now in this time that is what we have, the product of that malevolent God.

So what is the solution to this God's mess it created? Wiping the slate clean. Which will happen either done
by the hands of humans, Nature or other Beings. And then the prophecies in many cultures say these God's just may come back to do just that.

Last edited by seraphim on Wed 17 Feb 2010, 04:03; edited 1 time in total

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  seraphim Sun 27 Dec 2009, 07:02

On the human condition or human problem and one of the results of the tampering as stated above or the behavior of destructiveness.
One of my favorite Native authors explains a result of the tampering. Yeah it's become a challenge alright.

People have lost or truly never found the love inside of them and that this is a dark scourge that could destroy everything. Humans often repress or control their own experiences, of death for example, and how many sense next to nothng of how they have come to be here. Therefore love cannot be understood and is misinterpreted.

And frequently people focus on all of their understanding or misunderstanding on the meaning of words, in order to buffer themselves from their own experiences. They also worship the phantom in the window, thier idol on the screen or in the smoking mirror, which is often nothing more than their own poor reflection. Since their experiences and their meaningful but limited words and images cannot ever fully agree, this leaves huge gaps in them.
It makes them confused, unwise, forgetful, small minded, sad, and hungry, and sometimes, eventually even makes
them into liars.

People will often focus their attention on what they are told or wish to be told that they can consume, know, and possess, and on what they later tell themselves about their experiences. This puts them at odds. They even differ as to their interpretations and so they seldom every really agree with one another. They cannot rely on their direct experiences and genuine memories for wisdom to clear up the matter, because in truth they have had none.

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 28 Dec 2009, 01:19

While a lot of talk right now is on the origins of humankind, I was looking into the purpose of humankind.
The purpose of humankind, as well as the origin , begging for answers elephant

They cannot rely on their direct experiences and genuine memories for wisdom to clear up the matter, because in truth they have had none.

Inner resources = The ability to extract from past experience to surmount a problem in the present , but so few people have developed their own

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 19 May 2011, 01:44

Elaborations on the work of Blavatsky and Theosophy regarding Atlantis and Lemuria by William Scott-Elliot...


The wiki entry states that Rudolph Steiner co-opted Scott-Elliot’s two works (linked above) on Atlantis & Lemuria by publishing this book…

But here Steiner clearly mentions Elliot's work and Steiner's intent behind his own publication...
Following this introduction, several chapters from the Akasha Chronicle will be given. First, those events will be described which took place when the so-called Atlantean Continent still existed between America and Europe. This part of our earth's surface was once land. Today this forms the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. Plato tells of the last remnant of this land, the island Poseidon, which lay westward of Europe and Africa. In The Story of Atlantis and Lost Lemuria, by W. Scott-Elliot, the reader can find that the floor of the Atlantic Ocean was once a continent, that for about a million years it was the scene of a civilization which, to be sure, was quite different from our modern ones, and the fact that the last remnants of this continent sank in the tenth millennium B.C. In this present book the intention is to give information which will supplement what is said by Scott-Elliott. While he describes more the outer, the external events among our Atlantean ancestors, the aim here is to record some details concerning their spiritual character and the inner nature of the conditions under which they lived. Therefore the reader must go back in imagination to a period which lies almost ten thousand years behind us, and which lasted for many millennia. What is described here however, did not take place only on the continent now covered by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, but also in the neighboring regions of what today is Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. What took place in these regions later, developed from this earlier civilizations.

Today I am still obliged to remain silent about the sources of the information given here. One who knows anything at all about such sources will understand why this has to be so. But events can occur which will make a breaking of this silence possible very soon. How much of the knowledge hidden within the theosophical movement may gradually be communicated, depends entirely on the attitude of our contemporaries.


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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 19 May 2011, 12:36

Today I am still obliged to remain silent about the sources of the information given here. One who knows anything at all about such sources will understand why this has to be so. But events can occur which will make a breaking of this silence possible very soon. How much of the knowledge hidden within the theosophical movement may gradually be communicated, depends entirely on the attitude of our contemporaries.

Would love to know his reasoning here, is it that many ancient revelatory texts are locked up and hidden in secret society and vatican crypts ?
I reckon so, and / but also

Or ..in my extreme speculations....... is he referring to communications through clairvoyant / astral mediums whereby certain wisdoms are disclosed through particular "chosen ones" human psychic perceptions then translated through human expressions in a manner which has to be "diluted" through the human expression filters of firstly mysticism by the mystics , then allegory and metaphor, by the artists then analogy and logic by the sultans of communications

This dilution necessary so that only those with a certain evolved development can "accept" the information as it is intended like transferring highly volatile fluid from a sealed tank into another sealed tank via a hose rather than dumping it all in there in a one shot which may create an explosion

For example , a persona whom has gained access to the psychic channels of wisdom either through direct contact or otherwise by devious means , decides for their own personal ego or monetary gain, to release information to direct human exposure in a manner that was not intended (out of time) in regards to the psychological and social effects and fallout it may have on an uneducated ignorant human audience at the spiritual level .
The other example is blocking the release of such information when it is ready to roll , thus starving the human of vital spiritual nourishment at a specific time in their development because everything is tied up in specificalities of Time

After all, there is plenty evidence of psychics and clairvoyants influencing royalty which in turn directly influence humans under their social control

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 19 May 2011, 17:53

...or maybe the postman delivering the next letter with this information was not good at his job.

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 20 May 2011, 22:47

Damn postmen always losing vital letters Very Happy

i just checked out this videotalk of M,s from back in 2005 , id never heard this one before , but summises much of M,s speculations on the origin of mankind also touching on some excellent observations on consciousness etc

One thing i extracted was that in light of Ancient Egypt being called Khem or Ken or similar phonetic connotation , and scotlands link to egypt through scotia, there is a strange connection to this khem / ken in modern day scotland colloquialisms
In many parts of scotland , mostly in the working class psychologys (less conditioned) , there is a term that people use in conversations constantly which is "I ken" supposedly interpreted as "I kNow" but may also present itself as a potential subliminal ancestral affirmation of "I Egyptian"


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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  seraphim Tue 24 May 2011, 07:27

It must therefore be said that by half-superhuman beings man was brought to the point of directing his inner nature toward the sensuous external world. He was not permitted to open the images of his soul directly to pure spiritual influences. The capacity of perpetuating the existence of his kind was implanted in him as an instinctive impulse by superhuman beings. Spiritually, he would at first have had to continue a sort of dream existence if the half-superhuman beings had not intervened. Through their influence the images of his soul were directed toward the sensuous, external world. He became a being which was conscious of itself in the world of the senses. Thereby it came about that man could consciously direct his actions in accordance with his perceptions of the world of the senses. Before this he had acted from a kind of instinct. He had been under the spell of his external environment and of the powers of higher individualities, which acted on him. Now he began to follow the impulses and enticements of his conceptions. Therewith free choice became possible for man. This was the beginning of “good and evil.”

The longing for knowledge is produced by the fact that the soul develops inner organs, the brain and so forth, by means of which it gains possession of knowledge. This is a consequence of the circumstance that a part of the energy of the soul is no longer directed toward the outside, but toward the inside. The superhuman beings however, which have not carried out this separation of their spiritual forces, direct all the energy of their soul toward the outside. Therefore that force is also available to them externally for fructification by the spirit, which “man” turns inward for the development of the organs of cognition.

Now that force by means of which one human being turns toward the outside in order to act together with another is love. The superhuman beings directed all their love outward in order to let universal wisdom flow into their soul. “Man” however can only direct a part of it outward. “Man” became sensual, and thereby his love became sensual. He draws away from the outside world that part of his nature which he directs toward his inner development. And thus that arises which one calls selfishness.
When he became man or woman in the physical body, “man” could surrender himself with only a part of his being; with the other part he separated himself from the world around him. He became selfish. And his action toward the outside became selfish; his striving after inner development also became selfish. He loved because he desired, and likewise he thought because he desired wisdom.

The task of the superhuman natures, of the great leaders, was that they impressed upon youthful man their own character, that of love. They could do this only for that part of the spiritual energy which was directed outward. Thus sensual love was produced. It is therefore a consequence of the activity of the soul in a male or female body. Sensual love became the force of physical human development. This love brings man and woman together insofar as they are physical beings. Upon this love rests the progress of physical humanity.

It was only over this love that the superhuman natures had power. That part of human soul energy which is directed inward and is to bring about cognition by the detour through the senses — that part is withdrawn from the power of those superhuman beings. However, they themselves had never descended to the development of corresponding inner organs. They could clothe the impulse toward the external in love, because love acting toward the external was part of their own nature. Because of this, a gulf opened between them and youthful mankind. Love, at first in sensual form, they could plant in man; knowledge they could not give, for their own knowledge had never made the detour through the inner organs which man was now developing. They could speak no language which a creature with a brain could have understood.

But there were other beings, not as far advanced as these leaders of love, who on the preceding planet were still numbered among “men,” but at that period were hurrying ahead of men. Thus, at the beginning of the formation of the earth, they were further advanced than men, but still were at the stage where knowledge must be acquired through inner organs. These beings were in a special position. They were too far advanced to pass through the physical human body, male or female, but on the other hand, were not so far advanced that they could act through full clairvoyance like the leaders of love. They could not yet be beings of love; they could no longer be “men.” Thus they could only continue their own development as half superhuman beings, in which they were aided by men. They could speak to creatures with a brain in a language which the latter could understand. Thereby the human soul energy which was turned inward was stimulated, and could connect itself with knowledge and wisdom. It was thus that wisdom of a human kind first appeared on earth. The “half superhuman beings” mentioned above could use this human wisdom in order to achieve for themselves that of perfection which they still lacked. In this manner they became the stimulators of human wisdom. One therefore calls them bringers of light (Lucifer). Youthful mankind thus had two kinds of leaders: beings of love and beings of wisdom. Human nature was balanced between love and wisdom when it assumed its present form on this earth. By the beings of love it was stimulated to physical development, by the beings of wisdom to the perfection of the inner nature. As a consequence of physical development, humanity advances from generation to generation, forms new tribes and races; through inner development individuals grow toward inner perfection, become knowing and wise men, artists, technicians etc. Physical mankind strides from race to race; each race hands down its sensorily perceptible qualities to the following one through physical development. Here the law of heredity holds sway. The children carry within themselves the physical characteristics of the fathers. Beyond this lies a process of spiritual-soul perfection which can only take place through the development of the soul itself

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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 21 Nov 2011, 00:47

Great series here, Cremo Shreds the established certainty of Darwinism ...not hard at all


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The origin of Mankind / Womankind Empty Re: The origin of Mankind / Womankind

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 29 Sep 2015, 22:08

This guy is so hilarious in his presentation method of an interesting development . in gen u


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