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The Weirdness of NATURE

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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 05 Dec 2010, 21:22

You will love this one TG.....

On the physical trails of any deviants, i wanted to offer forth a most worthy companion that will not let one down, it hails from a special breed of bloodline and exhibits a quality second to none, that quality is the sense of smell, this baby has an 800 times zoom better smell sense than a standard hound, now is that superior gene developments or what Very Happy

The Bloodhound , go get them winston (its not mine (: )

The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Bloodhound1

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Post  seraphim Wed 29 Dec 2010, 22:58

vampire squid

deep sea creatures


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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  tgII Wed 10 Aug 2011, 07:12

A mutually beneficial relationship between feral dogs and baboons.
Anything like that in the world of humans?

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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 10 Aug 2011, 16:36

Great analogy.

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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  tgII Wed 10 Aug 2011, 23:15

Is it beyond my understanding then, Flames, why youth run off and
join the military like I did, who have no education whatsoever as to
the dysfunctional relationship the military has to the general population?


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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 11 Aug 2011, 00:07

My uncle who served in Vietnam and my father's best friend who served somewhere in Southeast Asia and ended up living in Indonesia and Sumatra for many years both talked me out of joining the military. Uncle Sham.

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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 11 Aug 2011, 09:19

I too had a friend who joined and went off to the first Iraq war.
He was trained to drive and load ammo within tanks.
He was in a very important and profound battle during the first Iraq war involving tanks.
During the siege, the line-up of tanks had lost radio communications with one another.
So he was ordered to have to leave his tank and hop from one tank to another to dispense orders....at night and under fire.
It was...a suicide detail.
His other two comrades, also ordered run across the sand to do the same, were killed.
He caught a bullet in the leg and his service career was now over.
All he got from Iraq was a permanent limp.

Power of the Pussy...
That is a very profound consideration.
It only has the power one gives to it through the vehicle of your own desire.
Most women are quite disarmed around me, as I am not motivated by the titillation of the fishy-sour third armpit, nor the "goodies" they attempt to parade to enamor or seduce.
Thus rendering those "special" woman who have put all of their human potential to succeed into their ability to seduce and ride the snake until hypnotizing some boy-toy slave into submission with the ultimate reward being a lifetime to-do list following..."the plan". You enter a contract of a reward system like Pavlov...and the only thing you get in return for your participation is discontentment,whining and bitching. Or someone who only finds accomplishment in their ability to challenge you, knock you down a few pegs and keep you half-dead, but...around for convenience sake.
I would say one out of a hundred, at best, do not fall into this modern template of a woman.

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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  tgII Thu 11 Aug 2011, 12:26

"Power of the pussy"; weaponized sex. Scary shit...crippling, hideous,
definitely out of control...

On war: really sucks. Three friends died in Gulf War I. The worst
and most depressing experience you will have on second hand
residual effects of people killing people in very hideous ways: spend
an afternoon, or a day at a local VA hospital. You will never see the
world the same again.

On "America fucking itself": I really miss Americans that I share the
same values with. The rest can go jump off a cliff. My decision to stay
in Japan after military service would be a well written guide for veterans
who have been 'hoodwinked.'

I absolutely despise most military mentalities. Kissinger was correct in
his comments about military generals. They are and can be extremely
dangerous people once corrupted with power, or worse, compromised
by deep political crime. The biggest pompous asshole ever was Oliver
North; and he was a nice guy.

And now for something really special, a dedication to all those who have
been killed in these corporate resource wars in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan
and who knows where else we don't even know about, a brand spanking
new morgue at Dover Air Force Base, where the shredded mutilated
dead bodies of America's military 'heroes' will be looked over and inspected
while sprawled grotesquely out on cold stainless steel gurneys...

That's why I made the decision to leave the military, not the morgue
images, it was just too hideous and dysfunctional.

Sex and death; the Alpha and the Omega of life...


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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  Sputnik Tue 30 Aug 2011, 09:31

Flames, you got to be kidding right?

You think men go to war because of female genitalia's supernatural powers?

I can handle a lot of bs, but one thing I can't is men that tend to blame everything and everyone else
for their bad decisions...and not themselves...

I know how the army recruits in the United States. I know why young men join the army.
And it is definetely not mummies power-pussy making them do these choices...
There are certainly no giant billboards of the US Army reading: join the 'PUSSY MAGNET' US ARMY!

If this is the only answer you can come up with for why our world is so fucked up...
it's a disgrace for the "pussy" that sqeezed you out...and ultimately yourself!

Think real hard now before you lose you last bit of dignity (and sense of reality).

P.S. I feel sorry for your best friend and hope he does well...

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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 20 Mar 2012, 01:41

The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 250px-Cuculus_canorus_vogelartinfo_chris_romeiks_CHR0791_cropped

On the surface , the common cuckoo, famous for being the host of a clock , lovable dependable , helps keep the time .

But a closer look into this birds game shows that nature contains all the facets of behaviour that if found in humans would be called, sneaky , conniving, inhuman, psychopathic survival instinct, a genetic cunning and ruthlessness that runs through its genes , because observation shows that it has no teacher, its in its blood

The common cuckoo lays only one egg, but it places its egg in another birds nest with great cunning
The common cuckoos can have different colours of egg in variant species, but the mother cuckoo carefully selects a hosts birds nest that has an egg colour similar to its own , sometimes it places the egg in a blitkreig raid, other times, a male cuckoo accomplice can be used to lure the other bird species away from its nest to allow the mother cuckoo to place her egg there

Then comes the real interesting part, the cuckoo egg hatches very fast and as soon as the cuckoo chick has enough strength , it ruthlessly by genetic programing ejects the foster mothers authentic eggs or chicks out of the nest leaving itself to get all the foster mothers food and attention

Hows that for a self preservation society Very Happy

About 56 of the Old World species and 3 of the New World species are brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other birds.[13] These species are obligate brood parasites, meaning that they only reproduce in this fashion. In addition to the above noted species, yet others sometimes engage in non-obligate brood parasitism, laying their eggs in the nests of members of their own species in addition to raising their own young. The best-known example is the European Common Cuckoo. The shells of the eggs of brood-parasites is usually thick.[15] They have two distinct layers with an outer chalky layer that is believed to provide resistance to cracking when the eggs are dropped in the host nest.[16] The cuckoo egg hatches earlier than the host's, and the cuckoo chick grows faster; in most cases the chick evicts the eggs or young of the host species. The chick has no time to learn this behavior, so it must be an instinct passed on genetically. The chick encourages the host to keep pace with its high growth rate with its rapid begging call[17] and the chick's open mouth which serves as a sign stimulus.[18] Wikisource has original text related to this article:
The Origin of Species: Instincts of the Cuckoo
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Cuculidae

Cuckoos have evolved various strategies for getting their egg into a host nest. Different species use different strategies based on host defensive strategies. Female cuckoos have evolved secretive and fast laying behaviors, but in some cases, males have been shown to lure host adults away from their nests so that the female can lay her egg in the nest.[17] Some species of cuckoo Host species may try directly preventing cuckoos laying eggs in their nest in the first place – birds whose nests are at high risk of cuckoo-contamination are known to mob cuckoos to drive them out of the area.[19] Parasitic cuckoos are grouped into gentes, with each gens specializing in a particular host. There is some evidence that the gentes are genetically different from one another.

Female parasitic cuckoos sometimes specialize and lay eggs that closely resemble the eggs of their chosen host. This has been produced by natural selection, as some birds are able to distinguish cuckoo eggs from their own, leading to those eggs least like the host's being thrown out of the nest.[18] Parasitic cuckoos that show the highest levels of egg mimicry are those whose hosts exhibit high levels of egg rejection behavior.[20] Some hosts do not exhibit egg rejection behavior and the cuckoo eggs look very dissimilar from the host eggs. It has also been shown in a study of the European cuckoos that females will lay their egg in the nest of a host that has eggs that look similar to its own.[21] Other species of cuckoo lay "cryptic" eggs, which are dark in color when their hosts' eggs are light.[17] This is a trick to hide the egg from the host, and has evolved in cuckoos that parasitize hosts with dark, domed nests. Some parasitic cuckoos have been shown to exhibit "Mafia-like" enforcement, in which adult cuckoos will completely destroy the host's clutch if they reject the cuckoo egg.[17] In this case, raising the cuckoo chick is less of a cost than the alternative—total clutch destruction.

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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 09 Apr 2012, 12:07


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The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 Empty Re: The Weirdness of NATURE

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 14 Oct 2013, 13:13

A rare Black Swan from north scotland
The Weirdness of NATURE - Page 2 2qbvp87

My new honey giving the eyes in contempory brown fur coat

A catwalk wannabee

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