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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Tue 06 Sep 2011, 11:57

The MO is the same: Mary Todd Lincoln pulled out a small .41 rimfire
Derringer and shot her husband, Abraham Lincoln, at point blank range.
John Wilkes Booth was trotted out as the patsy. Mary Todd Lincoln was
locked up in an insane asylum until she died.

Now, watch this gif clip as many times as I have and tell me Jacqueline
Bouvier Kennedy
didn't pull a .41 rimfire Derringer (an extremely easy
to use small canon) out of her sleeve and blow the top of JFK's head off
with clinical precision at point blank range through the throat?

Watch very closely her every movement and reaction with intense concen-
tration; and put yourself in the Lincoln with JFK and you just pulled the
trigger. Then watch with equal intensity the trajectory of the bullet moving
at 425 feet per second vertically out of the wound in JFK's head.

  • The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Headshot

After watching this gif clip several hundred times, go to this slow motion
video of the Jacqueline Kennedy looking at John Connally waiting to get the
signal to shoot JFK. You will probably have to watch it several times and
use the pause to bring that frame into view at the 0.16 point in the video.

This is why the Secret Service was pulled off the limo as JFK's security
when they would have ordinarily been required to ride on the back of
the limo during the entire route. The cadre in the hit didn't want the two
Secret Service agents to interfere with Jacki 'O' shooting the president.


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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Tue 06 Sep 2011, 13:28

JFK was sick, he was probably hit with either a paralyzing fletchet, or
he was hit with a fast acting nerve agent to paralyze him for the
shooting when they arrived at the designated location.

JFK had the exact reaction expected to an achrymatory agent (or
lachrymator) that causes difficulty in breathing and discomfort.

Connally & Co. probably had some sort of electronic sensor in JFK's
back brace that shot him with the nerve agent triggered by one of the
Secret Service agents in the front of the limo which explains his clutching
his throat just after the limo reappears from behind that road sign.

How would Connally know whether or not JFK was wearing his brace?
Simple, by giving him a good check over with his right hand once they
arrived at Love Field...

  • The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Connally

The back brace JFK wore never showed up at the hospital or in any
images that have been made available.

That's why Jacqueline Kennedy was wearing the white gloves, she didn't
want to come into contact with the fast acting nerve agent John Connally
knew about; he was in Navy Intelligence and the Navy tested these agents.

Jacqueline Kennedy was Jewish on her mother's side of the family, a fact
not known until recently. She was also a mind programmed MK-ultra victim
which I am looking for confirmation. She herself does not remember
crawling out of the back of the limo.

This is speculation but is sure adding up.


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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Wed 07 Sep 2011, 09:37

I always thought that JFK's head shot looked more like a bullet exiting his head rather than entering.

Would the power of the round fired by Oswald resulted in such a large chunk of skull exploding outward toward the direction of the incoming bullet?

And if a round entering JFK's skull left such a large exploding entry wound, then would it not be reasonable to consider that it would have to exit his head with a much larger wound on the other side of his head...and might that not probably hit and kill Jackie sitting next to him?

What is interesting is that Jackie touches JFK's head twice after he is shot.
The first time she seems to kind of use it to swat his head away from her and with the second touch of her hand she actually uses it to lean on to help herself climb out onto the back of the car. That's what I call a quick and convenient use of a head to help you get up and out.

But I still don't see, with her hands, how she would have disposed of the Derringer immediately after the shot. Here hands and movements do not indicate that she has anything in them. Unless the gun was inside of her glove as it was being fired.

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Thu 08 Sep 2011, 07:57

Flames, besides the alchemical processing (the trauma alone causes
uncertainty and despair) I want to know if JPF mentioned anything at all
about Jacqueline Bouvier (Franklin Benjamin apparently fucked one of
Jacqueline's ancestors in London who were known as 'dollies' because they
carried wanted specific genetic traits) Kennedy being in on Johnson & Co.'s

Please see: Michael Hoffman's Psychological Warfare book.

QSC, absolutely, the .41 rimfire is a miniature canon and from checking the
velocity (ft/sec), it seems perfectly plausible it was capable of creating that
much physical destruction to JFK's head. The .41 rimfire delivers "104-119
ft/s which is more than commensurate with an accelerated lump of lead that
has lost kinetic energy during its passage through human tissue when you
view the video [gif clip]; and in particular in breaking through the top of the
skull", once the round continues moving after passing through JFK's head.

Watch Jackie 'O' fire the Darringer, she didn't even flinch. She anticipated
shooting him and if you watch consecutively many times the moment JFK's
head explodes, Jackie Kennedy didn't violently react to her husband's head
literally exploding as you would expect someone to do after getting hit with a
high velocity round (which is what is claimed hit Kennedy) not to mention
reacting from the loud gunfire.

After she seemingly shoots JFK through the throat, and it is extremely difficult
to tell whether or not she is concealing the derringer, she pushed JFK out of
the way to escape the blood and mess as if she was disgusted by what had
happened and only thought of escaping as a innate response to extreme

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 08 Sep 2011, 17:25

Watching closely it is obvious that only her right hand could have been used to shoot him.
But the right hand moves quickly to the back of his head to reveal no gun.
I just don't see the time or opportunity necessary for her to have dumped the gun during those movements of her right hand following the shot.

So the gun would have to have been concealed in her glove or in her sleeve.

What is interesting is that as she is touching him during his struggle while he holds his own throat, it does look as if she does have the time to shoot him with a gun concealed in the glove or sleeve (but one that remains hidden at all times). And the trajectory of where she would have shot him with the skull exit blowout does seem as if it would be in proper alignment.

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Fri 09 Sep 2011, 02:47

Doesn't necessarily have to reveal a gun in the video clips to dismiss
the plausibility of Jackie 'O' putting a big hole in JFK's head shooting
vertically through the throat. We will never know for sure just how
much the Zapruder film was altered.

After discharging the weapon and making a huge mess, she headed
straight out of the back of the limo over the trunk, and if it wasn't for
Agent Clint Hill who directed her back into the limo next to JFK, I can't
help but wonder where she would have gone to and in what direction?

If she panicked and attempted getting out of the car as an instinctual
reaction, I would consider that she simply dropped the darringer
immediately after firing onto the seat or on JFK's lap.

Take a close look at this gif clip from the other side of the Lincoln with
Jackie 'O's back to the camera. You can clearly see a cloud of white
smoke. That smoke only appears when a weapon is discharged and
not on impact.

  • The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Moorman

Watch one element of the previous gif clip at a time over and over, for
example: watch the trajectory of the round coming out of the wound
at the top of the head only; pay no attention to anything else in the clip.
Then, go onto the next element, for example: only the left hand of Jackie
'O' and so on...

Watch Jackie 'O's left hand over and over, I distinctly see it moving down
in a sudden motion almost as if it has gone in the opposite direction from
the forward velocity of the gun being fired.

I have years of firearms experience and I know what I am observing, or at
least think I know what I am observing. Watch this over and over again...
forum won't allow me to embed this Youtube video for whatever reason
so here is a hyper link instead...

Remember, it has been established the Zapruder film has been altered.

I checked and there is a lot of speculation whether or not Jackie 'O' was
either left handed or right handed. After going through many sites and
commentary, most would agree she was very talented and could write
with both her left or right hand -she was a journalist at one time - how-
ever, she was predominantly left handed according to most commentary.

There is a lot of speculation here but here is Dr. Jones' report concerning
JFK'S wound to the throat:

  • With the publication of “JFK” Death Part II — Dallas MD’s Recall Their Memories” in the May 27, 1992 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, it appeared as though the Parkland trauma team had finally embraced the official autopsy report. However, subsequent interviews with several physicians who treated the President in Dallas indicate that this opinion is by no means unanimous. One of the most compelling accounts comes from Ronald C. Jones, M.D., who rarely makes detailed statements on the wounds he observed.

    On June 19, 1992, Dr. Jones, now Chief of Surgery at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas, described the President’s throat wound as being “compatible with an entrance wound.” [fired at point blank range from the .41 rimfire Jacqueline fired?] In his handwritten report of November 22, 1963, the injury was noted as “a small hole in [the] anterior midline of [the] neck thought to be a bullet entrance wound” (WCH 20, page 333). Twenty-nine years later, he stated that “I would stand by my original impression.” Calling upon the Warren Commission’s ballistics studies, as well as over thirty years of experience in treating gunshot wounds, he said the throat wound could have been an exit wound only “if [the missile]...it didn’t strike bone, didn’t tumble, and didn’t fragment. Now, we don’t know that.”

What about the surgeons coming into any contact with the nerve agent
JFK was hit with? Is this why the JFK double police officer Tippit was killed?
To replace JFK on the gurney while JFK's body was sealed in a body bag?

And someone else brought to my attention that surprised me: what if it
was the same .41 darringer used to kill Abraham Lincoln? Wouldn't that
be a masonic trickster at his finest?

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 09 Sep 2011, 09:41

Yes, I can now see what you mean and that possibility.
The trajectory is right on as is the skull flap exploding out indicative of an exit wound is also compelling.
Her hands to make a lot of micro-movements where a gun could have just been dropped either into the car or onto Kennedy.
Could have also placed the gun in Kennedy's jacket pocket...only to be retrieved later.

It sure does look suspicious the way her arms are flexed in a position that one would almost have them in when attempting to fire a small derringer at close range.

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 09 Sep 2011, 09:49

Kennedy's head moves back and to the left from the bullets energy.

If Jackie shot him would not his head move forward and to the right?
Rather than toward her and in the direction of the discharging gun

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Fri 09 Sep 2011, 11:19

The human body moves in strange ways when hit by the velocity of a
bullet depending on energy measured in foot pounds and speed.
While one person might just drop suddenly, another person might
seem to be lifted off their feet and slammed to the ground even with
the same bullet. I think too, that a lot of people have been given
images of how people react to being shot from watching 'how it's done
in Hollywood', but in reality, since we do not view such violence, it would
seem JFK moving the way he did wouldn't be all that unusual.

When I view the video over and over again, it is first apparent JFK is
partially paralyzed and slumping down towards Jackie 'O'. JFK was six
foot one inch and weighed over 200lbs, which means he was essentially
'dead weight' sitting there before the round went through his skull. I
view him jerking violently up and slightly to the right and then he
slumps back down falling towards Jackie 'O'. I would expect that kind
of movement considering the energy of a .41 rimfire isolated around
the head to do that. What would have happened if it was a high velocity
round that hit him with a velocity of over 2,200fps or more? I am fairly
certain the impact would have been much more violent and devastating
than what we are viewing in these images.

To me anyway, his movement looks exactly as you would expect from a
round fired up into his head.

And look at that clip, it's cut off at the bottom; and why that part of the
Zapruder film when in the remaining footage we see a full view of the limo
prior to entering the kill zone and exiting the kill zone? Was the darringer
visible in Jackie's left hand before the Zapruder film was altered? Zapruder
was standing on the wall right in front of the limo, why that scene would
be blocked out along the bottom like that mystifies me?

When I view the clip, I now see that it would have been hard establishing
how a round fired at him from the back, right side or the front could have
put a gaping wound like that so near to the top of his skull. What could
possibly explain the almost vertical blast what looks like a shock wave of
a passing bullet?

I mean, this needs a lot more serious and scientific evaluation with a
forensic expert.

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 09 Sep 2011, 16:52

Just ten days after JFK's skull cap and brain matter was splattered all over her face?

I don't think I could have been this detached and jolly so soon afterward.
Not the sound of a grieving tortured soul worried about a thing.

She sounds like she is ready for martinis and a three-some.

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 09 Sep 2011, 20:44

Or maybe she and her late husband were both swinger freaks.

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 12 Sep 2011, 00:46

Do u think she was covertly jackin off johnson behind kennedys back ? or even a posse of them in some eyes wide shut scenario, theres no way she would have had that tone of conversations unless she was relieved and happier that kennedy was 6ft under

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Mon 12 Sep 2011, 01:29

Kapis, in a article that just went up the writer also commented that
Jacqueline Kennedy didn't want Johnson as president either; I'll dig
the article out and post it. These people are psychopaths and after
listening to those conversations between Johnson and Kennedy (Onassis),
it suggests to me they are absolving themselves of the guilty mind with
each other.

Listen to Jackie Kennedy in this interview while her husband is on the
campaign trail. Television gave these psychopaths the perfect pedestal
to give the world impressions of themselves completely contrary to how
their behavior actually was behind closed doors and out of public view.

These psychopaths are pure ego and there is nothing that will stand in
their way when they compete against each other. After thousands of years
of evolution, psychopaths have put themselves in a class and in a world all
their own. Outsiders are not welcome.

I am willing to bet when Jackie was in Europe that's where she picked up
assassin skills. These psychopaths would turn on each other in a heart beat
to protect themselves.

JFK did not like LBJ and that was no secret either...

On a much smaller scale, I used to work for a lawyer who prior to my
coming to work at his firm was the mayor of a city of 32,000 people.
Huge beautiful home with swimming pool, Lincoln Continental in a four
car garage along with his wife's own Lincoln, huge office next door sitting
on two acres and completely conspicuous in the neighborhood. His
business at one time turned over several million a year with a large
national staff. In public they were always friendly, approachable and always
the ingratiating public face; in their home and in their office which is where
I worked with them, they despised each other and their behavior constantly
erupted. The wife would come storming into the office in the morning
throwing objects around yelling and ranting at her husband calling him a
fucking bastard and just about every expletive you could think of. I
eventually quit because it became unbearable listening to these psychotics
with their constant threats against each other.


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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Mon 12 Sep 2011, 01:58

American aristocracy at its finest hour:

Jacqueline Kennedy achieved more on her own after JFK was eliminated:

The Illuminati bloodlines run deep, they run treacherous and they are real.

Good bye, John Kennedy. What a way to go: get you head blown off in the back
seat of a car being chauffeured by the very people who murdered you. Who the
fuck is going to pay the karma on that one?

  • The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Watch?v=ipS4PyAoFNE&feature=related

Watch this nonsense video of Jackie which people do not realize just how
powerful television became at that time in promoting the careers and lives
of psychopaths. It's all 'made for the movies'. It's all scripted:

But Jackie, what you didn't know was that 'future generations' would
gain access to the internet and learn a bit more than I think you or
anyone else cares to find out about.

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Mon 12 Sep 2011, 02:55

...so, Jackie, this is what I came up with in the age of the internet: this is
only a novel, but the author really nails Jackie Bouvier Kennedy's personality
in this book:

  • Synopsis:

    Inspired by an actual letter in the John F. Kennedy Library written by Jackie and revealing her job offer from the newly formed CIA

    The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln 95573874

    Young Jacqueline Bouvier's first CIA assignment was supposed to be simple: Meet with a high-ranking Russian while he's in Paris and help him defect. But when the Comrade ends up dead, and Jackie-in her black satin peep-toe stiletto heels-barely escapes his killer, it's time to get some assistance. Enter Jacques Rivage, a French photographer and freelance CIA agent who seems too brash and carefree to grapple with spies, though he's all too able to make Jackie's heart skip a beat.

    Together the two infiltrate 1951 high society in the City of Lights, rubbing shoulders with the likes of the Duchess of Windsor, Audrey Hepburn, and Evelyn Waugh. Jackie, no longer a pampered debutante, draws on her quick intelligence, equestrian skills, and even her Chanel No. 5 atomizer as a weapon to stay alive in the shadowy world of international intrigue-and to keep her date with a certain up-and-coming, young Congressman from Massachusetts . . .

...these bloodline families always keep tabs on each other and make arrange-
ments to do so through 'marriages' (just as what Bill and Hillary Clinton
accomplished in their 'marriage').

Jack Kennedy having sex with Judith Campbell Exner over a three year
period up until June of 1962. Servicing John Kennedy's ego driven
libido gets himself compromised when Frank Sinatra sets him up with
Judith Exner; Frank Sinatra himself compromised by Kray Enterprises
(an extortion for hire network our of London - the Kray twins). "Look,
Frank, you either cooperate or we'll expose your sexual proclivities"
including threesomes with Judith; which she turned down by the way.

With this elite psychopathic aristocracy it's a history of sex, treachery,
jealousy and murder all the way to the top.

And the Lady in Pink, described by Ladybird Johnson of Jackie Kennedy
after she looked at Jacqueline in the back of the Lincoln covered in JFK's
blood and with the pink dress on: "...she looked like a bundle of flowers..."
That's Illuminati speak. A bundle of flowers for a funeral procession.

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Mon 12 Sep 2011, 13:48

Aristotle Onassis invited Jackie Kennedy along with some other guests
to his yacht in August of 1963 to cruise the Mediterranean. I can't help
but wonder what kind of a message he planted in Jackie's mind regarding
JFK? Did she get programmed on the cruise when Jack wasn't there?
Very intriguing. After Jack's death, Jackie agreed on a sum of $3 million
to become Onassis' wife, however, Jackie later cranked that sum up to $20
million. Was that payment for pulling the trigger? Onassis' aid said that
Jackie Kennedy was the most greedy money-lusting woman he ever met.

Onassis was found guilty of defrauding the US Government related to his
shipping business when he was investigated by the FBI and fined $7 million
as a result of the investigation. He was also prevented from bidding on huge
contracts with the US Government for shipping. What better way to get back
at the US than to take out its president, get his wife and JFK's personal wrist
watch that Jackie gave him as a 'souvenir'?

Onassis was a psycho; he even headed to Hollywood where he picked up Joe
Kennedy's ex-sex thing. Destroy the Kennedy clan was the order of the day.
I'll have to dig the name out. Onassis collected things and people like a hobby.
Talked about Jackie having some 'carnal personality' that he just had to have.

Seems like Jack and Jackie were exploited for their weaknesses: Jack's love of
women and Jackie's love of money. Isn't that how the elite power game is

Any connections between Onassis and Rothschild? I bet there is. Onassis'
daughter is the most wealthy woman on the face of the earth.

Here's a fitting song for Jackie.

  • The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln PopyActually%2B10
    Aristotle's sex trophy: Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy

"There's something carnal about that woman." --Aristotle Onassis

Inbred psychos...

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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  tgII Tue 13 Sep 2011, 03:41

...continuing along our Illuminati journey here - to get illuminated - I feel
like I've been abandoned; this thread sure is 'quiet?'

While I was out and about digging out more strands for this thread, I
discovered several quotes that I thought were quite fascinating; and when
I dug them out, at first I had no idea they came from Fritz Springmeir, until
later when a friend informed me.

I did not realize just how powerful Aristotle Onassis was within the group-
ings of families that fight each other in these covert Illuminati economic
wars...my comments in blue bold and emphasis in bold black...

  • Aristotle Onassis associated with many powerful people. The fact that he rubbed shoulders with establishment figures that tie back to the elite is nothing surprising of a person his wealth. However, it is the nature of his involvement with other Illuminati figures that reveals his position within Moriah. [Moriah is according to Fritz Springmeir, "the Satanic hierarchy which controls the world"] Before going into his Illuminati business ventures, let’s just discuss some of his friendships. An example of his visits to friends is this quote from the book Onassis. ‘The Christina’s cruises always produced items which no alert gossip columnist could miss. Onassis dropping in on Prince Alfonso Hoheiohe’s Marbella Club in southern Spain and lunching with Baron and Baroness Guy de Rothschild [Aristotle Onassis and Baron Guy Rothschild having lunch together...can you imagine the conversation? Guy de Rothschild says to Aristotle Onassis: "So, Ari, I understand you want to obtain Jackie Kennedy for your own personal pet?"] (amidst rumors that it was Rothschild money that had supplanted his own in Monte Carlo) was obviously a noteworthy social incident.’ (Onassis, p. 255) During W.W. II, Onassis was a regular guest of the movie mogul Spyros Skouras at Mamaroneck on Long Island. Other close friends of Onassis were the Perons of Argentina.

Within these hierarchies of power and lust for control of the world
and its resources, and perhaps to a lesser degree, related to JFK
getting killed at the hand of his own 'programmed' wife, Aristotle
Onassis according to Fritz Springmeir, was the most powerful man
in the world at that time...

  • Actually, I [Springmeir] would state it slightly different. His life is shrouded in smokescreens. However, there are records, documents, witnesses, etc. and it is possible to reconstruct many details about his life. I will attempt to reconstruct some of the details of that life as they pertain to his secret life as an Illuminati leader. The Illuminati is divided into the drug/porn section, the political/business management section, and the cult ritual section, global communications section, and mind-control section. The leadership within the various areas overlap. The drug/porn/political areas work together as a unit. The mind-control area seems to be somewhat technical and somewhat separate. Further, several groups have been identified as assigned the job of keeping the long range plans. The three groups that have been entrusted with long range plans are the Order of the Garter, Order of the Quest, & Keepers of the Dawn. The plans to bring in the New World Order are very detailed, and their management and safekeeping have not been haphazard. [seems John F. Kennedy didn't agree with those plans] Aristotle worked within the drug/porn/political/business management area Aristotle’s power was so pervasive that some researchers of his activities concluded that he was absolutely the most powerful man on earth. [powerful enough to have Jackie Kennedy 'entertained' on his private yacht for a Mediterranean cruise; international waters are a 'no-man's-land' where anything goes] This is because they were not aware of the shared power of the Illuminati "kings". Aristotle did have world-wide power, but that appearance of power was there because he was part of Moriah (the Satanic hierarchy which controls the world.) Aristotle Onassis’ family has bad their misfortunes too. All of the top families are in competition, and although they work together they also fight together. Even within Aristotle’s own family, a stiff long time rivalry with his brother-in-law made life difficult for everyone associated with Aristotle. And yet for all their competition, Aristotle invited Stavros Niarchos to spend time on his yacht, which Jacqueline his wife detested immensely. [Did Jackie get programmed for the set up of her husband in the limo? Did she learn how to be a programmed assassin based on her eventual hatred of her husband? Did Jackie fall as a victim of this programming? Was she programmed by the color pink?]

At Love Field (Love Field?), Jackie dressed in pink, is given a funeral
bouqet of red roses for the ride in the 'hearse' that carries John Kennedy
to his death:

  • The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Jackie-kennedy-dallas

And on the cover of TIME Magazine for December 20, 1963, weeks
after JFK is buried, Baron Guy de Rothschild appears on the cover of
TIME Magazine with a pink background. It is almost as if they are saying
to the world: "Yes, JFK fell at our hands, we did it, you did nothing
about it now you are all implicated in JFK's death by mere acquiescence
to our power."

  • The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Time-magazine-featuring-the-rothschilds-today

The world really does work in very fucking mysterious ways...

After their 'marriage', Jackie is photographed swimming nude around
the Onassis yacht which she become enraged about. The photographers
were in scuba gear photographing from underneath Jackie. It turns out
that the photographers were paid by Aristotle Onassis to take the photo-
graphs and then display them to the world. His trophy exposed for all the
world to see. Either that or Onassis was threatening Jackie with extortion
for her part in JFK's death?

Jackie didn't accept the $3 million offered for the marriage, she upped
the cost for Onassis to $20 million; seems she liked the life style and
wasn't going to simply fade away to an apartment in New York working
as a reporter after JFK's death.

Listen to this bullshit on Jackie Kennedy and Aristotle Onassis given by
Callas (ex-Onassis sex partner), a singer talking about how Aristotle and
Jackie 'loved each other.' This is just fucking delusional. And after Aristotle
Onassis has Jackie photographed nude around his yacht. Callas doesn't
'believe in marriage.'

In French: 'What Jackie Knew':


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The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln Empty Re: The Temple of Death - Abraham Lincoln

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 13 Sep 2011, 08:09

This is highly fascinating and more provocative and informative than the recent uk tv showing of the kennedys TG, will watch the clips and comment later Cool

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