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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  tgII Fri 22 Jan 2010, 05:17

Someone was dicking around with me over the efficacious quality
and integrity of the MMS solution
, short for Miracle Mineral Solution.

Here, put this in your pipe and smoke it:

    Big Plans for 2010

    A very Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone and let me first express my gratitude for the huge increase in the usage and knowledge of the Miracle Mineral Solution in the past year. Since it was first offered to the general public in 2006, we have seen a steady increase in the use of my simple non toxic mineral solution for supporting the immune system, and it is now turning into an avalanche of users and gratifying stories of a full recovery to good health.

    MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Mms-newsletter-banner2

    There is a growing international MMS Grassroots Movement and I invite you to join with us to help expand this wave of MMS users and information. You will never see MMS endorsed by any government or official agency; the money interests are too entrenched to ever let that happen. But you and I and a million other satisfied healthy users of MMS are now promoting the most important health advancement of this century or any other century, and saving lives without the use of drugs. We are working under the radar, not looking for help from local and national governments, outside of the awareness of health departments and the profiteers of the international drug trade... in pharmaceuticals, that is.

  • MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Image002
    Future home of the MMS Foundation - An enthusiastic MMS reseller
    with a missionary facility on a Caribbean island has offered to sell
    the foundation his facility at a very fair price and we therefore are
    announcing that the Jim Humble Foundation would like your help to
    acquire a property for the training of MMS technicians from around
    the world.

"Let the dogs bark the caravan rolls on." -- Some dead person I
don't know who.


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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 25 Apr 2010, 13:54

I will respond to this post concerning the product MMS and Jim Humble...

Personally, I have consuming, on and off, MMS since October of last year. I was skeptical and totally experimenting upon myself to determine the effectiveness of the product and any potential side effects.
I also have three friends who also started using it at the same time that I began, each for their own specific malady or purpose.
Each of these friends no longer have their maladies for which they began using MMS to rectify.

No one, nor myself, has had any problems or ill effects other than the nausea that Jim Humble explains can happen with the product as you increase the dosage amounts and pathogen die off may become so great that nausea may be a side effect.
I did not have any nausea until I made the increase from a ten to a twelve drop dose with nausea and diarrhea. I dropped back to ten drops for two days with no ill reactions and was then able to increase with no problem all the way up to fifteen drops.
Most personal testimonials will speak of people having nausea at three or six drops. I attribute my not having this due to my superclean diet and lifestyle. It was at twelve that I experience what people mostly feel at three or more drops.

All the recommendations on dropping the dose and slowing the use of MMS slightly has been effective in avoiding the nausea, while increasing the dosage to ten or fifteen drop range. Eventually, the nausea is not an issue as long as you gauge your personal reaction to the MMS and build up in dosage in increments just below the nausea threshold.

Sometimes, someone will also report having a mild headache which could also be described as a common cleansing reaction that occurs with many types of fast or cleansing programs. This too is only a temporary occurrence and is not a problem once someone carefully and slowly builds up their MMS dosage under the threshold of experiencing mild headache.
Everyone I know who has taken MMS has had no problem recognizing these two things as reactions toward cleansing and were able to eliminate their happening by doing what Jim suggests and slowing down the dosage increases.

In this regard, there have been no surprises and nothing occurring that was not explained prior to my using MMS on the Jim Humble website. I was actually impressed that the cleansing reactions and recommendations on how to interpret and deal with them were all accurate and worked appropriately.

Now Jim recommends a different way of using MMS than working up to ten or fifteen drops, three times a day for a couple weeks or even months in the cases of viral infections. And now, to avoid any cleansing reactions, recommends three drops every two hours. By doing it more frequently, rather than in large doses, the body maintains a constant, but low level of MMS constantly in the body that keeps doing its job over the course of a whole day. With this new recommendation for use, the nausea, headache or any other cleansing related reaction is basically not ever experienced...at all. This method is proving to be more effective with less cleansing reactions.

I had worked up from one, to three, to five, to ten, to twelve, to fifteen drops a day of MMS up to three times a day.
I had worked up to and was taking MMS 15 drops a day, three times a day, for two weeks and other high doses for two months.
I was bathing in a forty drop solution in my bathtub once an evening.
And I was using it as an oral rinse twice a day.
And I was using it as a topical skin spray twice to three times a day.
All at the same time.

My body was immersed in MMS inside and out for two months straight.

And other than the one episode with nausea and one slight headache, which had been explained upfront may happen and why and with accurate suggestions on how to deal with it supplied by Jim Humble...

...I had absolutely no problems from using MMS.

So now with the ultraconservative recommendations of using MMS in small doses but more frequently, I can't see how anyone who uses the product as recommended would really have a problem unless they are allergic to citric acid activator. Which is another possibility Jim covers and comments upon. I have found his attempt to be most comprehensive regarding all possible reactions and all potential benefits and ways to use MMS to be adequate. But the use of this product is with a caution, as I feel a majority of the people cannot follow directions, gauge their own bodies and use something like this responsibly enough...without fucking it up someway or somehow and then ultimately blame the product rather than their idiocy. In this respect, I don't thing it is for everyone.

And anyone who claims that they almost died from its use, who was not allergic, in my opinion, is exaggerating, is a liar, or is one of these people that have a hard time using something they way they are supposed to and with an intrinsic awareness of themselves to gauge its effectiveness and its benefit or how to tailor its use for their unique situation.

And I have yet to find anything in Jim's writings or product advertising that would suggest anything remotely related to "New Age".

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  tgII Sun 25 Apr 2010, 14:05

Read the protocols and follow the strict guidelines, fucking idiots.

I have been on MMS for a year and a half, no colds, no sneezes,
no flu, not a thing.

I am literally tried of talking with stupid people.

We are sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused you. The
FDA, the ACS, the CIA , the FBI, all want this guy taken out and
they don't care how it's done.


Read or die, it's that simple.

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 25 Apr 2010, 14:14

One of my three friends who started taking MMS when I did had the severe and unsightly problem of warts and skin tags growing all over her body.

She had one or two to start with and went to a dermatologist for treatment. Over time the warts and growths began to grow on more places on her body, many small, few medium sized and large warts. Face, neck, armpits, torso, in the nose, anus, groin, legs. All areas affected with some type of warty growth.

The dermatologist was going to have to freeze or burn off individually a problem which now seems to be systemic and widespread.
This would mean many visits, lots of money, lots of painful procedures with only a local focus on individual growths. Which means it would not take care of new growths or the seemingly systemic problem. He would not recognize it as a systemic problem and even if he did, offered no treatment on that level.

This lady has been taking MMS since October. By January, her growths had been reduced to about 50%. She was using MMS internally, had worked up to a fifteen drop dose for a couple weeks and then dropped down to a maintenance dose of six to eight drops three times a day for many months. And was using the MMS topically in a strong mixture applied with cotton swab to many of the larger growths themselves.

It is now April, and she has no growths on her body at all. And uses MMS at the new recommended dose of three drops. And she takes three drops only three times a day.

So she has used MMS everyday in some capacity for the previous seven months. She wants to continue on her frequent and low dose for five more months to make it a year and see if she has completely eliminated the human papilloma virus from her system that was causing her warts and growths.

She is content with the results and only experienced the nausea and diarrhea one time when upping to eight drops...she backed down and worked up more slowly and the nausea was never an issue again. She also found that if nausea did start to come on...that drinking a large glass of plain water made it subside and not be a problem.

She will keep me posted on the next five months and what happens to her when she completely stop all MMS to see if there is a re-occurrence of the warty growths or if they have completely gone away for good.
Most people would be condemned to live with this problem for their whole lives. I suggest you consider the weight of that statement.

Now when I look at a person like Laura Knight, it can be plainly seen that she is on the low rung of health. She has many outward signs of being typically unhealthy and internally toxic. Someone like this, while still smoking, attempting to take MMS is going to have a rough time should she not use it with this reality in mind. Yes, and very likely, will probably make herself sick and almost kill herself. But is it the fault of the MMS or the fault of the internal environment of the person using MMS. And someone like this better be using it most strictly and most conservatively.

I will take my own personal experiences over the testimony of others any day of the week.

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 25 Apr 2010, 18:45

Laura Knight-Jadczyk said:
If a solution such as chlorine dioxide did work, (and believe me that
would be a stretch of the imagination) then it would work in the same
despicable manner as chemotherapy. It would poison the entire body, and
hopefully kill-off the weaker (diseased) cells first; but it
would also have the side-effect of damaging all the healthy ce...lls too.
Chlorine is used to sterilize hospitals and slaughterhouses because it
is poisonous to everything, http://healthwyze.org/index.php/component/content/article/320-another-fraud-of-alternative-medicine-mms.html
not just the harmful bacteria. The very term sterilization means to
kill everything, which is something the fraudsters are apparently
unaware of, as shown by their claims. The same is true for the water
supply. If chlorine dioxide were effective, then tap water would be
ideal for our health, along with bleached white flour, bleached table
salt, white sugar, and bleached white rice, but those who regularly
consume these products are the unhealthiest in society. The one common
thread is bleaching with chlorine. This man is promoting a VERY dangerous product and I - and our research team - have personal experience with it. why has this snake-oil salesman who, I should mention, has been left alone by the FDA while those selling healthy supplements have often been shut down? Something is definitely wrong with this picture!

I find this lady's simplifications, generalizations and comparisons to be of someone who has a personal gripe against the product or its maker. As I find her logic to be lacking in her argument.

MMS is not a food or food product and it is a chemical. Which is why I use it with caution and exactly as it is suggested.
And I cannot state for sure that the long term use of this product may not have some, yet undiscovered, negative side effect. But no one knows this or can state such a thing for sure as of yet. And those that do are speculating.

But MMS is not a chemical similar to what is used in allopathic medicine for chemotherapy.
Chlorine dioxide is nowhere near the derivatives of Nazi mustard gas used for cancer treatments.
After using MMS, as previously stated, I experienced no side effects similar to what one would experience if using cancer chemotherapy agents.
This generalization, comparison and assertion is false.

In hospitals and slaughterhouses there is no "good" bacteria of any kind and all pathogens are regarded as undesirable. And "good" bacteria found in the gut are not the type of bacteria that flourish in slaughterhouses and hospitals. Laura uses the word sterilization and then begins to compare chlorine to chlorine dioxide. Chlorine is indiscriminate in what it kills because it kills by a chemical reaction called chlorination which then leaves a surface sterilized. Chlorine dioxide kills by a process called oxidation and the positive and negative charges of the cell membranes of pathogens determines whether the chlorine dioxide kill them...thus it has selectivity to kill pathogens that are thriving in an acid ph environment with a distinct charge to its cell membrane. Those without this charge or those that thrive in an alkaline environment are not affected this way and harmed by the MMS reaction.

Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide are thus not the same...actually very different.

What makes flour, rice, salt and sugar so unhealthy in the first and primary place is...
The outer germ is removed from the grain as one of the first steps in making white flour or rice before it is bleached.
This removes the vitamin B rich germ from the grain and now renders it lacking in nutrients...even before it is bleached.
Yes, bleaching is also a problem but this is actually done with bromides...not chlorine.
Table salt is unhealthy because it is kiln dried at extremely high temperatures and this alters its chemical properties making it inflammatory to the linings of blood vessels which results in blood pressure problems over years of continued use. This is a problem that is separate from its bleaching, but most responsible for salt being unhealthy.
And sugar which is also stripped of the cane and boiled at high temperatures and ultra-refined is what primarily makes it an unhealthy product. Bleaching as a secondary consideration.

And, again, chlorine dioxide is not chlorine.

But, full strength MMS place on healthy skin will cause it to burn. So it is therefore oxidizing healthy tissue and is in this capacity...caustic.
So there are risks to be considered. But the dosages used internally in the Humble protocol is extremely low that I am not personally worried about the oxidation of healthy tissues. I just don't see this happening. 50% mix of MMS is good to remove warts...as my friend had done so, and it left a small scab which healed with no scarring.

But food grade hydrogen peroxide and ozone oxygen therapies are much more caustic and dangerous to healthy tissues from my observations and experience. So if one wants to use chemical for their potential benefits, they must be considered that they are unnatural and should be used with that consideration and caution in mind. Certain chelation agents are also not so friendly.

If I were Laura, I would be concerning myself with the thirty to fifty pounds of fat and cellulite she is carrying on her body. And if she has orange peel textured skin with this cellulite, then she can consider herself already a cancer risk.
If she smokes...then add a thirty percent cancer risk.
If she drinks alcohol regularly...then add another thirty percent risk.
If she eats refined foods, carbs and sugars then add some more risk.

She probably already has cancer, just doesn't know it yet.

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 25 Apr 2010, 22:22

Chlorine dioxide kills by a process called oxidation and the positive and negative charges of the cell membranes of pathogens determines whether the chlorine dioxide kill them...thus it has selectivity to kill pathogens that are thriving in an acid ph environment with a distinct charge to its cell membrane. Those without this charge or those that thrive in an alkaline environment are not affected this way and harmed by the MMS reaction.

You nailed the crucial distinction Qsc

I have tried it only in one drop or 2 drop trial and i am quite sensitive to it so never increased beyond that

I am holding mine in reserve and should i be misfortunate enough to take on an ailment, i shall then use it in my own live trial

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  seraphim Thu 29 Apr 2010, 20:24

It is a FACT that Laura's group doesn't do their research. In fact it was them that hurriedly looked up Ralph Ellis on the internet without confirming if it was the real one, which wasn't because I talked to the wife of Mr. Ellis and she knew nothing of the other Ellis at the convention. Maybe Laura has to work on being not so vindictive and the Nexus speaker on being not so hateful. Anyway I still enjoy her work.

Here is an interesting thread to pull on. According to http://www.originalchurch.org/apostolic-succession/apostolic-succession-two.htm Humble was ordained a bishop of Spiritis Church. The page lists the apostolic succession, which got me to scratching my head a bit. David Ferrie (of JFK assassination fame) was ordained a bishop in the Old Roman Catholic Church--an organization that also used this apostolic succession bit to provide "legitimacy". Their history page http://www.orccna.org/history.htm lists some of the apostolic succession.

Compare the two pages. They claim similar succession and history, making me wonder if they are essentially the same church with different names used.
Appears that person also didn't do their research. Ferrie was never a Bishop. And Humble's church split off hundreds of years ago from the Old Roman Church it and not the same as Ferries. Ferrie was ACTUALLY ordained and defroked from the Roman Catholic Church a long time ago. And Mr. Humble's church as you can read is not connected to Ferries.

we are forming a church of health and healing. Now that's not religion, that's health and healing. It's called Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. ("Genesis" means the beginning, and "II" means the second beginning and this is the beginning of a new world without disease.)

Let me tell you a little more about the Church. I bet you might think I am just an old inventor who found a cure in the jungle, or maybe you think I am just an old gold miner. Well, that's sort of true, but there's more to it than that. I spent 50 years studying spiritual things and traveling around the world in many cases to do my studying. In my travels I happened upon a small but very unusual church. This church has come to us down through the centuries from the original apostles of Jesus Christ. There is an unbroken lineage of succession of Bishops for 2000 years to now. The name of each Bishop is recorded. The first apostles were Bishops. The Catholic Church broke off from this first Church 325 years AD, but the Original Church continued until now. You have never heard of it because it is small. It embraces all denominations of Christianity and actually all religions of the world and always has for 2000 years. I became a minister, a Deacon, a Priest, and finally a Bishop. So let me introduce myself again. I am Bishop James Humble.
Now that is interesting, folks knew more back then about remedies and health. So there must be something about this MMS.
The real science is magick but they don't call it that anymore.

I would only take MMS if I KNEW there was one of those biological weapons being sprayed. Actually there is no need to take it unless because of that. Or some serious viruses going around, so far the swine flu was a scare and possible vaccination for something sinister.

Laura claimed through blood tests that MMS really messes with the blood, depleting minerals and killing red blood cells, yeah Laura may be right on that, and how else can MMS do it's job and vigorously get rid of the bacteria and viruses. And what do you know, cancer needs the blood in order to grow, and if the blood has bleach in it, no cancer or virus can thrive.
Maybe why he went to Africa, where so many have HIV to try it on?
As for Humble's product being tested and adverse affects, those kids Humble is experimenting on are going to die anyway, so why not try and help.

I was going to do some research of my own on MMS and find out how Humble makes his, because it can be a true remedy if it is homeopathic. I was concerned with the MMS side effects because you don't get that really in a true formula (yeah the detox symptoms, but not the harmful things), maybe he should think of succinating it and making it into a liquid homeopathic medicine? And then people won't complain about it's toxicity. Quite a few homeopathic remedies are extremely poisonous when whole but converted homeopathically are very beneficial and have been used for quite awhile (the germans perfecting it), but it's still a mystery how it works.

I doubt Laura is after him, because she was already into health and trying things out, including foods and happened to experiment with his. Her and company probably got upset because Nexus lied to her and instead invited Mr. Humble, when they already said no spaces were left, when she wanted her friend to appear. But then again they goofed up about Ralph Ellis.

Rainyday......see look what that moon does to folks!

Last edited by seraphim on Fri 30 Apr 2010, 00:24; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : rush rush rush)

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Thu 29 Apr 2010, 21:56

how else can MMS do it's job and vigorously get rid of the bacteria and viruses.

Fortunately, I have provided that very information...see previous post in this thread.

And I await the evidence that Humble is in any way...at all...or even remotely resembling anything..."New Age".

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  seraphim Fri 30 Apr 2010, 00:57

Fortunately, I have provided that very information...see previous post in this thread.
This is kind of what I meant when I said how else can MMS do it's job, it has to be potent and that's why it works.
I absolutely agree with you and that it does based on all experiments. But for me I would only use in in cases of cancer or serious viruses like I said.
The die off effect is enormous with MMS, he really ought to make it homeopathically. It's not made in the parts per million is it, it's just diluted? But still it's doing fine and not causing people to die.

A person who dies from this if the media is telling the truth, probably overdosed. I don't see how a person can die from MMS, the body produces chlorine like substance in the body due to some kind of poisoning and other things. So a person can't be allergic to it unless they have an auto immune disease.

One of my three friends who started taking MMS when I did had the severe and unsightly problem of warts and skin tags growing all over her body.
Well there you go, wonderful! This proves that it may help with cancer, as it grows and starts the same way, you see abnormal skin tissue in the moles in most cases and cancer is caused by a virus or fungi, and warts are also caused by viruses.

But food grade hydrogen peroxide and ozone oxygen therapies are much more caustic and dangerous to healthy tissues from my observations and experience. So if one wants to use chemical for their potential benefits, they must be considered that they are unnatural and should be used with that consideration and caution in mind. Certain chelation agents are also not so friendly.
Food grade hydrogen peroxide is used to treat cancer, of course diluted. So MMS may also work.

In hospitals and slaughterhouses there is no "good" bacteria of any kind and all pathogens are regarded as undesirable. And "good" bacteria found in the gut are not the type of bacteria that flourish in slaughterhouses and hospitals. Laura uses the word sterilization and then begins to compare chlorine to chlorine dioxide. Chlorine is indiscriminate in what it kills because it kills by a chemical reaction called chlorination which then leaves a surface sterilized. Chlorine dioxide kills by a process called oxidation and the positive and negative charges of the cell membranes of pathogens determines whether the chlorine dioxide kill them...thus it has selectivity to kill pathogens that are thriving in an acid ph environment with a distinct charge to its cell membrane. Those without this charge or those that thrive in an alkaline environment are not affected this way and harmed by the MMS reaction.
Yes! And guess what cancer needs to thrive in an acidic environment, so MMS would be a great solution. And chloride, the mineral, occurs naturally in the blood.
And for those who are bitching, they might be in for a shock,......chlorine dioxide is what the establishment bleaches the tap water with, so almost everyone in the U.S. has been drinking it!
And good news for Mr. Humble....
There are no studies on cancer in humans exposed to chlorine dioxide or chlorite. Based on inadequate information in humans and in animals, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the EPA have determined that chlorine dioxide and sodium chlorite are not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity.

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Fri 30 Apr 2010, 17:20

it has to be potent and that's why it works.

When mixed correctly...the MMS itself is not "potent". It is actually a "weak" oxidizer. What causes it to kill of so many pathogens is not its potency or strength, but its potential to work in an effective way to cause mass die off. It does not chemicalize a kill...it robs the pathogens outer cell membrane of its electric ionic charge and this causes it to break apart.
Healthy microbes have a different charge and also thrive in alkaline environments. Unhealthy microbes have an opposite charge and therefore thrive in acidic environments. MMS only affects the charge that unhealthy microbes have. Thus is selective in this regard.

The mass die off of pathogens along with the chelating aspect of MMS can probably make an overburdened system feel like shit.
My friend vomited and had diarrhea once reaching the four drop dose. Having started from one and working up one drop at a time.

I did the same one drop at a time progression and did not vomit or have diarrhea until twelve drops. I then dropped back down for ten for a couple days and was able to take twelve drops know problem. As the die off at this level was more than my system could take without cleaning out more through vomit and the colon. I then, over a week was able to increase one drop at a time and work up to fifteen without incident. But anything above six drops...the taste is something to overcome. Fruit juice with no vitamin C or ascorbic acid added can be used. I have found a few brands that are juice from concentrates do not have ascorbic acid used. The ascorbic acid seems to be in all the juices that are not from concentrate. So for MMS purposes I use a grape juice that masks the flavor quite well.

A long time ago, when I was sixteen, I was working in a seafood restaurant and had been learning proper sterilization and sanitation procedures. It was then that I thought how useful it would be to have a non-harmful for of bleach available for ingestion and have that kill off all pathogens. Interestingly, many years later, Humble has introduced this.

After reading, I knew there was a risk of taking something like this, but after taking it...I don't see what all the bitching and complaining is really about. I am impressed by it and know that it works. It is the best oral rinse in the world as far as effectiveness. And it does work nicely on people with bad gums and abscesses that are too deep for contact with MMS or in the bone where it cannot reach. Good stuff.

I love it so much...I am thinking about putting it in my anus. Therapeutically speaking of course.

I will also add a huge piece of the puzzle for the MMS kamikazes...

When you take chlorine and kill microbes with it...the microbes and dead and you are still left with the chemical chlorine remaining.

When chlorine dioxide kills microbes...the chlorine dioxide breaks down into mostly water and a minute amount of regular...salt.
Water and a minute amount of salt then are eliminated from the body quite quickly.
Nothing accumulates in the system from MMS.
And with that, it is not anything like chlorine, medical drugs or chemotherapy drugs.

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  seraphim Sat 01 May 2010, 23:05

Anything that makes you have detox reactions like that is quite potent. Now I'm not saying it is potent as in bad or potency as in strength, maybe that's what you thought, but I mean potent as being effective. Homeopathics are very diluted yet very powerful. Same goes for plants if it does not have strong qualities or potent then it is really not medicinal. As I said before, the more poisonous the better. The weaker the stronger. But folks are so scared of the word poison, they think everything that is good for them is poisonous, very brainwashed. Can you believe they are being programmed to think GM foods are so good for them! And have absolutely no knowledge that they are being given very poisonous plant derivatives in their big pharma medicine, nor do they know how healing other poisonous plants are. Because if they knew then those man made viruses and other introduced bugs started and what not, wouldn't be able to spread as well.
There is no denying that MMS really is a weak poison. And that is literally why it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

To me MMS or chlorine dioxide by itself or diluted is obviously very potent and why it does the job quite well.
The blood reports say it depletes minerals and kills of red blood cells, a side effect. It's interesting that instead of finding a plant out there which only select tribes use and know about, is being substituted for a mineral chemical, chlorine dioxide, it must have something to do with being in a technological age.

Now I have a question, what if you have been taking MMS for a year or so consistently and then all of a sudden you double the dose and you get symptoms of being ill. That shouldn't happen because you ought to have killed off all those microbes, and viruses all those years, so there must be something else happening to make one sick and that is the other side effects, some mentioned above happening. So maybe it's not specific and robs the ionic charge of other things in the body.

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  tgII Sun 02 May 2010, 10:43

MMS and Jim Humble are getting their ass kicked over at the SOTT site.

Somebody is at war. Shocked

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 02 May 2010, 20:31

The citizens are "Safer" taking a drug that they recommend

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  seraphim Tue 07 Sep 2010, 06:47

Hi folks, seems that MMS has taken some more beatings.

If you type in MMS or most likely Jim Humble on firefox, his website and others dealing with MMS will be red flagged and you will be warned. So now it's a danger to even go on those sites!!! LOL
Then you got a website called healthy4life, which is badly rated with poor customer service and I don't think even sales MMS, confusing people with Jim Humble's http://www.mmshealthy4life.com website.
Then you got people selling MMS in bottles that look differently than Humble's product.
So I emailed the website to tell them and got a response back that they were being hammered, so whatever that means I hope they stop getting attacked.

MMS is one of the products I will be using on the person with cancer because, yes, it's backed by empirical evidence and I have faith in that product.
Now how's that sound!!

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 24 Nov 2010, 23:21

It was always going to happen, on one of the BBC flagship shows this evening, they did a complete hatchet job on Jim Humble and MMS, the evidence supplied, just the words of so called experts like Its bleach. its dangerous, only desperate people will use it , talismanic ridicule terms that had already worked on the staff of the show, they also stated there is no available evidence to show this cures anything, i know myself that there is more than enough material to keep someone reading all day on the theoryu of mms

Worst part is they had rolled on this teenage geek who looked like that sad ass harry potter and had him giving it the big thumbs down and hes started a facebook cause to warn people of its dangers and the cream on this sad asses pudding was that.......he wanted to become a doctor (God , if thee exist...stop me from laughing to death)

The technician freak they showed testing it, which consisted of him pouring some fluid into a test tube , no data shown at all, he looked like an evil demon, thenm in the studio they had one of these doctirs on strings that say exactly what theyve been told to say by their bosses, things like yeah its really dangerous to take it (any evidence - nope) pewople should go nowhere near it we need to warn them, it also said it was banned in the uk, need to check that out

The bottles they showed were nothing like my ones so dont know where they got them, as i said no actual info at all to make an educated judgement on oneself, just the usual propoganda speel

And the loveable tv presenters nod their heads like goons going yeah this is really dangerous and we need to watch out, anyone asking them anything about mms would get a blank stare and yet still they nod


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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 13 May 2011, 23:33

What r the thoughts on if mouthrinsing with mms, does the mms impregnate into the bloodstream via the pores in the mouth ? none of it, some of it or all of it ...active potency wise ? without any bleeding gums or open wounds , im presuming minimum impregnations

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MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching Empty Re: MMS Thread - Results Oriented so Stop Your Incessant Bitching

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 16 May 2011, 18:58

Chlorine dioxide was considered amongst a national symposium of dentists as being the most effective oral rinse over anything else...including some prescription washes.

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