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The "I" in your mind

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 08 Nov 2010, 00:25

The inducements of Trance, Enchantment , Rapture and Ectasy are specific means of altering consciousness which silences the pragmatic guardian and activates the transcendental echoes, which may allow a different form of information to be accessed and even memorised in a symbolic or rational format

Drumbeats are one inducer


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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  Sputnik Mon 08 Nov 2010, 15:28

I've listened the interview.

Yes I would also say that drugs are used way more "rational" by the Shaman. Also it is a misconcept to think that a Shaman is on some kind of psychoactive drug all the time. They use it very carefully and much less often than entertainmentseeking western people do. Everytime you use it you could lose your life and I would think it would be good to know this consciously. Let's consider the "bad trip"....those are actually not "accidents", and nothing that could be avoided if one were just "careful enough". Especially a "bad trip" can tell the Shaman about the spiritual problem and were to look for the needed key..(element).

Drums and other rythmic instruments are helpful for inducing a receptive response in the patient to the Shaman's healing ceremony.
The difference between a Shaman and a western doctor is that the Shaman knows that it is not him that is responsible for the healing.

Western medicine thinks that all it needs to do is to change a few molecules around and re-design DNA to "perfect"
it to the world's modern needs..accordingly, still regarding the human body as a mere "machine"..GOOD LUCK! Twisted Evil

Not that I am against modern medicine - only against those controling mechanics..that run mankind into self-anihilation.

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Wed 08 Dec 2010, 20:21

Not the self that sees, but the self that sees the self that sees is the real self - anon

The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Htv0x5

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 14 Jul 2012, 12:30

The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Henri_Bergson

Duration is a theory of time and consciousness posited by the French philosopher Henri Bergson. Bergson sought to improve upon inadequacies he perceived in the philosophy of Herbert Spencer, due, he believed, to Spencer's lack of comprehension of mechanics, which led Bergson to the conclusion that time eluded mathematics and science. Bergson became aware that the moment one attempted to measure a moment, it would be gone: one measures an immobile, complete line, whereas time is mobile and incomplete. For the individual, time may speed up or slow down, whereas, for science, it would remain the same. Hence Bergson decided to explore the inner life of man, which is a kind of duration, neither a unity nor a quantitative multiplicity.[1] Duration is ineffable and can only be shown indirectly through images that can never reveal a complete picture. It can only be grasped through a simple intuition of the imagination.
Bergson first introduced his notion of duration in his essay Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness. It is used as a defense of free will in a response to Immanuel Kant, who believed free will was only possible outside of time and space

Zeno of Elea believed reality was an uncreated and indestructible immobile whole.He formulated four paradoxes to present mobility as an impossibility. We can never, he said, move past a single point because each point is infinitely divisible, and it is impossible to cross an infinite space. But to Bergson, the problem only arises when mobility and time, that is, duration, are mistaken for the spatial line that underlies them. Time and mobility are mistakenly treated as things, not progressions. They are treated retrospectively as a thing's spatial trajectory, which can be divided ad infinitum, whereas they are, in fact, an indivisible whole.
Bergson’s response to Kant is that free will is possible within a duration within which time resides. Free will is not really a problem but merely a common confusion among philosophers caused by the immobile time of science.To measure duration, it must be translated into the immobile, spatial time of science, a translation of the unextended into the extended. It is through this translation that the problem of free will arises. Since space is a homogeneous, quantitative multiplicity, duration becomes juxtaposed and converted into a succession of distinct parts, one coming after the other and therefore "caused" by one another. Nothing within a duration can be the cause of anything else within it. Hence determinism, the belief everything is determined by a prior cause, is an impossibility. One must accept time as it really is through placing oneself within duration where freedom can be identified and experienced as pure mobility
In An Introduction to Metaphysics, Bergson presents three images of duration. The first is of two spools, one unrolling to represent the continuous flow of ageing as one feels oneself moving toward the end of one's life-span, the other rolling up to represent the continuous growth of memory which, for Bergson, equals consciousness. No two successive moments are identical, for the one will always contain the memory left by the other. A person with no memory might experience two identical moments but, Bergson says, that person's consciousness would thus be in a constant state of death and rebirth, which he identifies with unconsciousness.The image of two spools, however, is of a homogeneous and commensurable thread, whereas, according to Bergson, no two moments can be the same, hence duration is heterogeneous.
Bergson then presents the image of a spectrum of a thousand gradually changing shades with a line of feeling running through them, being both affected by and maintaining each of the shades. Yet even this image is inaccurate and incomplete, for it represents duration as a fixed and complete spectrum with all the shades spatially juxtaposed, whereas duration is incomplete and continuously growing, its states not beginning or ending but intermingling.
“Instead, let us imagine an infinitely small piece of elastic, contracted, if that were possible, to a mathematical point. Let us draw it out gradually in such a way as to bring out of the point a line which will grow progressively longer. Let us fix our attention not on the line as line, but on the action which traces it. Let us consider that this action, in spite of its duration, is indivisible if one supposes that it goes on without stopping; that, if we intercalate a stop in it, we make two actions of it instead of one and that each of these actions will then be the indivisible of which we speak; that it is not the moving act itself which is never indivisible, but the motionless line it lays down beneath it like a track in space. Let us take our mind off the space subtending the movement and concentrate solely on the movement itself, on the act of tension or extension, in short, on pure mobility. This time we shall have a more exact image of our development in duration.”
Even this image is incomplete, because the wealth of colouring is forgotten when it is invoked. But as the three images illustrate, it can be stated that duration is qualitative, unextended, multiple yet a unity, mobile and continuously interpenetrating itself. Yet these concepts put side-by-side can never adequately represent duration itself;
The truth is we change without ceasing...there is no essential difference between passing from one state to another and persisting in the same state. If the state which "remains the same" is more varied than we think, [then] on the other hand the passing of one state to another resembles—more than we imagine—a single state being prolonged: the transition is continuous.  Just because we close our eyes to the unceasing variation of every physical state, we are obliged when the change has become so formidable as to force itself on our attention, to speak as if a new state were placed alongside the previous one. Of this new state we assume that it remains unvarying in its turn and so on endlessly
Because a qualitative multiplicity is heterogeneous and yet interpenetrating, it cannot be adequately represented by a symbol; indeed, for Bergson, a qualitative multiplicity is inexpressible. Thus, to grasp duration, one must reverse habitual modes of thought and place oneself within duration by intuition

Inspired from Bergsons theory of Duration and not to get involved in the ongoing argument of sciences interpretation of time from a human consciousness perspective , which science more often than not conveniently forgets about in its quest to make eveything separate and measurable and so partitionally understandable to itself so it can then reproduce these results as “Facts” in the belief that this will solve the problem of human existence or at least improve human existence.
And in a way , I agree that these partitioned understandings and evolved improvements from scientific investigation are assisting the humankind in evolving and understanding itself , but because of this insistent separation of consciousness and the material world , they are equally capable of misleading and even deluding the humans understanding of it
This is why I believe the Metaphysical Philosophers Like BERGSON and his theory of DURATION are of vital importance to human existence and the humans understanding of existence at a level that science has yet to accomplish
The mistake that many institutions make from reflections of people like Bergson and all philosophers is to define their ideas from an absolutist angle and write off or fully accept their works from the societies current favoured favoured opinion of what is absolutely correct in ones understanding , instead of perceiving them as ongoing developers of thought (which I as an individual am free to do) who produced ripe fruit as well as odd rotten fruits like any healthy tree does, in their attempt to understand existence which is the true nature of philosophy
Here is a simple example I have constructed of where bergsons existential metaphysical concept of DURATION cries out for further investigation because it so obviously to me signposts something much more profound to human consciousness existence as does its scientific or social counterpunch explanation
According to science or social conditioning, the human being in relation to time goes through 3 distinct phases in its lifecycle, childhood, adulthood and oldagehood, or past present , future
According to Science or social conditioning , time is measured in distinct consistent “repetitive” mechanical intervals of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years. And it should not be forgotten that there are astronomical events (perceived mechanical) and astrological events(perceived psychic) which appear repetitive

Its not that science and social conditioning is completely wrong, they are providing a necessary means for humans to co-exist in an industrialised world , but they refuse to accept their complete inadequacy in explaining a human beings relationship with that time or passing of mechanical measured intervals .
For example when a human being truthfully reflects back on its existence to date, there are no sudden doors that they walked through from childhood to adulthood to oldagehood, there is but a constant transition through what is called past time, which in truth can only be defined as an Endurance, some of which is highlighted by specific memorised events , but these specific highlighted events themselves are subject to change dependent on what is occuring in present time

A human beings concept of 1 hour passing can vary dramatically, illustrating that mechanical time and human existence Duration are not experience-related in a proportional measured manner
So in conclusion , Science and social conditioning considers mainly the human physical experience(where someone outside of you objectively observes you with a stopwatch) whereas a metaphysical thinker like bergson was pointing to a concept of trying to understand the psychic experience of human existence which is in off the science and social conditioned measurement and actually exists as a separate entity within that apparent mechanical consistency
The internal experience itself existing within the outwardly measured mechanical segment of which the 2 have no predictable or even consistently sensible relationship

This concept of a separate immeasarable reality that can be endured within the physically measured progressive mechanical predictable cycle , that in itself could live infinite lives within the one measured physical life , is where the metaphysical sword of investigation truly needs to point, and it is in this area that the imaginary and the psychic are now the new frontiers of science as well, through the onrushing digital age of virtual platforms , which is not so much a technological progress , but more a metaphysical hijack from the future, as the physical starts to knock on the metaphysical doors of perception itself and the “present time” predominant concept of mechanical time may just be the eventual sacrifice of this new frontier.


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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 26 Jul 2012, 23:11

This guys series here does a real god job of presenting a digestible understanding of berg sons theory on mind and body


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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  highnoon Tue 14 Aug 2012, 01:53

ive thought about this before and its great to read someones thoughts whose actually studied and done experiements with people.

this i believe ties in with my ideas on the equator line of happiness, and why cruelty exists. when we are cruel to others we put a "cognitive load" on them, and then they make bad decisions on their own after a time like a type of spell or curse. make fun of somebody enough times. they might commit suicide. but if its hard to make good eating choices just cause of traffic earlier in the day, then a person being givin constant stress by others due to intention of ill will, to expect them to overcome that and make good life choices as if those stresses were never being applied....is a special kind of person.

im not that kind of person im very vulnerable to what your post describes. but knowing about it and catching myself everytime im about to do a bad choice vs a good choice for myself..and tieing pride into it.

if i dont study 3 hours of math per day, i have a loss of pride now. but i trained myself to have that loss and i trained myself to like earning the feeling of doing the 3 hours of math.

i gotta come up with something for my gym habits. but it took me a long time to fix how i approached adult school to try and graduation.

but yeah..this is a sad phenomenon...i think it only exists at all because nature values peer recognition more than truth. the truth value of subjectivity seems to be more valuable than any objectivity. that is also the nature of poltics.

to nature..i suppose if a group are singling out one person. and that commits suicide from that stress. to nature. that is the way to go. because in a sense. the people would have never ragged on that person if there wasnt something truly wrong with them? but i think that maybe is not the case. sometimes alliances form due to the search of power and status. and lies are propagated and cruelty takes many forms. undeserved cruelty...but to the universe...whatever scheme is being sought after. is more important than the well-being of whatever that scheme is trying to derail.

Or....the universe is just a battle of wills. and no will is truly superior to any other. its simply a matter of which will has a foothold at any givin moment. and its up to each person to seek their own battle plan and apply their own level of morality and lack of morals to achieve whatever they need to to feel happy in life.

i think joe rogan is wrong about what he says about cunts...you listen to his podcast..you know how he says the world needs no cunts and for everyone to be good to each other...but the thing is

joe rogan is a self admitted cxxx who changed.

he wouldnt be the comedian, or taekwondo champion if he never took a selfish greedy self promotive attitude in his teenage years.

its easy to change and be the good guy once you've amassed wealth from being a bad guy for a number of years, cough, money laundering.

joe rogan in his 30's realized that he's already climbed so far. that being that cocky dick doesnt really have any purpose anymore. now he has to be a family man etc.

imo thats a lame lack of insight on joe rogans part.

to go from being a picked on good person, to a bad person, to reach the level you want and then change back into a good person.

its pretty laugh out loud to me.

when i think of the good decisions vs bad decisions...all i know is that all the decisions i should be making. are not in fact bad. to want to score good grades..or be the best dressed and best looking. cause if you dont have the desire to be better than others...you wont have the desire to do anything other than hobbies. and then those hobbies often just transmute into the desire to be better than others.

like video games. i want to play x game cause it looks cool on the commercial. but then when i get it and realize theres online ranking. i want to practice the game to be as good at it as i can. so then my reason for playing it becomes competitive but my reason for getting it in the first place was simply aethetics or i wanted to try it out cause it was hyped to be the next big game that everyone is gonna get.

but then after dozens of hours of play i realize...i should be applying this competitive spririt to an are of my life that actually matters.

i think that is the problem with my gym is that when i go and i see results. im scared of the changes i feel and see in myself. because i dont know how far i want to take this. or how far i should take it. what if i got addicted to lifting and the new attention..is that a bad thing...should i just go with it and see what the new attention feels like? can i handle it? do i have the personality to use peoples new attraction to me and use it effectively.

i usually think i should just do anything and stick with it cause thats better than what ive been doing up till now.

its kindof also a dilemma of wanting to experience middle class young adult life, but only as a curiosity....like if they had vacations where you paid 5 grand and you could live for a week with an actor soccer mom wife and 2 actor kids. you assumed an identity. to see if you even liked it. and then you could decide if you wanted shoot yourself in the head afterawards or make the decision to change your life and get a career that you would work the next 35 years so you could sustain that vacation like existance for real....i would do that 5 grand trial.

cause i have no idea and my idea of what normal average western life is is simply an idea. and that doesnt seem to be strong enough to propell me to do my best to achieve it. cause i dont even really know what it is.

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 14 Aug 2012, 11:29

A pretty interesting theory flames, the incongruent representations activating the stress hormone in many people , although some people invite the challenge of that brain twisting data to gain some form of knowledge of and control over stress , where others cannot deal with any form of stress factor from being made to suddenly think in a non-conditioned manner

Ego depletion is a good term especially when given the example of diet and denying the self its needs

I would imagine that the same process kicks in over all the wants and needs of each individual , a good place to study the funcion of ego is , i always thought, in a relationship , seeing where each person is reinforcing or depleting their ego in the invariable compromises that set in after the initial unknown factors begin to be known

Each person probably suffers ego depletion in certain doses as they have to compromise to please the partner in certain areas of lifestyle choices etc .

If that ego depletion is allowed to fester and not countered with ego-boosts, there may arrive an inevitable meltdown situation

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Mon 30 Dec 2013, 21:26

I watched an old bbc play from 78, 9when the bbc were very experimental with their drama) and traced out its original idea which led from one thing to another and finally i found this almost unknown german thinker that topped himself , but before that had put out some original unique theory on the art of memory and retrieval of memory

One critic i found on web, says that the reason bertrand russel changed some fundamental beliefs between works was because russel must have read this guys theory but never credited it

His Name is Richard Semon
Richard Wolfgang Semon (22 August 1859, Berlin – 27 December 1918, Munich) was a German zoologist and evolutionary biologist, who believed in the inheritance of acquired characters and applied this to social evolution.
Semon proposed psycho-physiological parallelism according to which every psychological state corresponds to alterations in the nerves. His ideas of the mneme (based on the Greek goddess, Mneme, the muse of memory) were developed early in the 20th century. The mneme represented the memory of an external-to-internal experience. The resulting "mnemic trace" (or "engram") would be revived when an element resembling a component of the original complex of stimuli was encountered. Semon’s mnemic principle was based upon how stimuli produce a "permanent record, . . . written or engraved on the irritable substance," i.e. upon cellular material energistically predisposed to such inscription (Semon 1921, p. 24).
Semon found evidence in the way that different parts of the body relate to each other involuntarily, such as "reflex spasms, co-movements, sensory radiations," to infer distribution of "engraphic influence." He also took inventive recourse to phonography, the "mneme machine," to explain the uneven distribution and revival of engrams.
Semon's book Die Mneme directly influenced the Mnemosyne-project of the idiosyncratic art historian Aby Warburg.[1] Despite the similarities in nomenclature, the concept of the meme, coined by Richard Dawkins, refers to a separate concept defined as "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture" (Dawkins, 1976).
He committed suicide wrapped in a German flag allegedly because he was depressed by Germany's defeat after World War I.

Semon invented new terms for his theory

Engram = The encoding of information into our beings , a trace of energy
Ecphory = The retrieval process of any engram or trace of engram

This could also suggest genetic ancestral engrams are inherited , also that certain outside stimuli can create a deja vu effect due to an ecphoric recognition taking place at the subconscious level

Engrams are a hypothetical means by which memory traces are stored as biophysical or biochemical changes in the brain (and other neural tissue) in response to external stimuli.
Engrams can also be explained as a permanent impression left on protoplasm as the result of a stimulus or a lasting trace left in an organism by psychic experience, or simply the writing left behind in the brain by conscious experience.
They are also sometimes thought of as a neural network or fragment of memory, sometimes using a hologram analogy to describe its action in light of results showing that memory appears not to be localized in the brain. The existence of engrams is posited by some scientific theories to explain the persistence of memory and how memories are stored in the brain. The existence of neurologically defined engrams is not significantly disputed, though their exact mechanism and location has been a focus of persistent research for many decades.

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 20 Jul 2014, 21:42

From Peristalsis to Peristaltic Persuasion ( copyright = The I )  Cool 
A short sharp look at a theory on behaviours

Mechanical explanation
A peristaltic pump is used to pump essence fluid into a steam pipe , a hollow tube is run from a container of liquid essence through a rotating pump wheel, the hollow tube making a U shape as it wraps around the pump wheel. There are 2 further small wheels attached at 180 degree polar opposites on the main pump wheel . When the pump is switched on, the main wheel turns slowly which in turn rotates the small wheels on a compression action on the hollow tube so that at any given moment, one of the small wheels is making contact and squeezing the hollow tube as the large wheel rotates . This squeezing action creates a suction action from the essence vessel and therefore a pumping action into the steam pipe , so essence liquid is sucked from the container and pumped into the steam pipe whenever the pump is activated. Now at the initial activation of this process, the hollow tube is empty , so the pump has to work constantly for a short intense period of time so that fluid can be drawn up from container and pumped into the steam pipe , once this action is established , ie the tube is full of liquid , the circuit is completed etc, thereafter, only a slight turn or movement of pump wheel is required to deliver essence liquid.
In short, the pump has to work hard and intently initially to set up the circuit of control of liquid from the container to the steam pipe , after which it hardly requires any energy to continue to make that liquid go where it wants it too.
This action of repetitive indirect contact causing an intentional secondary action is referred to by science as peristalsis, the human bodies digestive system also uses peristalsis by activating muscular actions to move stuff through the digestive tubes.

I have identified by analogical parallels that this type of activity (peristalsis) also occurs in human relationships via the dynamic of persuasion , all types of established human relatingships like lovers, friends family etc and can be used consciously or sub-consciously to control other peoples behaviour within certain limits .
In the case of a new or established intimate relationship, when two people first make contact, they initially use a lot of energy up, getting to know each other , establishing certain knowledges about each others behaviours and motivations , likes and dislikes etc, this will be conscious and also sub-conscious as they memorise and record a judgemental idea of the person they are intimate with , then at some point they may settle into patterns of behaviour which may or may not be beneficial to both of them long term.
In any relatingship, certain compromises sooner or later have to be made , but initially because of a certain mesmerisation of this love drug phenomena, it appears that both people enjoy doing everything together because they just enjoy being in each others company during the mesmerisation spell. They are actually enjoying what they are doing most of the time because of this ingredient of mesmerisation and so they may overlook the matter of fact of the healthiness or enjoyment factor of the dual-activity in itself.
Im not making a judgement about how long this initial fever lasts , some for ages , others for a short spell, everyone is different and some people just enjoy each others company outside of the mesmerisation component.
But in many instances, at some point , one or other of the partners will be either compromising to please the other or enforcing their will to the detriment of the other to please themselfs , but at the same time trying to hold together the healthy relating aspect
It is in this area or stage of relating that the term peristaltic persuasion can be identified
As partner A and B know “almost” everything about each others likes and dislikes , there is a constant juggling of sub-conscious power going on about who truly decides to do what when they are doing things , the dynamics of power are an interesting area, some people derive power from getting their own way directly , others derive power from getting their own way in what they perceive as through fair discussion and yet some others derive power from allowing another to get their way because that other seems to need to do so from an area of neediness etc so the sacrificial type are sort of playing a therapy role , then there are still others who have obvious developed direct streaks of sadism or masochism in their personalities
This peristaltic persuasion can be seen to be active in 3 areas that I can think of at present
1.One partner or the other suggest what both partners might do , each of them knows what the other probably prefers, so one has to compromise more than the other when the choice is made ….or there might even be some perfect couples that enjoy doing things exactly but they in the minority I thinks, this balancing act of compromise is fine as long as it is balancing out over time, but one partner may be secretly fed up of the other partner and becomes less likely to compromise which leads to a change of dynamic in the relating, one person getting their own way more than the other, the other having to compromise more and more and so contempt slowly grows in the other too and sooner or later a meltdown occurs between them or worse, one person holds lots of repressed contempt against the other whilst carrying on in this unbalanced affair
2.The second area of activity is when partners have established habits of behaviour which after a period of time begins to irritate one of the partners whilst the other continues to champion that habit of behaviour even although they realise their partner does not like this experience anymore = further option for meltdown here if this is kept locked up in the psyche
3.In parent / children, boss / worker relationships , certain dynamics of control are set in place and then kept in place with peristaltic persuasion and it takes a lot of willpower to go up against the established conditions of expected behaviour.

There are many more areas of relating in familys , parents and children , workplaces etc where this same activity of peristaltic persuasion is being utilised by someone even by the way they give their opinions to the other as in how they want the other person to do as they think they should , but dont really put it that straight in words using hints and emotional gestures to convey their needs or demands .

Which is why this peristaltic persuasion could be and is a very useful tool used consciously by a person that wants to get their own way, but it is also used sub-consciously by many people in various relating states, and by the very recognition of this dynamic as put forth here, people can become more aware of how they behave and are behaved upon by others.

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 21 Jul 2014, 16:39

I have found that after studying and becoming more conscious of relationship dynamics it became more difficult for me to have and maintain relationships.

As I am willing to establish a "neutral and objective relationship place" where the input of two individuals converge which has balance and symmetry and from which the fruits of a relationship should spring.

But often, the other party begins to upset this balance in one way or another.

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 22 Jul 2014, 01:40

I have found that after studying and becoming more conscious of relationship dynamics it became more difficult for me to have and maintain relationships.
Here Here exactly qsc

As I am willing to establish a "neutral and objective relationship place" where the input of two individuals converge which has balance and symmetry and from which the fruits of a relationship should spring.
Truly i am looking for a female or females with such outlook Q, but its like the holy grail , at least i have encountered and do encounter some male souls with this awareness and expectations

But often, the other party begins to upset this balance in one way or another
I have a list of previous parties that will qualify for such behaviours, and i think its caused by them not being accustomed to such observation and commentary of their psychic activity as it is presented to mine

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  highnoon Thu 31 Jul 2014, 03:58

Nice post iceman.

feminists are i think the last people on earth to be balanced in the way you describe. everything is always about them being oppressed. if you just suggest something to a feminist they will get mad because they look at the suggestion as a command with a choice involved. giving them the free will to choose still usurps their power because you are dictating the answers they can choose from. you cant win by letting the feminist choose what options there are because if you choose from their list, you are being the decision maker.

Its impossible  Mad

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Tue 05 Aug 2014, 00:17

Good point on the feminist High Noon  Cool  I've even seen some masculines doing similar to this bit ...
if you just suggest something to a feminist they will get mad because they look at the suggestion as a command with a choice involved

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The  "I"  in your mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The "I" in your mind

Post  KapitanScarlet Fri 09 Oct 2015, 04:40

Some early snips from evolas magic idealism evolving
“Thus man today appears shipwrecked , clinging as he is to an “I” which he must yet learn to understand without tainting, but which represents his sole certainty . Man stands deprived of religion, faith and enthusiasm, stuck between a science which consumes itself, and an exasperated philosophy of formal , shallow conceit, thirsting for freedom, yet inevitably opposed to a nature , society and culture , with which he can no longer identify , it is in the light of such an existential context that I was hoping to point …............ “
Especially of interest to me due to the isolating of the “I” component in consciousness , from poc
“ is the distinction of truly free acts and passive or spontaneous acts , Truly free acts are characterized by an interval between what is possible and what is real, where the former also exceeds the later, in the sense that the power to act always precedes and rules the act itself , for it determines its very existence and essence “
So in essence the individual here is attempting to be a sort of master of creating their own reality in its actuality before and as it happens
And then on the passive acts …..
“This interval between what is possible and what is real is instead lacking in passive or spontaneous acts, which are defined by a direct and necessary shift towards action (or perception, representation etc ) as in an automatic process , what is possible here disappears without leaving any trace in the real world – in what happens, what is seen , heard etc , Hence in the case of spontaneity , one can only talk of something which is “mine” without being “me”, since as in the case of emotions or passions, one cannot claim personally to have implemented any direct change, ones relation to spontanaeity is not an unconditioned causality and possession . This then is the central issue I raised, it is one thing not to be determined by something else, (ie externally) quite another to be truly positively free “
Then leads to the "path of the other: and the "path of the absolute individual" and attributing equal validity to both paths……………..

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