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Musings On The Bible

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  seraphim Thu 03 Jun 2010, 07:03

The light, the tunnel and memory wiped out......more in this book......
In Bardo Thodol's The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Said the Great Void is not a safe place for souls and gives instruction how to pass it safely.
The ancient knowledge that was left in the Bardo Thodol describes the nature of the beams that are shining in the Great Void and where they lead (the eye)

To solve the problem of losing memory and the assimilated knowledge of the being that was at the end his physical path, they used ancient knowledge and technology to tranfer the conscioiusness from one body to another one with bigger proportions. How big or tall one was represented a higher consciousness, There were giants in those days. The atmosphere was bigger, there were beings with four, six arms, half fish, half human. animals and plants were bigger (as science showed us that particular history).
There are five different levels of human consciousness possible on earth, so the people would have different DNA, and different bodies and ways of percieving reality.
All this could be confirmed of ancient Rama as well.
And Rama talks about the spiritual aspect

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  KapitanScarlet Sat 05 Jun 2010, 12:05

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is not correctly named. It's a book on the living or of life. It's a book that teaches you about inner states of awareness.
Sounds very feasible to me

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  seraphim Wed 09 Jun 2010, 03:22

Kapis another story similar to the bible! Not sure if the stories were mixed, because their were other Bird people besides the great Jesus who was similar.
Here is a Jesus story from the Native channeler perspective from Ken Carey. He was experiencing the life of one of the Bird Beings and told it through his perspective. Seems that the Quetzlcoatl's visited like Jesus did and were very similar.
A long time ago, one of the people in the tribe, had the task to monitor the growing influence of the warrior energy in the thought fields that surrounded the earth. And knew that the approaching cycle of purification would be soon, in less than two millenia, it would be a single human world. So he made a choice to incarnate into one of them to teach them (or in one of the people that this warrior energy was in at that time), which was in almost the whole world back then in the Judeo-Roman society. Causing himself to forget that he might incarnate among them and grow up as a child in their culture, allowing his incarnate awareness to be tailored to their fiction, molded into a communication device that would speak their language. To be in their world but not of it, because their world existed only in their imaginations, a creation entirely of their fears. He slumbered with them and filtered his awareness through their dreams. Put on the clothing of their culture. He taught them about the power of the living God, showed them it was not abstract, mystical, or etheric power, but a practical, biological reality, living within them: the power called Life.

He taught them that the life within and around them contained profound intelligence and design, And showed them how to contact this intelligence and how to allow life's designs-the kingdom of heaven-to emerge from within their own hearts.
He taught them of the spirit beings, the angels, who have been wielding the creative power of life on earth for three and half billion years. Explained that how blending with the Holy Spirit of these biengs would transform and revolutionize their lives, but they had to invite the Bird Tribes for without invitation, they wouldn't interfere with a person's free will.

So he called upon the highest good and because he was aligned with the Creator's intentions when his statement was cut short, his prayer triggered a response from both heaven and earth, his call broke through to the highest levels of the spirit world, others saw the potential he had perceived, and because it was a matter close to the heart of Great Spirit, a context for healing the most violent of the warrior tribes was in that moment conceived.

Any time a statement is cut short in the earthwalk of one incarnate and there is a longing to complete that statement and there was in his case, it represents a bubble, a potential culture, like a yogurt culture or a yeast culture. This one happened to become a new sort of human culture, complete with the manifestation of every positive as well as every negative potentiality. Christian civilization.
Something that invited each one to complete the life the crucifixtion interrupted, something that flew in the face of all odds, something that took the fear centered darkness of the Judeo Roman world order and split it down the middle.

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  seraphim Sun 15 Aug 2010, 05:40

The nephilim (created by Annunaki?) were enemies (labeled Satan) of the current religion or group that authored the bible or Noah's follower's, the same group that controls the U.S or with ongoing power struggles?

Matthew 24: from jesus
37"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
six fingered Egyptian (there are other pictures than this one). Described in Hebrew bile or Holy Bible of the six fingered one as Nephilim related?
Musings On The Bible - Page 4 2dbwhtf

I don't think those pharoahs were human. Akenahton with children. Sorry but you can't shape an infant or small child's head that fast, unless they had advanced technology or genetically predisposed to that shape of skull. Not only that but skulls were found that matched the shape of the pharoah's or some adult egyptians.
Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Rs94jm
Musings On The Bible - Page 4 24dlteb
Fascinating information on the bible.

hebrew 11:35
"woman recieved their dead bodies to life"

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  seraphim Mon 04 Oct 2010, 05:24

Don't know if it's just a coincidence, but the ancient God Ea, is pronounced as yah, sounds like Yahweh in the bible. And since the bible supposedly has taken much of it's information from ancient Mesopotamian cultures like the Sumerians, I wouldn't be surprised if they were similar Gods.
Amazing the Catholic church requires to eat and drink so that they can be like their immortal savior. One of Anu's rituals. And the priesthood is still in charge, decreed a destiny by Anu to glorify the future. The same rulers for thousands of years with their death grip still in place.
And the churches now use the same rituals as then.
The quote below is from the video, I will have to look up the names mentioned in italics, some are not spelled correctly.

Adapa, Arkaddian Story of Man's Mortality

In those days Adapa, the one of Eridu, while, Ea upon the couch, daily did attend to the sanctuary of Eridu, at the holy quay? the quay of the new moon he boarded the sailboat then a wind blew tither and his boat drifted, with the oar he stirs his boat upon the wide sea. The south wind blew and submerged him causing him to go down to the home of the fish. Adapa said, "South wind me all thy venom? I will break thy wind", just as he said this with his mouth the wing of the south wind was broken. For seven days the south wind did not blow upon the land and Anu calls to alibrth his viziay, why has not the south wind blown over the land these seven days, his viziya labr answered him, " my lord Adapa the son of Ea, the wing of the south wind has broken.

When anu heard this speech he cried mercy rising from his throne, let them fetch him hither. At that Ea? he knows what pertains to heaven took hold of him, Adapa caused him to wear his hair/head? akempt, the morning garb he made him put on and gave him this advice, "Adapa thou art going before the king Anu, the road to heaven thou wilt take when to heaven thou has gone up and has to approach the gate of Anu, tamoz and ageze at the gate of Anu will be standing, when thee see and will ask thee man for whom thou does look, thus adapa for whom thou art clad with morning gard, from our land two gods have disapeared hence I am thus.... who are the two gods who from the land disappeared. tamoz and ageze will glance at each other and smile a good word, they will speak to Anu and Anu's benign face they will cause to be shown to thee. As though standest before Anu, when they offer thee the bread of death thou shall not eat when they offer thee the water of death though shall not eat it, when they offer the garmet put it on, when they offer thee oil anoint thyself therewith, this advice I given thee, neglect not the words I have spoken to thee hold fast the messenger of Anu.

His heart quieted and he was, Anu said "why did Ea, to a wortheless human of the earth and of the heaven, the plan disclosed rendering him distinguished and making a name for him, for us what shall we do of him........"
So he told Adapa to eat the bread and drink the water, annoint himself and put garmet on.........and so forth.

As Anu looked at him he laughed at him, come now Adapa why did thou not eat or drink, though shall not have eternal life, ah perverse mankind. Adapa said, Ea my master commanded me thou shall not eat or drink, Anu said, take him away and return him to his earth, when anu heard this in the wrath of his heart, he dispatched a messenger who knows the heart of the great gods, that he to reach of Ea the king, he discussed the matter to Ea the king, the wise who knows the heart of the great gods, heaven unkempt hair he caused him to wear and clad him with the morning garb, he gave him the words......(see Ea's warning)...........of the gods of heaven and earth as many as there be whomever gave such a command so as to make his command to exceed
the command of Anu, as Adapa from the horizon of heaven to the zenith of heaven cast a glance he saw its awesomeness.

Then Anu imposed on Adapa for the city of Ea he decreed release his preisthood to glorify the future he decreed a destiny, as for Adapa the human offspring who lordlike? broke the south winds wing went up to heaven and so forth, what ilk he has brought upon mankind and the disease that he has brought upon the bodies of men these ninkarhak? will ally let malady be lifted let disease turn aside upon this let horror fallm let him in sweet sleep not lie down, joy of human hearts.


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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  seraphim Mon 26 Sep 2011, 06:52

The Trumpet noise is sounding worldwide, here is what the bible has to say about it. It's amazing, I thought the trumpet was some kind of weapon, that's what I got from reading the bible. But it's some kind of frequency, that creates earthquakes. Well at least in these times.

The First Trumpet
The first [angel] [a] blew his trumpet, and hail and fire, mixed with blood, were hurled to the earth. So a third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.

The Second Trumpet
The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain ablaze with fire was hurled into the sea. So a third of the sea became blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

The Third Trumpet
The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from heaven. It fell on a third of the rivers and springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood, [b] and a third of the waters became wormwood. So, many of the people died from the waters, because they had been made bitter.

The Fourth Trumpet
The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day was without light, and the night as well.
I looked, and I heard an eagle, [c] flying in mid-heaven, [d] saying in a loud voice, "Woe! Woe! Woe to those who live on the earth, because of the remaining trumpet blasts that the three angels are about to sound!"

Fifth Trumpet
The fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth. The key to the shaft of the abyss was given to him.2 He opened the shaft of the abyss, and smoke came up out of the shaft like smoke from a great [a] furnace so that the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the shaft. 3 Then out of the smoke locusts came to the earth, and power [b] was given to them like the power that scorpions have on the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green plant, or any tree, but only people who do not have God's seal on their foreheads. 5 They were not permitted to kill them, but were to torment [them] for five months; their torment is like the torment caused by a scorpion when it strikes a man. 6 In those days people will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them.

The appearance of the locusts was like horses equipped for battle. On their heads were something like gold crowns; their faces were like men's faces; 8 they had hair like women's hair; their teeth were like lions' teeth; 9 they had chests like iron breastplates; the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses rushing into battle; 10 and they had tails with stingers, like scorpions, so that with their tails they had the power [c] to harm people for five months. 11 They had as their king [d] the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, [e] and in Greek he has the name Apollyon. [f] 12 The first woe has passed. There are still two more woes to come after this.

The Sixth Trumpet
The sixth angel blew his trumpet. From the four [g] horns of the gold altar that is before God, I heard a voice 14 say to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels bound at the great river Euphrates." 15 So the four angels who were prepared for the hour, day, month, and year were released to kill a third of the human race. 16 The number of mounted troops was 200 million; [h] I heard their number. 17 This is how I saw the horses in my vision: The horsemen had breastplates that were fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow. The heads of the horses were like lions' heads, and from their mouths came fire, smoke, and sulfur. 18 A third of the human race was killed by these three plagues—by the fire, the smoke, and the sulfur that came from their mouths. 19 For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails, because their tails, like snakes, have heads, and they inflict injury with them.

The rest of the people, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands to stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which are not able to see, hear, or walk. 21 And they did not repent of their murders, their sorceries, [i] their sexual immorality, or their thefts.

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Mon 07 Nov 2011, 00:31

The Christian Old Testament is the Jewish Tanakh, which they adopted and reinterpreted.
In its original interpretation the Tanakh is a textbook of nationalism put upon the lips of a national god. It is textbook of a classic NATIONAL religion, not a universal religion. There is not one of the 613 commandments in it(all from the first 5 sub-books) that apply to non-Jewish national, and not one commandment that requires Jewish nationals to show compassion to outlanders. The key to it all is: “brother” and “neighbor” mean “fellow-Jewish-national brother” and “fellow-Jewish-national neighbor”. Two different Hebrew words have been translated into English as the one word “stranger”, one Hebrew word means a “fellow-Jewish-national stranger” and the other means an “outlandish stranger”. The word for “fellow-Jewish-national stranger” is used in every commandment to “love the stranger”. (With one exception: the word is is misused in Exodus 11:2 referring to non-Jewish strangers, but it is an order to rip the strangers off!) And the other Hebrew word is used in all other negative reference to strangers/

This extreme nationalism is lost in all English translations, starting with the KJV.
With this in mind, it is not surprising we should read the words put upon the lips of the national god in Genesis 12:3
“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
.. where the “you” means “the Jewish nation”.

Christians adopted the Tanakh(including Torah) and interpreted “brother” as “a fellow human”. That interpretation can be seen to be wrong without going into the original Hebrew just by the irreconcilable contradiction it leads to in..
Deu 23 21. “To a stranger you may lend upon INTEREST; but to your brother you shall not lend upon INTEREST”.


(Love your JEWISH neighbor)

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  tgII Mon 07 Nov 2011, 00:49

Good find; and don't underestimate how the Scofield bible, rewritten at
Oxford, put a particularly nasty ideology on the top of this perversion
already: Dispentionalist bat shit crazy Christian-Zionists.

    The Scofield Reference Bible is a widely circulated study Bible edited and annotated by the American Bible student Cyrus I. Scofield, that popularized dispensationalism at the beginning of the 20th century. Published by Oxford University Press and containing the traditional Protestant King James Version of the Bible, [see how these clever people at Oxford combined this psychological religious war] it first appeared in 1909 and was revised by the author in 1917.

Dispensationalist crazy bastards. When ever 'Oxford' is in attendance
always, no exceptions, be immediately suspect.

Another bat shit crazy American...

    Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (August 19, 1843 - July 24, 1921) was an American theologian, minister, and writer whose best-selling annotated Bible popularized dispensationalism among fundamentalist Christians.

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  seraphim Thu 19 Apr 2012, 05:11

Taurus is unlike domestic bulls. It was probably an animal that is now extinct — a ferocious relative of domestic cattle, called “Rimu” in the Hebrew Scriptures. Rimu is translated “unicorn” in the King James Version of the Bible and was thought to be a mythological, one-horned creature. However, it was more likely a large wild ox. Famous for its size and ferocity, it may have survived until the times of the Roman Ceasars, but is now extinct. The wild bull, or Rimu, was a symbol of power and rule.

Balaam, described the power of Jehovah on behalf of Israel in Numbers 23:22 when he said, “God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn” (Rimu).

Taurus is the sign of coming judgment. It is the “day of vengeance of our God” (Isaiah 61:20). It is a “day of wrath” (Rom. 2:5) from which we shall be delivered for “God hath not appointed us to wrath” (I Thes. 5:9). Taurus means “governer, captain, or leader.” In the shoulder of Taurus is a group of stars known as the Pleiades, meaning “congregation of the judge.”
The unicorn symbol also is noted in the bible. Those who use or wear it are leaders in today's world.
Also interesting that there are supposedly so many Pleiadians communicating to us, as it seems on the internet. And they are kind of depicted as angels. Which is what the God has congregated around him, according to the bible.

There are three sidereal sidepieces, which help to tell the story of Cancer. The first attending constellation is Ursa Minor, known today as the Little Dipper. Before the constellation became a dipper, it was referred to as a bear. However, the bear does not appear at all in the old Zodiacs of Chaldea, Persia, Egypt, or India. Long before the constellation became a bear, it was pictured as a sheepfold. It represents heaven, the place where the Great Shepherd keeps His sheep.

There are seven bright stars in Ursa Minor, but a total of 24, which make up the complete constellation. The seven stars remind us of the seven lamps of fire which burn before the throne of God, and the 24 stars remind us of the 24 elders in Revelation 4, which are seated around the throne of God.

The most significant star in Ursa Minor is Polaris. It is called the North Star, and we are reminded of Isaiah 14:13, which indicated that heaven was pictured in the “sides of the north.” This does not mean that heaven revolves above the North Pole. It simply means that in the ancient constellations the north represented heaven, while the south represented hell.

The Greeks called Ursa Minor by the name Arcas, from which we get words like “arctic” in English. Arcas means bear, but the root meaning is “the stronghold of the saved.”

There is a star in the constellation called Kochab, meaning “waiting for the coming;” another star, Alkaid, means “the assembled;” and yet another, Alpherkdain, means “the redeemed assembly.”

Another sidereal sidepiece is Ursa Major, which, along with Ursa Minor, seems to tell the same story. Though it is depicted as the Big Dipper, it orginally referred to “the assembled flock.” As in the case of Ursa Minor, there are also seven bright stars, which make up the constellation of Ursa Major. The brightest star is Dubeh, meaning “herd or flock;” Merach means “the flock purchased;” Phaeda means “visited, guarded, or numbered;” and Benet Naish means “the daughters of the assembly.”

It is a magnificent view of the vast assembly of believers who are reserved in heaven today awaiting the resurrection. Both Ursa Major and Ursa Minor compliment the constellation Cancer by representing the great sheepfold in heaven where the Shepherd keeps redeemed believers.

This is real interesting because the pedophiles use a bear to capture their flock and keep them....children! It's called the pedophile bear, if anyone has access to the internet it is the symbol that pedophiles use. As if they got it from the bible.
And it's amazing that it corresponds with the stars! Of course they do it for the children......

Last edited by seraphim on Thu 19 Apr 2012, 05:27; edited 1 time in total

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  seraphim Thu 19 Apr 2012, 05:26

The twelve major constellations along with their sidereal sidepieces present the original drama of the ages in the form of what I call a Three-Act play. Act One is presented through the first four constellations — Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. It begins in Bethlehem with the birth of the “Seed” of the woman, and establishes His conflict with and victory over Scorpio — the “seed” of the serpent. Act Two is presented through four constellations — Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. They represent the Church Age and New
Testament Christianity, whose astronomical symbol is a fish. The last four constellations, along with their sidereal sidepieces, represent the concluding act in the great drama of the ages — The Tribulation Period followed by the Second Coming of Christ. It is presented through the constellations Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo.

The constellation, Virgo, was given to represent God’s promise in Genesis 3:15. It was in Eden that God spoke to the beguiling serpent: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel.”
This is a really interesting quote. The female will bruise the Satan's head and Satan will bruise his heel. His heel is a woman? And why would God call the woman It. It and he and woman don't match at all.

The fact that the constellation is called a virgin reminds us of Isaiah 7:14: “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name, Immanuel.”

There is a bright star in the foot of the shepherd called Elnath, meaning “the wounded.” It reminds us that the coming Judge is the one who was “wounded for our transgressions”
(Isaiah 53:5). Elnath reminds us that our Savior was to be wounded in the heel, as predicted in Genesis 3:15.

Ophiuchus is obviously a view of Christ who, though His heel is bruised in the conflict, succeeds in bruising the head of the Lawless One. In his hands he holds Serpens, keeping him from obtaining the Northern Crown.

The second sidereal sidepiece is Orion, which is said to be the most spectacular and wonderful sight in the night sky. Orion is pictured as a mighty hunter with a club in his right hand. In his left hand, he holds the skin of a lion that he has killed. Orion is mentioned twice in the book of Job and once in the prophecy of Amos. Orion means “coming forth as light.”

The brightest star in the constellation is Betelgeuse, meaning “the coming of the branch.” Another star in his foot is Rigel, meaning “the foot that crushes.” In the shoulder of the constellation is a star called Bellatrix, meaning “quickly coming.” In his leg is a star called Saiph meaning, “bruised.” Again, as in every other case, we are reminded of Christ crushing the head of the seed of the serpent. Orion is obviously a picture of Christ coming in power and great glory.

The other hero character is Hercules. He can be seen in the star chart beating a many-headed snake with his club. The snake is shown in the branches of a tree — most likely the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Hercules is another picture of the great Redeemer.

Kenneth C. Fleming, in his book God’s Voice in the Stars, wrote that the sign of Virgo pointed to Christ as the sign of the promised Seed of the woman; the sign of Libra showed the price He paid to secure man’s redemption; and the sign of Scorpio presented the conflict He had to endure. These celestial prophecies were given in the beginning, and were confirmed and expanded in Scripture.

The third great constellation is Scorpio. It represents a scorpion, though in some early cultures, he is depicted as a dragon or serpent. As we said earlier, in the 7th century B.C., he is shown trying to seize the lamp. Scorpio wants to be the “light of the world.” In other cultures, Scorpio is seen trying to sting the heel of the mighty Ophiuchus, who is seen in the ancient star charts wrestling with a great snake, called Serpens.

While the Scorpion is trying to wound the heel of Ophiuchus, the head of Scorpio is being wounded. It is said that the word, Scorpio, means “the Lawless One,” and as such, represents the seed of the serpent — the Antichrist.
Why would God pour vials of wrath on his people. And why would we be under the Antichrist's rule if God who used the woman won the battle.

The star in the heart of Scorpio is called Anteres. When seen in the nighttime sky, it gives the appearance of a deep red color and means, “the wounding.” While Ophiuchus is crushing the head of Scorpio, he is seen binding the serpent, who is trying to gain the northern crown. There are three sidereal sidepieces to the constellation Scorpio — Serpens, Ophiuchus, and Hercules. These help to tell the story of the conflict seen in Scorpio.

The third sidereal sidepiece is Eridanus, the “river of fire,” flowing from the raised foot of Orion. It represents the method by which Christ will crush the head of the seed of the serpent.

The third sidereal sidepiece is Lepus. In the star chart it is depicted as a rabbit, but in the most ancient zodiacs, it was a snake. It is located just below Orion, the glorious prince who crushes the head of Lepus, the serpent. There is a star in Orion’s raised foot called Rigel, meaning “the foot that crushes.”
So the woman and the snake which have something to do with each other, is called the glorious prince of peace or Savior here, crushes the head of Lepus, the serpent, which is the bad one or Satan. Two snakes battling each other? I wonder what the commenter was talking about.

The brightest star in Lepus is Arneb, meaning “the enemy of him who comes.” There is another star called Nihal, meaning “the mad” and another star Sulya, meaning “the deceiver.”
Yes, the major constellation Gemini, along with its sidereal sidepieces represents the coming Bridegroom as Prince of Peace, Savior, and Redeemer who will conquer the enemy trodden underfoot. He is coming to rapture the saints, thus keeping us from going through the Tribulation Period.

In Leo
Leo, the lion, is seen jumping on Hydra — ripping, tearing, and destroying him. Here is the conclusion of the whole matter. Here is the final triumph of the Son of God and the consummated victory of the “Seed” of the woman over the “seed” of the serpent.

The second sidereal sidepiece is called Crater and is represented as a cup, bowl, or vial of God’s wrath being poured out upon Hydra. I think it is significant that the constellation is made up of 13 stars, the number of “ill omen.” It reminds us of the story in Revelation 15 and 16 where seven angels take up vials of wrath and pour them out upon the kingdom of the Antichrist.

Interesting that God poured the vial of wrath on Satan and now the angels pour it on people who live in the kingdom of the Antichrist. Why we have diseases and such? Would that be all who live on Earth or this domain.

The female conquers Satan? With the help of the Son of God?
One of the popes said that Satan or evil is a living energy. So would the snakes or serpents mentioned in the bible be some kind of go between force, of the physical and non.
Also this Seed, which is obviously major thing that involves the serpent, representing Satan and the female representing God? They both have some kind of interesting blueprint.
p.s. Although they despise what is supposed to be good. It is obvious the pedophiles, Satanists use the bible for their own benefit. Another contradiction again.

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  KapitanScarlet Thu 19 Apr 2012, 09:29

And if the constellation and its myths , prophecies are but a projected commentary, record and prophecy on the human psyche, then everyone must get to red alert stage and turn their gaze inwards to watch how they are being affected and thus effecting others with their every breath , reinforces how the world of symbols, persuasions , brain conditioning , literally influence / control the people

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Musings On The Bible - Page 4 Empty Re: Musings On The Bible

Post  seraphim Tue 24 Apr 2012, 05:50

And of that projected psyche.....can you imagine....if we are the result of a Being, as the one in the Bible, or Beings or a computer like Being, that can use it's full willpower, mental, physical and spiritual abilities. And when did the evil start to happen in us. Perhaps we were made more whole and beneficial at first, but later on got manipulated. Or was the evil already in the Creator and we were made in it's image.

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