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Change.Org? Empty Re: Change.Org?

Post  tgII Sat 05 Jan 2013, 03:04

re: FBI are the Wall Street enforcers and are the states secret police

Related to the web site change.org. Best to stay off their site and any related site,
Flames, the security state might assassinate you.

He has it wrong in this discussion however, the American citizens have always been
the "enemy combatant", the "terrorist" and the "belligerent."


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Change.Org? Empty Re: Change.Org?

Post  KapitanScarlet Sun 03 Feb 2013, 11:45

Talking about overkill , the famous pirate file sharing website MEGAUPLOAD was busted in new zealand last year , heres a vid of some of the fBI instigasted special tactics squad fully armed raid on its fat wealthy host

But mr DOTCOM has just opened up a revamped site, but this time using a sort of icloud scenario for potential pirate file sharing , anyone uploading any goodies to his server , now has the upload fully encrypted which means mr dotcom can claim plausible denial to any court action , basically users can upload personal films etc from their collection then still file share with others, but they have to give the others the passwords to view the material
Therefore the FBI will now change their focus from mr dotcom to any users that are uploading material , latest films , software etc that is been shared to many people for free , good luck with that impossible task fbi (:

In the Uk and now most of europe ithink, the infamous piratebay cant be accessed officially , that is, unless you use a proxy server outside europe in which you can , there just arent no borders on the web Shocked Very Happy


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Change.Org? Empty Re: Change.Org?

Post  quicksilvercrescendo Sun 03 Feb 2013, 15:36

The internet is considered a modern day battlefield....it too, mentioned in the PNAC documents.

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Change.Org? Empty Re: Change.Org?

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